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Is The U.S. Navy In Danger Of Falling Behind China’s PLAN?

THis will happen, but only in the video games. Iranian coast is too dangerous, forget the navy.anything above surface will get hit easily if desired by Iran. US aircraft carriers are already getting outdated, the same way Tesla is outdating petrol engines..
USN is by far the most capable naval force in the world with vastly superior EW capabilities, sensor fidelity and netting, and defenses than that of IRIN and IRGC put together. I do not think you realize the obvious. Anything above surface will get hit easily? This is wishful thinking. USN is capable of intercepting/jamming/spoofing incoming missiles in large numbers. And they can counter-engage Iranian military positions from considerable distances and various angles with impunity if they wish to.
nepal is brother country which is being influenced by chinese honey trap . china is going to regret because america is now aware of the danger of giving free hand to copy cat china .
What DESPICABLE brother country would blockade MUCH NEEDED SUPPLIES to Nepal that was just devastated by a huge earthquake?

Afraid ONLY a INDIAN pretending to be Nepali would say that.
USN is by far the most capable naval force in the world with vastly superior EW capabilities, sensor fidelity and netting, and defenses than that of IRIN and IRGC put together.
THis is exactly why US keeps losing wars- because people believe its so "capable". If its so capable then why has US lost Afghanistan??? i dont G A FUK about any technology US military has, i care about winning wars and achieving objectives, and being capable probably increases your chances of doing so, but its no guarantee.

US military these days is all about deterrence, not actual war fighting..because there is no use starting a war u cant win(CHina).
All of which has nothing to do with the subject being discussed - which is whether the US or China is a bigger threat to global peace and harmony. Domestic issues, being a sissy or not and how long China's relationship with Pakistan (or any other country) will last are irrelevant. However, if you really feel like pontificating on human rights and 'values' on behalf of the US Establishment, please do explain how all of that fits in with the US's continued, decades long support and funding for countries like Israel and India, that continue to occupy, persecute and oppress millions of Palestinians and Kashmiris.

What is relevant is analysis of foreign policy and the actions taken by the US/China, such as stoking conflict, engaging in wars, military invasions, sanctions and embargoes etc. undertaken outside of the UN Charter.

The US does what it does for its own benefit. Same as China. Neither is a angel.

If Chinese nationalists have their way, they would also be starting wars if/when they become the sole superpower...
THis is exactly why US keeps losing wars- because people believe its so "capable". If its so capable then why has US lost Afghanistan??? i dont G A FUK about any technology US military has, i care about winning wars and achieving objectives, and being capable probably increases your chances of doing so, but its no guarantee.

US military these days is all about deterrence, not actual war fighting..because there is no use starting a war u cant win(CHina).
Let us compare Iran and USA in demonstrated warfare capabilities and accomplishments against a common foe (i.e. Iraq). USA fought and defeated Iraq in two separate wars, and managed to reshape Iraqi political landscape in the process. This is something Iran could not accomplish. So which country is better equipped to fight from the two? You have your answer.

There is much greater variety of weapons and tools in modern times than ever before and these options are making it possible for different entities to fight in different ways. Militant groups have nothing in common with conventional security apparatus of a country in particular.

Conventional model of warfare is suited to challenging and/or dismantling conventional security apparatus of a country which is not the case in Afghanistan. While occupying Afghanistan, American politicians thought that they could introduce Western-style democracy and governance model in Afghanistan and make it work - they were absolutely mistaken in this respect and their efforts to reshape political landscape of Afghanistan FLOPPED consequently (they FAILED to understand Afghan culture and customs). American troops cannot do much in this capacity - this is not what they are trained to. Furthermore, it can be very expensive to sustain occupation of a distant country with a sophisticated war-machine for a long period of time due to LOGISTICS related considerations and costs involved. Therefore, occupation objectives should be well-researched and realistic. American politicians are IDIOTS instead.

Afghans tend to be more trigger-happy than diplomatic on average as well, and this dynamic makes it difficult to groom them for long-standing diplomatic solutions.

Numerous Pakistani understand Afghans better than Americans as well. American politicians are IDIOTS for paying heed to Indians in regards to Afghanistan (does India share border with Afghanistan?); Trump administration was the FIRST to pay heed to Pakistani suggestions in regards to Afghanistan. Americans should listen to Pakistan and figure out a solution for Afghanistan with Pakistani support. Pakistan's FAULT is that it wasn't very clear in its TERMS to Americans in regards to Afghanistan. Pakistan could be HIGHLY ASSERTIVE in this matter than it chose to be. Therefore, this war dragged on and on for all stakeholders involved which is a tragedy in itself.
China fought Vietnam and lost , so what's your point ?

All Chinese troops are good at doing is rushing the enemy in large numbers anyways , and before you tell America lost Vietnam listen to this a NVA commander himself admitted that if the Americans have bombarded them anymore they would lose the war.

1 million NVA/VietCong will killed , unlike 50,000 Americans

China fought Vietnam and lost,that is a fake news!
a single USN Carrier Group has more firepower not to mention the knowledge and experience than entire Chinese Navy

if China deployed 3 carriers against a single USN carrier strike group all 3 Chinese carriers would be sunk

USN has 100 years of experience and knowledge behind it with over 80 carriers constructed

China builds 1 carrier and fanboys are dreaming again

I don't believe your statements!
The US does what it does for its own benefit. Same as China. Neither is a angel.

