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Is the Libyan crackdown reminiscent of 1989 to you guys?

Colonel Muammar Gaddafi has offered an amnesty for rebels who hand back weapons, promising they would be "forgiven and not pursued" even as he warned that his country would be turned into "another Vietnam" if foreign countries intervened.

In a three-hour speech to supporters and international journalists in Tripoli, Gaddafi offered a handful of concessions aimed at those supporting the opposition forces who control more than half the country.

Faced with the threat of armed intervention by the west, he said: "We will enter a bloody war and thousands and thousands of Libyans will die if the United States enters or Nato enters."

Although the defiance had been anticipated, what was surprising was a series of concessions designed to divert support for the escalating uprising and head off the growing threat of military intervention.

Conceding his almost complete isolation, Gaddafi admitted that the world appeared to be against Libya, including India, China and parts of Latin America as well as the US and Europe.

The speech, delivered on Wednesdayas Libyan forces attacked opposition positions in the east of the country, bore all the hallmarks of being shaped by his son Saif al-Islam, who has argued in the past for some of the concessions on offer.

Despite his often fiery rhetoric, Gaddafi delivered the speech calmly, in contrast to fist-waving previous addresses in which he threatened to hunt down opponents like rats.

He promised he would not stand in the way of privately-owned media or a constitution for the country – long espoused by Saif – if that is what people wanted. He also offered an inquiry into violence on both sides.

Despite the offer, Gaddafi's problem will remain one of credibility, not least because of his continued assertion that there had been "no peaceful demonstrations at all", a view challenged even by some of his own officials.

His critics are sceptical that anything he promises can be trusted.

There is the danger for him too that his shift in tone will be seen as a sign of weakness by the opposition, as was the case with both Tunisia's Zine Al-Abidine Ben Ali and Egypt's Hosni Mubarak, who both offered a series of concessions before being forced to stand down.

Gaddafi also invited a commission of inquiry from the UN security council to investigate events, accusing it of making decisions based on "100% inaccurate media reporting".

Talking of his own position, he said: "Muammar Gaddafi is not a president to resign, he does not even have a parliament to dissolve."

His third public appearance since the uprising took place in a large ballroom at a ceremony to mark 34 years of "people power". He said the regime was ready to discuss the challenges confronting Libyans, but that those fighting had not "approached him but chosen to fight".

Despite the bellicose rhetoric – which included a threat to hand out millions of weapons to his supporters if they are faced with a foreign invasion – he appeared to distance himself from remarks he had made earlier in Green Square, claiming that he was speaking in the language appropriate for the "angry youth" and was now speaking the language appropriate for the international community.

In a highly pointed remark he added that if western companies choose to leave, they would be replaced with "Indian and Chinese companies".

Also on offer from Gaddafi was the promise of increased financial incentives including low interest grants to build homes, presently capped at 30,000 dinars (£15,000), which would increase to over 100,000 dinars. He added that if Benghazi was peaceful it would receive $20bn (£12.5bn) in infrastructure improvements when the violence subsided.

On some issues, however, Gaddafi's language had not changed.

He continued to blame a small number of al-Qaida fighters for inciting the rebellion and the international media for bringing the threat of international action through its inaccurate reporting.

He explained that reporters in the country's east and in Tripoli and the surrounding towns had not encountered al-Qaida because they were staying in the background while the violence raged.

The veteran leader, who once said democracy was for donkeys,told the gathering in Tripoli the world did not understand that he had given power to the people long ago.

"We put our fingers in the eyes of those who doubt that Libya is ruled by anyone other than its people," he said, referring to his system of "direct democracy" launched at a meeting attended by visiting Cuban leader Fidel Castro in 1977.

Referring to the two-week-old popular uprising against his rule, Gaddafi also called for the UN and Nato to investigate the facts about what had happened in Libya, and said he saw a conspiracy to colonise Libya and seize its oil.
For the record, the Chinese government decided to roll over its people 22 years ago. The Libyans are doing the same today but with the addition of airstrikes.

Do you guys sympathize with the Lybians believing that the rolling has to stop and the government steps down?

Or do you guys feel that the rolling is necessary to restore stability and national unity (if any)?

What is it with people from Western societies coming with an all high and mighty standpoint, considering the atrocities done by the West since the colonizing days you don't have much to stand on questioning the politics of other nations.

