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Is the New Silk Road really an economic corridor for China and Pakistan?


Aug 20, 2011
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While the world is busy tackling the ISIS and its look-alikes in the Middle East, China, on the other hand, has other plans to chase.

One such plan is reviving the centuries old Silk Route, or the New Silk Road – a series of routes that were important in the past for cultural interactions and trade between the East and the West.

As part of this revival, China recently announced working on a high speed train from Lanzhou to Urumqi, capital of the troubled Xinjiang province. It is also rumoured that the train may, in future, reach out to regional states including Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran and Turkey, along with further reaching out to, and concluding in, Bulgaria (Europe).

With extensive visits to central Asian states by the Chinese president and penning a number of multibillion dollar deals with his counterparts, President Xi Jinping of China has ensured that his vision of the New Silk Road starts off on the right footing.

The progress on the project comes at an ideal phase in the Chinese economy, where the country recently surpassed the US economy in terms of its purchasing power parity (PPP). China’s PPP, in the current year, has reached a mammoth figure of $17.6 trillion or 16.48% of the world’s GDP, while the US stands at $17.4 trillion.

The Silk Road Project consists of three parts. The first part starts from Xian (China) goes through Pakistan and ends in Turkey. The second strand stretches from Bangladesh to Myanmar, whereas the third aims at connecting China’s Fujian coast with the rest of the world.

Luckily for Pakistan and its economic prospects, China plans to expand one of the three Silk Route channels into Pakistan, starting from Kashgar and ending in Gwadar via Karachi.


Funds have already been allocated for preliminary research to measure prospects of building one of the toughest routes that is ought to connect China and Pakistan.

Reviving the Silk Road economic belt was the brainchild of President Jinping, under whose orders research and development work on the project has sped up since the final quarter of 2013. China’s interest of including Pakistan in the project stems from its fears of any drastic US actions that could see Washington cutting of Beijing’s energy supply through various sea routes that it oversees, or controls virtually. That is where Gwadar’s importance kicks in.
Controlling Gwadar means that China sits right next to the Persian Gulf, one of the most important oil trade corridors in the world. Also, China, being the largest global oil importer, seems to gain a lot from a fully operational Gwadar port by cutting down thousands of miles in transportation and millions of dollars in costs.

But this can certainly not imply that China is the sole beneficiary of Gwadar. Blueprints of the Pakistan-China Economic Corridor provide hope that the project, as well as the port, could spur economic growth in Pakistan.

India, on the other hand, has already voiced concerns over Chinese ‘ambitions’ of this new project, which it says is aimed at increasing Chinese influence both in the sea as well as on land. These concerns were put to bed by Gao Zhenting, councillor of the department of international economic affairs, who invited India to join this project citing India’s historical importance in the trade route.

Ironically, the United States also came up with its own version of the Silk Road Project seeking to expand its influence in the rapid growing Central and East Asian regions. But it seems that with ample time and cash on hand, China is in a clear lead.

The Silk Road Project’s prospects are also tied to regional stability and cooperation. However creative this project may be, it can’t be concluded without bursting cooperation from partner states. And one major issue at hand, for both China and Pakistan, is the brewing spiral of militancy in Xinjiang and FATA region. China has already expressed its discontent over the presence of Uighur training camps in Pakistan and has thus asked its neighbour to use an iron fist against such facilities.

If security concerns are thoroughly addressed, China’s greater strategic plan encompassing two major continents, while working on bilateral ties with states like Pakistan involved in it, could not only benefit Beijing and give it a long awaited economic hold, but could infuse life into dwindling economies of partner states – especially that of Pakistan.
The Silk Road Project, even with all its complications, presents a good lesson of a concrete economic vision for the long run.

Is the New Silk Road really an economic corridor for China and Pakistan? – The Express Tribune Blog

Since when China has offered India to join this economy corridor, my Pakistani friends you guys know anything about this?? :cray:
Since when China has offered India to join this economy corridor, my Pakistani friends you guys know anything about this?? :cray:

If India want to join this corridor all Pakistan need is to little extension of existing motorway (Lahore - Islamabad) to India border, but the question is why we should do it?
* Inviting India was a tactical move to pacify it. Its like inviting them to eat beef stew even when you know that they don't eat beef but you do it anyway.

