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Is the US close to defeat in Afghanistan ?

" fun talking to you mate:coffee:"

I'll be sure to let you know when I read something of substance from your agenda-driven diatribes worth the time it takes to wade through the attendant convolutions...


The army is fighting a phantom , enemy , non existance airforce

None existant , malitia , and non existant navy....

They are just fighting 200-300 or 4000 fighters here and there

And they are wasting Millions/day with their hugh armies of 60,000-150,000 soldiers all over the place...


Also over coming sheep hearders is not really an achivement, and specially if the move was illegal by UN standards of morals

How can you be defeated if you never were engaged in a real battle ,
it could be just a case of just closure of operations , not really a defeat , but more of ... completed opereation goals to disrupt AlQaieda and Taliban goals -


If the weapons are moved out or confiscated all over Afghanistan , the problem would go away ...
" fun talking to you mate:coffee:"

I'll be sure to let you know when I read something of substance from your agenda-driven diatribes worth the time it takes to wade through the attendant convolutions...



and your posts are divine and not agenda-driven?

Com'on mate

i appreciate that you acknowledge the incompetence and corruption of the Karzai regime that is directly under the command of the US. their actions in my opinion reflect the intentions of the US policies. not because i hate the US, which of course is not the case, but because i don't see any improvement in the lives of the afghans. there are no good actions that support this. their actions have rather embolden the militants and polarized more afghans towards their cause. record breaking attacks on US and coalition forces this year coupled with scandals of your coalition buddies paying the Taliban for protection certainly neither help your cause or give you good publicity.

i hardly doubt the militancies will stop even if you put as many troops there as possible as long as your actions speak louder than words and reflect good intentions. in order to acheive that in my opinion you'd have to have a roundable talk with all the stakeholders involved...both regional and domestic including the Talibs...and begining with a small troop withdrawal as a goodwill gesture
As if the US is gonna. cut and run

The Taliban would eventually take over again and before long it will become a terrorist haven.

there is no running unlike in Iraq, what the US is doing in Afghanistan is actually justified.

There is no backing out, otherwise the extremists win, they will know they can defeat the great powers and sooner or later they will only intensify terrorism across the world.

even Pakistan will be affected, if the US loose, although initially the Taliban and terrorists will flee to Afghanistan to escape from the Pakistan military, eventually they will retake the mission of establishing an Islamic state in Pakistan, and the nightmare Pakistan is facing is bound to repeat it self.

THE US war in Afghanistan is the worlds war against Terrorism, and its one we cant afford to loose.
And the US knows that all too well
As if the US is gonna. cut and run
even Pakistan will be affected, if the US loose, although initially the Taliban and terrorists will flee to Afghanistan to escape from the Pakistan military, eventually they will retake the mission of establishing an Islamic state in Pakistan, and the nightmare Pakistan is facing is bound to repeat it self.

I thought we were living in an islamic country. Guess I am on the wrong side of the planet or you have discovered a new Pakistan.:lol:
I thought we were living in an islamic country. Guess I am on the wrong side of the planet or you have discovered a new Pakistan.:lol:

There version of Islam , is one that has been twisted beyond recognition.
I do not want argue smantics.

but the the Taliban version of the Islamic state was enforced in Afghanistan till the US invaded.

And the Pak gov was also planning to enforce the Taliban version of Islam in the Swat region.

Luckily for you your government came to its senses and dealt with them with bullets rather than words.

If you want to know the Talibans version of Islam, you can go join them and find out.

Even after all Pakistan has been through, you still want to justify the actions of these bastards.

And shout about how the Indians and Americans are the real threat to Pakistan.

and where was your all weather friend China in all this, busy building roads, bridges and rail that go from Pakistan's Coast all the way to China.

Get your Perspective straight, Your friends have shown how far they are will to go for your sake and the enemies that are the real danger to Pakistan are Clear to see, from those that may pose a danger.

I mean seriously, what do you think India and US are gonna do to Pakistan.
Conquer and Occupy.
niter of the two has the will or resources to do this.
Our perspective is quite clear.

While taliban were in power in Afghanistan the law and order situation was near perfect. There were no drugs or crimes in Afghanistan. Even UN recognized that.

With the arrival of US the law and order situation has deteriorated. Drugs have returned. Infact even US soldiers are involved and are making easy money.

Our government tried to convince these elements by talks when that failed now they are facing the music.

