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Is there a ban on reporting bad news from India?


Jun 14, 2010
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Is there a ban on reporting bad news from India?​


By Andrew Buncombe
The Foreign Desk
Wednesday, 22 June 2011 at 6:41 am

It was the writer and activist Arundhati Roy who set foreign journalists in India busily chattering recently. In an interview with Stephen Moss in the Guardian, Ms Roy was discussing the Maoist and Adavasi “resistance” to encroachment on tribal lands. Mr Moss, asked her why, “we in the West don’t hear about these mini-wars?”. Ms Roy replied: “I have been told quite openly by several correspondents of international newspapers, that they have instructions – ‘No negative news from India’ – because it’s an investment destination. So you don’t hear about it. But there is an insurrection, and it’s not just a Maoist insurrection. Everywhere in the country, people are fighting.”

Mr Moss’s response was: “I find the suggestion that such an injunction exists – or that self-respecting journalists would accept it – ridiculous. Foreign reporting of India might well be lazy or myopic, [Thanks Stephen, that's very decent of you.] but I don’t believe it’s corrupt.”

I’ve been thinking about what both of them said, and discussing the matter with some colleagues based in India. I’ve never received a “no bad news” order from London and the colleagues I spoke with insisted that neither had they. Several things struck me:

In the last decade or so India has certainly been successful in re-branding its international image. Where once it was seen as a hopeless, overwhelmingly poor country, there has instead been focus on a newly aspirational middle-class and economic progress, the new “Shining India”. As a result, there are fewer stories about malnutrition (which still haunts huge numbers of Indians) but more about new airlines, coffee shops, call centres, the World Is Flat, eight per cent growth and the attendant changing structure of society, especially in urban India. Though things have probably shifted too much, the change in focus is understandable enough; the media is always looking for something new, something different, to report on. I also think that in India – as elsewhere in the world – the priorities of Western corporations sometimes find their way into the news agenda; every month or so, some article will ask when India will finally allow the likes of Wal-Mart and Tesco to operate here.

At the same time, does this stop “bad news” about India being broadcast or published? In the time I’ve been here, I’ve written about insurgencies, caste, poverty, farmer suicides, religious violence, killings in Kashmir, Hindu terror cells, corruption (a number of times), honour killings, slums, land battles and homelessness. In the last 18 months, The Independent has published three substantial pieces on the Maoists. My colleagues have done the same, travelling to Nyamgiri to write about the tribal people’s fight against mining company Vedanta, to the Maoist “infested” areas of Chhattisgarh and West Bengal, to Srinagar and Bihar, or working in Delhi where they highlighted the corruption and mis-management surrounding the Commonweath Games or else illegal child labour involved in the textile industry.

None of these issues could be considered positive for India’s image, and it’s true they are controversial. Invariably, articles that focus on such issues will be met by a barrage of condemnation on the web, usually from upper middle-class Indians who choose to believe the country has moved on from such things or else those living overseas. With some ugly and unhealthy exceptions, it must be said there is usually little interference from the Indian authorities.

I emailed Ms Roy, who I respect and admire even if I believe her analysis on some key issues is in need of some nuance, to ask if she had been misquoted and, if not, whether she could reveal the individuals labouring under the “no bad news” directive. She replied to say she had indeed been quoted correctly in the Guardian but that the correspondents she referred to had spoken to her “confidentially”. She said there had been two people who had told her this, which is a little different to “several” as she initially remarked.

Perhaps Mr Moss bears some of the blame for his question. Knowing that he was interviewing a leading Indian social activist, he might have spent a little more time researching the issues she has been writing about. He could have done little better than reading his own paper. In 2006, its correspondent spent several days travelling with the Maoists for a lengthy feature, while more recently, the paper has reported from the insurgent heartlands of West Bengal.

Perhaps the truth is that we’re all just too busy, or too lazy, to keep up with the news of any particular place, unless we make a conscious effort to do so. I chuckle, thinking that before moving to India four years ago, I had never heard of Bollywood superstar Shahrukh Khan (left). It now seems inconceivable that the man whose beaming face and bouffant hair greet me every day, from the Page 3 gossip stories to virtually every other television advert, was ever off the map.

Is there a ban on reporting bad news from India? | Andrew Buncombe | Independent Editor's choice Blogs
but it's common India censor a lot, such as Sonia G.

recently when the economy is bad shaped, they also tend to censor inflation news and to fake the numbers. I don't even believe those numbers released by Indian government.
I think there is ban on news which is not conducive for pakistanis like when minister said that our army can't match indian modernisation. Three similar threads were closed without any reason.
Hey, give the lady a break, will you? Things have not been going her way recently. The only printable book she ever wrote happened decades ago. Since then, she has done nothing to show that 'The God of Small Things' was anything but a flash in the pan. She and her husband were recently thrown out of their bungalow by the Courts as it had been illegally constructed on Govt forest land. Her reputation as a civil rights activists in India has been severely dented due to the spasmodic and fitful nature of her involvement in major issues and her penchant for jumping into the middle of issues which are purely sensational in character and then abandoning them as soon as the media glare has passed. She will soon be 50 and she has little to show for it. How much worse can things get, really? She has been desperately seeking attention like most women (and men) of her age. Nothing unusual about that. Unfortunately the sensationalist media of our country ensures that she gets a fair share of the lime light as long as her utterances remain anti establishment. The more scandalous, her statements, the greater is the prime time assured. She does not reaslise that her apprtite for media attention has made her nearly irrelevant and non serious. She has a status similar to that of Zaid Hamid. No one takes them seriously. The only difference is that Zaid Hamid is a patriot while she is not.
A ban on reporting bad news from India??? What a bloody joke. Pick up the news paper any day. 80% is bad news. Can the Indian media be muzzled so easily? Ask Arnab Goswami of News Hour.
4-5 ministers have already resigned.And many scams and bribe cases reported and action taken , thanks to medias.

Ban on reporting... LOL... funny thread of the day.

Arundhati Roy at it again... its been some time she had some media coverage. May even dance in bollywood to get fame. Attention wh@r3...
I thought Indian news media has never got good news the start the day?
Who is a making such complaints. A. Roy !...an over educated but jobless women?
Mrs. A. Roy find some job. We know you are doing some paid interviews these day to run the house and do more land scams in tribal areas, but your rants are baseless diatribes with no head and tail.
but it's common India censor a lot, such as Sonia G.

recently when the economy is bad shaped, they also tend to censor inflation news and to fake the numbers. I don't even believe those numbers released by Indian government.

If you've read the article carefully, you'd have realized that the author actually goes on to negate the notion that there's a ban on bad news from India. Just like there's no ban on good news from Pakistan. Journalists, correspondents, authors are lazy and find it easy to report stories that correspond with well known and well accepted images of the country.
I live in US and I can always find some source reporting good or bad news about India. Guardian and Roy has a reputation..and it's not "good" one. New York Times or Washington Post has no problem finding "these war" news..Hell, you can find them on Huff post! I hardly read Indian news publication anyways. Most are so sub-par.
Is there anyone who feels there is a ban on all -ve news from India..I dont think so. LOL. I think there is more -ve news from India than all nations in Asia put together..
If you've read the article carefully, you'd have realized that the author actually goes on to negate the notion that there's a ban on bad news from India. Just like there's no ban on good news from Pakistan. Journalists, correspondents, authors are lazy and find it easy to report stories that correspond with well known and well accepted images of the country.

If Roy stops being "controversial", how will she pay for her food? It's a full time job.
lol indian people have forgot this attention seeker and the world has tooo
but pakistanis will never forget her lol
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