* ETIM is a bigger threat to Pakistan, than to China. We don't discriminate them from TTP, therefore they are getting the full scale shaft from PA.

* Indian plan is to try and cripple this plan by funding ETIM and Marxist rebels in Pakistan's Balochistan to choke the transit from two different geographic locations. I remember an Indian expert bragged on the TV that how will China and Pak reap the benefits of this project when rail lines will be blown up regularly.

* Indian firing on LoC is an indication of the fact that its ETIM and Uzbek proxies have been turned into a chicken soup by PA. They want them to have some comfort by diverting Pakistan's attention to the LoC.

* India is the only threat to the new silk route project. Pakistan and China need to work out their options to put them in their place together.
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* Indian plan is to try and cripple this plan by funding ETIM and Marxist rebels in Pakistan's Balochistan to choke the transit from two different geographic locations. I remember an Indian expert bragged on the TV that how will China and Pak reap the benefits of this project when rail lines will be blown up regularly.

Marxists rebels in Pakistans Balochistan

MArxixtx rebels ?

a goof up by you

or a new one ?
If India want to join this corridor all Pakistan need is to little extension of existing motorway (Lahore - Islamabad) to India border, but the question is why we should do it?

If India can come with a descent proposal than I think Pakistan can consider the offer, of course since the transit pass through your country, you guys will have the last word on the deal. This article seems to show that China have no objection for India to take part of this corridor in order to avoid any suspicions about our bad intention toward India, we just want to have an ecomonical corridor for energy and to make our western regions prosper.
Bangladesh–China–India–Myanmar Forum for Regional Cooperation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
BCIM Corridor a game changer for South Asian trade | East Asia Forum
The BCIM Corridor aims to promote trade and investment in the region through trade facilitation measures and greater participation of the public and private sectors. It is likely to encourage further interest by Chinese and Indian firms in Myanmar. An upgrade of the 312 kilometre stretch of Stilwell Road, which connects Northeast India with Yunnan through northern Myanmar, could lower transportation costs between India and China by 30 per cent and escalate already growing Sino–Indian trade through the BCIM Corridor. Yunnan and West Bengal can cooperate in sectors like agro-processing. The fact that the capitals of the two provinces, Kunming and Kolkata, are the two ends of the BCIM Corridor only adds to prospects for greater exchange.
China Invites India To The ‘Maritime Silk Road’ | The Diplomat
Until now, the “Maritime Silk Road” (MSR) was China’s pitch to ASEAN, promising to deepen trade and cooperation between the PRC and various Southeast Asian countries. Xi Jinping coined the concept late last year and has been marketing it ever since. It appears now that Xi has expanded the reach of the MSR to India; China extended an invitation for India to join the MSR during the recent 17th round of border talks between the Special Representatives of the two countries in New Delhi.

Chinese Special Representative Yang Jiechi presented the invitation to Indian National Security Adviser Shivshankar Menon. India has accepted the invitation although it is not entirely clear what it entails at this point.

All these initiatives show the eagerness of china to improve mercantile relationships with and among the Asian countries.
With improved infrastructure and greater trade leading to better economy and can translate to stability in the region.
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China Invites India To The ‘Maritime Silk Road’ | The Diplomat

All these initiatives show the eagerness of china to improve mercantile relationships with and among the Asian countries.
With improved infrastructure and greater trade leading to better economy and can translate to stability in the region.

Traditionally, China is a trading nation we built our prosperity throught trade. Better economy and stability of the region can't not be dissociated: when the region is unstable such Middle east, it's hard to improve economy and bring prosperity to the region.

Traditionally, China is a trading nation we built our prosperity throught trade. Better economy and stability of the region can't not be dissociated: when the region is unstable such Middle east, it's hard to improve economy and bring prosperity to the region.
Exactly both India and China have been traditional trading nations, and historically they were prosperous. The drawing of borders by colonial powers lead to the disruption of the traditional trading routes and trade became dependent on the colonial powers. As these route are restored, more prosperity will return to the region.
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