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Is there not a single man in India who can....


Sep 16, 2014
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....challenge this lying, deceiving so called Indian leader or indian govt peddling this false narrative of the post pulwama incident.

Not a single Indian who challenges the whole bullsh1t scenario about shooting down an F16 and lying about losing the 2nd plane or the 300 dead terrorist or surgical strikes on ballot or AJK

Not 1 person who goes against the force fed lies. SHAME ON YOU INDIANS YOU ARE A DISGRACE.

this whole bullcrap about surgical strikes is exactly that too all rubbish to brainwash and already braindead nation. Who follow these lies like sheep.

Can anyone find one person who challenges the writ of the establishment??
Here are a few ,



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I was checking on thier indian defence forum , but still they don't agreed , here is the screenshot
Screen Shot 2019-04-05 at 7.37.25 AM.png
Geee .... thanks. How magnanimous of you.

I guess that means you won't be stoning me to death. today.

I did not know there were options. :yahoo:

Is it like buying a blue burqa or a black burqa ?

You do realise more of the Saffron gangs are roaming round on your own streets and beating innocent Muslims with rods and forcing into their homes like Gurgaon incident etc? Funny everyone always forgets about their own horrors.
You do realise more of the Saffron gangs are roaming round on your own streets and beating innocent Muslims with rods and forcing into their homes like Gurgaon incident etc? Funny everyone always forgets about their own horrors.

lol....No I don't realize it.

I take it that you get your daily news buzz from PDF ? :lol:

You should be more concerned about being encouraged to do a sati against your will

At least they have a choice unlike Hindu widows who are forced to wear white and stay in one city only

lol again. Sati by its VERY DEFINITION is by your own will.

No Hindu widow wear white or live in one city :cheesy: Are you talking about 1945 ?
I assume you come to PDF drunk on cheap moonshine

Ofcourse "will of the inlaws" you mean

1. Sati itself is illegal. Though suicide is now not illegal.

2. If inlaws kill their daughter in law, its called Murder, not "sati". It does not matter "how" they kill.

No click the link above. I am talking about 2013. I can pretty safely say 2019 and unless we liberate the city even 2030

What link ?

What on earth are you going on about.
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