As it stands the Western powers are keener to intervene then China is, would it because they stand for democracy or freedom? Its more likely they worry about how their gas tanks are gonna get filled. Only Hypocrites can't say it like it is.

Without the 1989 incident, you won't see me posting here because China would just end up with a democratic loser -- like india.

Mate please don't add unnecessary quotes like the above, it doesn't serve any point and just encourages trolling. Every country has its own system and as Chinese we should respect that.
not really. 1989 protest ppl didn't have popular support
not really. 1989 protest ppl didn't have popular support

They had popular support in the cities, and the complaints against Deng and his family were legit. Student leaders were dickheads though.
Calling India loser, makes you a TROLL. Yeah, if you take pride in rolling your compatriots with tanks all the power to you.

Do not even bring Canada to discussion, the Standard of living in Canada is heads an shoulders above China. That is why we have too many wise-guy Chinese hardcore guys emitting their "intelligent posts" from Canada.

i agree with Veritas. Do not bring in India, they are happy with their choice. calling "loser" is really really rude and offensive with that democracy is a trend even in Chinese government. and India grows fast.
Let's bring in Singapore, i don't think Singapore is a democratic country. let's blame Singapore. :)
No, because China today is a completely different nation than China in 1989.
We have reforms, new leaders, political plans, and softening of power. None of those existed in 1989.

1989 also happens to be a critical time for Chinese economic transformation. Due to the Soviet Union's glastnost and the fallouts of it, the government was very scared when similar protests happened in Canada. All deaths in Tiananmen were not intentional and the government's goal was to disperse the protests, not to kill the protestors.

Libya's situation is similar to Canada's historical massacre of the Metis peoples.
All deaths in Tiananmen were not intentional and the government's goal was to disperse the protests, not to kill the protestors.

Pffft BS the government fcuked up, there's no way getting around it.

1) the leaders shouldn't have let their kids run amoke making money on the side (Mao kept his children from abusing his position, they all led normal lives)

2) they shouldn't have let the thing grow like they did. It was government indecision that caused it.(Zhao Ziyang and the pro-democracy faction was largely the cause)

3) they should have found another way to clear the square. Using a battle trained army isn't the way to do it.
Libya's situation is similar to Canada's historical massacre of the Metis peoples.
I'm not sure how the Metis rebellion relates to Libya. Are you talking about the ethnic rivalry of the Libyan rulers vs the eastern Libyan tribes?
I'm not sure how the Metis rebellion relates to Libya. Are you talking about the ethnic rivalry of the Libyan rulers vs the eastern Libyan tribes?

I'm referring to the situation

1. The people are dissatisfied with the government

2. The people starts protesting

3. The government cracks down

4. The fighting intensifies
Pffft BS the government fcuked up, there's no way getting around it.

1) the leaders shouldn't have let their kids run amoke making money on the side (Mao kept his children from abusing his position, they all led normal lives)

2) they shouldn't have let the thing grow like they did. It was government indecision that caused it.(Zhao Ziyang and the pro-democracy faction was largely the cause)

3) they should have found another way to clear the square. Using a battle trained army isn't the way to do it.

What I meant was that the government's goal was to disperse the protests, not to cause casualties.

Marshal law isn't something you would call "hospitable"
Pffft BS the government fcuked up, there's no way getting around it.

1) the leaders shouldn't have let their kids run amoke making money on the side (Mao kept his children from abusing his position, they all led normal lives)

2) they shouldn't have let the thing grow like they did. It was government indecision that caused it.(Zhao Ziyang and the pro-democracy faction was largely the cause)

3) they should have found another way to clear the square. Using a battle trained army isn't the way to do it.

To be fair, Mao's children didn't go through the turmoil Deng's children did during the Cultural Revolution. Those who complained in the 80s and 90s about privileges Deng's children enjoyed because who their father was, I wonder where were they when those same people were being routinely abused or even beaten simply because they're Deng's children?
To be fair, Mao's children didn't go through the turmoil Deng's children did during the Cultural Revolution. Those who complained in the 80s and 90s about privileges Deng's children enjoyed because who their father was, I wonder where were they when those same people were being routinely abused or even beaten simply because they're Deng's children?

I still don't understand what the fk was wrong with Chinese people during that time. Brought out the absolutely worse elements of our society and makes me wonder if the same kinds of people are responsible for the idiotic way democracy is being championed in China.
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