One thing should be clear it is not only the taliban we are fighting but also Indian and US backed elements trying to destabilize the Pakistan. We have eliminated them from Swat and hopefully shall remove them from Waziristan.

US is not interested in eliminating these elements 100% since they shall loose the argument for continuing war or error. Ever wondered why they haven't been able to kill or arrest key figures even after 8 years into fighting with all the high tech gadgets at their disposal.

Our real enemy is still India and shall remain soo.
Our perspective is quite clear.

While taliban were in power in Afghanistan the law and order situation was near perfect. There were no drugs or crimes in Afghanistan. Even UN recognized that.

With the arrival of US the law and order situation has deteriorated. Drugs have returned. Infact even US soldiers are involved and are making easy money.

Our government tried to convince these elements by talks when that failed now they are facing the music.

One thing should be clear it is not only the taliban we are fighting but also Indian and US backed elements trying to destabilize the Pakistan. We have eliminated them from Swat and hopefully shall remove them from Waziristan.

US is not interested in eliminating these elements 100% since they shall loose the argument for continuing war or error. Ever wondered why they haven't been able to kill or arrest key figures even after 8 years into fighting with all the high tech gadgets at their disposal.

Our real enemy is still India and shall remain soo.
If yes then do you propose surrender of PA to TTP. Taliban will establish the rule of law in Pakistan making it the Utopian state with peace and the real rule of Law. It is easy for you to comment about state of law and order under Taliban regime. Try living in it to realize the reality.

Or are you still confused in the good and bad Taliban??

Sir, These rag tag uncivilized, inhuman beings are a shame to human civilization and have no place in modern society.

We moved beyond the stone ages, care to come along??
"There were no drugs or crimes in Afghanistan."


No drugs, eh?

Please refer to this to lift the veil of illusion around you-

UNODC Press Conference-2004

Here's the specific quote-

"While potential opium production in 2004 was lower than the record set in 1999 (4,200 metric tons in 2004, compared to 4,600 in 1999..."

4600 tons in 1999. A then world record. 1999. Taliban. You can actually google this information to learn about 1997, 1998, and 2000 also.

THOSE are the facts and you may perpetuate a MYTH or come to the actual truth.

With dope comes crimes but, then, the taliban were a crime upon humanity in any case.

I hope you won't continue willfully living a lie about this serious issue. Too many here like you have said this about the taliban and opium and are terribly, terribly wrong.
You can actually google this information to learn about 1997, 1998, and 2000 also.

I hope you won't continue willfully living a lie about this serious issue. Too many here like you have said this about the taliban and opium and are terribly, terribly wrong.
This is beyond being 'wrong' from simple incompetence. This is about sheer intellectual dishonesty. This is about creating a lie in order to create a contrast to the US. None who create this lie have the courage to spend even a month living under the Taliban.
What about the Massacre of Hazaras under Taliban rule was that also the prefect system of government
I see you prefer denial of commonly known and accepted facts and instead embrace any dubious source that fits a skewed narrative.

Meanwhile, you're welcome to admiit you were wrong about the taliban or not.

Gambit, however, is correct and your reaction confirms that you are simply an anti-American, pro-taliban mouthpiece.
The army is fighting a phantom , enemy , non existance airforceNone existant , malitia , and non existant navy....

They are just fighting 200-300 or 4000 fighters here and there And they are wasting Millions/day with their hugh armies of 60,000-150,000 soldiers all over the place...


Also over coming sheep hearders is not really an achivement, and specially if the move was illegal by UN standards of morals

How can you be defeated if you never were engaged in a real battle ,
it could be just a case of just closure of operations , not really a defeat , but more of ... completed opereation goals to disrupt AlQaieda and Taliban goals -


If the weapons are moved out or confiscated all over Afghanistan , the problem would go away ...

Yes, Ive always wondered how can the US Army and Pakistan Army now fight for 8 years (post 9/11 in Afghanistan) and not finish off 8000 original estimated number of insurgents...with all the money and effort..obviously its a smokescreen for something else.....

Who funds Taliban and Alqaeda and for what purpose? Whats your view?
It is funny how those who believe Islam and whose image is corrupted by the media want to be defeated. November 21, 1979 (Muharram 1400) Pakistan and the French were involved in trying to free the Kabah in Mecca from dissidents.

Pakistan helped bring Al-Qaeda and Taliban to the border.

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