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Is the military gap between Pakistan and India increasing or decreasing?

Is the military gap between Pakistan and India increasing or decreasing?

  • It's increasing

  • It's decreasing

  • It's the same as it was 20 years ago

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With tensions on our eastern front the military gap will increase much more rapidly now .

Between Pakistan Couldn't win a war when the military gap war was much much lower,

what can they do now ?

Pakistan should be more scared of its internal issues.
Brahmos ?
They have ghori ghazni abdali ?

My friend these are ballistic missiles of Pakistan and BRAHMOS is cruise missile...... but still technology wise those Pakistan BMs comes nowhere even close to BRAHMOS.....
Ask any county if they want ghazni, abdali, ghouri missiles in their armed forces or BRAHMOS..... you will get your answer.....
With tensions on our eastern front the military gap will increase much more rapidly now .

Between Pakistan Couldn't win a war when the military gap war was much much lower,

what can they do now ?

Pakistan should be more scared of its internal issues.
No genius, there was a time, Pakistan didn't have to worry about Afghan border and just concentrated on the Indian side....later it had to divert some resources towards the Afghan border....now look at India....how much of it's military is located on LAC compared to say six month earlier....with over two dozen freedom and insurgency movement.....India knows well that any war will lead to all these movements settling their own scores.....India will never be in a win win situation .
My friend these are ballistic missiles of Pakistan and BRAHMOS is cruise missile...... but still technology wise those Pakistan BMs comes nowhere even close to BRAHMOS.....
Ask any county if they want ghazni, abdali, ghouri missiles in their armed forces or BRAHMOS..... you will get your answer.....
Here look at the pictures since you can't remember their names.


There's always been a big gap, we've bridged it in the past by dedicating a much larger proportion of our national resources to defence compared to the Indians. And crucially by building alliances with superpowers such as the US and China. And also in the event of war, we have always banked on it ending before attrition knocks us out cold.

Today the gap is larger than in the past and IMO the real worry is the sheer potential that exists for the gap to grow in coming years and decades. At the end of the day, the economy is the bottom line which underpins the ability of a country to gather enough internal resources for defensive needs, maintaining a industry and external acquisitions. The Indian economy will eventually overtake all other economies in size save for China and the US, it's reasonable to project that they would also have the ability to meet nearly all their security needs through the sole use of internal resources, technologies and industries.

There are plenty of areas in defence where a critical mass is needed before even attempting to pursue certain defense projects, for example, designing your own turbofan engine, having the necessary tech base and metallurgy for turbine design. This is a game for heavyweights, technology alone may not cut it. Indians might eventually achieve this some decades from now, we can only dream of it.

Other advantages that come with size include economies of scale, e.g building one or two destroyers is expensive and high cost of R&D and tailor-made technologies drives up total cost per ship, but if like China you've built an industry that can churn out several of each type and build numerous simultaneously, all while having commonality in technology with other vessels that you produce, then the cost per craft is decreased. This economy of scale is enjoyed by major powers who have large domestic need and also export customers, it allows them to justify high levels of R&D.

These are just defence industry related comments I've made. With scale also comes diplomatic power, financial/economic power and geopolitical power. These can again be counterbalanced with competent leadership and a well-functioning state, as well as those alliances we mentioned before. And luckily we are heading towards a multi-polar world in which no one power or one group of powers will dominate world trade and international affairs. Dollar sanctions won't mean as much as they did in the past, UNSC heavyweights may have their counterweights.

Now I'm going to say something that might be unpopular to some on here. Eventually, it is within out best interests to make peace with India. As of today, we have maintained through hard work, luck and alliances, and by the grace of God, a significant deterrence against India. But it costs us a lot, and it will be even harder to sustain in the future. If it wasn't for our alliance with China, things would already be looking very bleak. I know that the political appetite for peace in our camp is now strong, both the civilian leadership and the army want to have talks with India. I hope we can find some like-minded and sane heads on the other side and come to some better situation in the future. Then we can discuss the benefits that come with a peace dividend, instead of discussing grim matters such as how well we protect ourselves from one another.