If Chinese nationalists have their way, they would also be starting wars if/when they become the sole superpower...
When they (the Chinese) do that, we'll criticize the Chinese nationalists for destabilizing the world and endangering global peace and security as well.

Till then, it is the US that is destabilizing the world and endangering global peace and harmony.

Let's stick to the reality and facts of today instead of hypotheticals of what Chinese nationalists may or may not do at some point in the distant future.
When they (the Chinese) do that, we'll criticize the Chinese nationalists for destabilizing the world and endangering global peace and security as well.

Till then, it is the US that is destabilizing the world and endangering global peace and harmony.

Let's stick to the reality and facts of today instead of hypotheticals of what Chinese nationalists may or may not do at some point in the distant future.

Start with criticizing China for it's debt trap policies....it's treatment of Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities, it's heavy handed dictatorship.....saying that Covid isn't a thing back in December 2019......the list goes on...there's probably a 100 different things on the list which you can use to criticize China.

OTOH, I can count the amount of grievances the Muslim world has with the US on my fingers...
in recent history China did not invaded others!correct!

Vietnam, India & South Korea would like to say something...

And if China gets its way....Taiwan too. :lol:
Start with criticizing China for it's debt trap policies....
False - countries are responsible for entering into agreements with China. They have the option to refuse or choose someone else. China isn't holding a gun to anyone's head.
it's treatment of Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities, it's heavy handed dictatorship
Nowhere as bad as the Western media pushed by the US Establishment makes it out to be. Either way, a domestic issue for China. China is not occupying internationally disputed territory and it's not like the US doesn't pick and chooses which dictatorships are 'kosher'. You can criticize China's domestic human rights record when the US stops supporting and funding Israeli and Indian occupations and atrocities in Palestine & J&K respectively.
.....saying that Covid isn't a thing back in December 2019
Trump said 'Covid isn't a bad thing' as well. Just because all the information wasn't present to arrive at a conclusion that it would cause a full fledged pandemic doesn't make the Chinese guilty of anything other than an bad analysis.
......the list goes on...there's probably a 100 different things on the list which you can use to criticize China.
If the rest of the list is like the issues you presented above, then it's pretty useless.
OTOH, I can count the amount of grievances the Muslim world has with the US on my fingers...
You're changing the goal posts to some 'Muslim thing'. I'm pointing out the US's role overall, Muslim or not, in destabilizing the world and endangering global peace and harmony.

MIllions dead in wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria.

Continued support for occupation and atrocities of millions in Palestine & J&K - both Israel and India are looked at as 'strong allies' of the US.

Sanctions and embargoes in pursuit of geo-political interests causing suffering for yet more millions.

Support for fascist & brutal regimes (overthrowing elected regimes in many cases) from Latin America to Asia.

Nothing China has done in modern history, globally, comes close to the amount of death, destruction and instability caused by the US Establishment.
False - countries are responsible for entering into agreements with China. They have the option to refuse or choose someone else. China isn't holding a gun to anyone's head.

False, countries aren't responsible for what their corrupt leaders do......or are they? :D

CPEC started in the Zardari era.....most of the agreements were made then......you think Zardari cared about Pakistan or filling his own pockets at whatever expense necessary??

Even your idol Imran Khan spoke against the conditions on which CPEC stands...

Why aren't the agreements open for the public to see?? What's there to hide? :rolleyes:

Nowhere as bad as the Western media pushed by the US Establishment makes it out to be. Either way, a domestic issue for China. China is not occupying internationally disputed territory and it's not like the US doesn't pick and chooses which dictatorships are 'kosher'. You can criticize China's domestic human rights record when the US stops supporting and funding Israeli and Indian occupations and atrocities in Palestine & J&K respectively.

Right right.....Western media bad....Chinese State Media good...

Chinese State Media OTOH:


They literally called Uyghur women "baby making machines". :lol:

Twitter removed their post later on...

Even the resident thread spammer acknowledges what you can't:


Here's more:


This one literally spoke my mind:


This one acknowledge that Islam is being suppressed in China:


These are all Chinese who access PDF....a banned website in China....through Proxy. Who would I believe?? You or them?? :D

Uyghurs OTOH:






And I can post tons more images...

More Evidence:

Uighurs forced to eat pork as China expands Xinjiang pig farms

There are literally hundreds of similar threads on PDF explaining the plight of Uyghurs........you really gotta be high on some serious propaganda to not see the reality.

Nothing China has done in modern history, globally, comes close to the amount of death, destruction and instability caused by the US Establishment.



Let me know when the US has killed even 10M Muslims. :rofl:

You're out of your league....if you didn't have mod powers....I would have been more strict with you. :devil:
False - countries are responsible for entering into agreements with China. They have the option to refuse or choose someone else. China isn't holding a gun to anyone's head.
there's a reason why China prefers investment in poor countries headed by dictatorial regimes, where there's no accountability . :azn:
there's a reason why China prefers investment in poor countries headed by dictatorial regimes, where there's no accountability . :azn:

It literally tried to bribe Aussie politicians and got caught! LOL

Obviously it tried the same with Pakistani politicians and succeeded. :D
There are literally hundreds of similar threads on PDF explaining the plight of Uyghurs........you really gotta be high on some serious propaganda to not see the reality.
there's many, mine got deleted secretly, because lets face it, these people can't argue with me about the Uyghurs and decide to delete my thread which I point many of the logical fallacy these chinese fanboys spew.

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