Chinese army was showing their bravery till the time they had huge number and equipment advantage, they ran away when India decided to send reinforcement. The war ended in a stalemate.
@Razia Sultana don't expect any logical debate with the Chinese, it is futile, they are very different.
Chinese military got massacred by the IA in 1967.
End of story.
This was a military confrontation to see who is the superior country, superior military and above all, who is the superior civilisation.
IA victory over the Chinese military proved India, Indian people and Indian civilisation is vastly superior to China, Chinese people and Chinese civilisation.
That humiliating and spirit-crushing defeat inflicted mental scars on the entire Chinese population because China realised it is an inferior country and people to its historical neighbour India.
From 1967, India always looked down on China and Chinese as defeated people. That's why India don't even care for China. India proved its superiority once in for all in 1967.
India has now moved on and become a truly independent country with an independent foreign policy, while China is still stuck in the past being a mere pawn of the CCP rulers.
India views China as a defeated country ever since 1967.