Useful chart comparing the dollar value difference. Each year the funding difference increases between the two. We have been fortunate that the Indians haven’t been spending this money as efficiently or it would be even more difficult for us. We need every cent to go 6 times as far. Can’t compete 1:1, we need critical disruptive technologies/domestic growth of industry.
PEOPLE underestimate or completely ignore that ECONOMIC power & Financial Power is the BEDROCK of military power LONG TERM ie sustained military power.

In this regard India GDP versis pak GDP was barely 7- 1 in 2010
TODAY its closer to 10-1 .
In other words indian per capita income is 50% higHer than each pakistani BUT the difference in Forex IS FRIGHTENING ie $540 billion versis $14 billion .

Unless you get your act together on economy this arms race will be won by India and with realative ease
but still technology wise those Pakistan BMs comes nowhere even close to BRAHMOS.....

What's so special about Brahmos technology? Its a supersonic missile, essentially a rocket which would be the easiest for Pakistan to shoot down. Brahmos RCS would be that of an elephant flying at such fast speeds. It would be immediately detected and neutralized.

There is a reason the Americans gave away with supersonic missiles and stick to the Tomahawks. That being said, Brahmos would be a very serious missile threat against someone like Bangladesh or Nepal that does not has an extensive C4I but against someone like Pakistan, it does not stand a chance.
@Cookie Monster The flight path mustn't be changed for oreliken to engage. May be better for cruise missile or rocket artillery hitting some base.. but idk its effectiveness.
what about APS like trophy or iron fist? I mean what would Al-Zarar do in north east w/o it? @Signalian [USEqR=1836]@PanzerKiel[/USER]
and what about converting some to mine dispenser? ( from T59/T60 )
Oerlikon will have no problem engaging slow moving aircrafts like UAVs and helicopters. The problem as mentioned by Pazerkiel is that it can't engage on the move(and a second issue being that it requires more trained personnel and maintenance as compared to missile based air defense systems). It really serves no purpose to provide air defense for armored formations if the SPAAG has to stop...stabilize...and then engage. I was not aware of this earlier...that it couldn't fire on the move...otherwise I wouldn't have proposed such an idea. Thanks to Pazerkiel...now I know
Money makes the mare run, my dear Sir. Everybody posting has carefully stepped around that landmine.
Agreed...any arms race(to use that term loosely here to describe closing the gap) goes hand in hand with the strength of the economy. It is true India has made immense economic progress...while Pakistan has lagged behind(for various reasons). However by some miracle...Pak has stretched every penny of its defense budget(not as much as I would like...as I mentioned before in case of PA)...
...while at the same time India has sunk billions inefficiently(also various reasons involved there).

I was just comparing the progress made over the entire journey from 1947 till now(comparing the gap between Indian military and Pak's military). It was more of an observation in general...a quick post to jot down my thoughts. I have recently been mostly absent...as I have been rather busy...
...hence the not so detailed post.
The gap in increasing day by day, both in quality and quantity, and there is no stopping it.

Indian Economy = USD 1.5 Trillion
Pakistan Economy = USD 300 Billion

India Reserves = USD 530 Billion
Pakistan Reserves = USD 12 - 13 Billion

We need a strong economy, with a lead taken by the civilians.

Today Saudi Arabia and UAE proved that they have a certain limit to which they can support Pakistan.

Malaysia stopped being vocal on Kashmir because India replied by hurting their exports to India.
One day China, Qatar, Turkey etc might do the same?
We need the Industrialists to lead Pakistan into the next Industrial Revolution.
Certain Small Administrative / Provincial units need to be established throughout the country to free them from Federal / Provincial Politics or the shackles that are holding them from advancing.
Money makes the mare run, my dear Sir. Everybody posting has carefully stepped around that landmine.

Yes but I think the Chinese are giving us equipment at half the cost and at extremely good long term payment terms . Even though we don’t have a lot of cash it seems the Chinese are pumping in equipment left right and center. They are protecting their CPEC life line


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