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Is Peppermint Haram?

Dual Wielder

Aug 7, 2019
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United Kingdom
The reason why I am asking is because I just came to know that one of the natural substances within peppermint is Menthol, which is regarded as/ or closely related to Alcohol.. from what I read online.

long story short I wanted to use peppermint oil for my hair, due to its tonic like properties.. and now I'm unsure..
Article Na‘naa‘ al-Madeenah, published in Majallat Markaz Buhooth wa Diraasaat al-Madeenah, issue no. 11, p. 179, 183, 184

The fact that menthol belongs to the hydroxyl group -OH does not make it forbidden and it does not mean that it is an intoxicant.

We asked a specialist in the field of chemistry and he answered that this substance – menthol – is not an intoxicant.

The basic principle with regard to all drinks is that they are halaal (permissible) unless they are intoxicants or are harmful.

The mere presence of alcohol in a drink does not mean that it is haraam, unless it reaches the level of causing intoxication. If the amount of alcohol is small and well absorbed in the material, then the drink is not haraam.

It says in a statement of the Islamic Fiqh Council of the Muslim World League:

It is permissible to use medicines containing negligible amounts of well-absorbed alcohol required in manufacturing that cannot be substituted, so long as that medicine is prescribed by a doctor of good character. It is also permissible to use alcohol for external cleaning of wounds, to kill germs, and in creams and lotions that are used externally. End quote.

Qaraaraat al-Majma‘ al-Fiqhi al-Islami, p. 341
The reason why I am asking is because I just came to know that one of the natural substances within peppermint is Menthol, which is regarded as/ or closely related to Alcohol.. from what I read online.

long story short I wanted to use peppermint oil for my hair, due to its tonic like properties.. and now I'm unsure..
Khuda ka wasta it's a plant.
The reason why I am asking is because I just came to know that one of the natural substances within peppermint is Menthol, which is regarded as/ or closely related to Alcohol.. from what I read online.

long story short I wanted to use peppermint oil for my hair, due to its tonic like properties.. and now I'm unsure..
Even if it was, your not eating it. Your putting it in your hair so it's fine.
Article Na‘naa‘ al-Madeenah, published in Majallat Markaz Buhooth wa Diraasaat al-Madeenah, issue no. 11, p. 179, 183, 184

The fact that menthol belongs to the hydroxyl group -OH does not make it forbidden and it does not mean that it is an intoxicant.

We asked a specialist in the field of chemistry and he answered that this substance – menthol – is not an intoxicant.

The basic principle with regard to all drinks is that they are halaal (permissible) unless they are intoxicants or are harmful.

The mere presence of alcohol in a drink does not mean that it is haraam, unless it reaches the level of causing intoxication. If the amount of alcohol is small and well absorbed in the material, then the drink is not haraam.

It says in a statement of the Islamic Fiqh Council of the Muslim World League:

It is permissible to use medicines containing negligible amounts of well-absorbed alcohol required in manufacturing that cannot be substituted, so long as that medicine is prescribed by a doctor of good character. It is also permissible to use alcohol for external cleaning of wounds, to kill germs, and in creams and lotions that are used externally. End quote.

Qaraaraat al-Majma‘ al-Fiqhi al-Islami, p. 341

There is more to this fatwa. Where a substance that is haram would be haram in any quantity for consumption purposes.

For example all types of alcohol are haram such as beer, wine etc. Thus if you use a small amount in cooking (common practice with wine) than that food is haram irrespective of the quantity being used and whether or not it has reached a level of intoxication.

Common problem you will face is with Soy Sauce where some brands contain certain percentage of alcohol which become present due to the processing method. However, there is halal substitute available from Malaysia.
ethynol is the only haram alcohol as that is the alcohol that gets you drunk.
All other alcohols are fine.
The reason why I am asking is because I just came to know that one of the natural substances within peppermint is Menthol, which is regarded as/ or closely related to Alcohol.. from what I read online.

long story short I wanted to use peppermint oil for my hair, due to its tonic like properties.. and now I'm unsure..

I think you confused ''menthol'' with ''methanol''. The latter falls into the category of alcohol (aka methyl alcohol).
I think you confused ''menthol'' with ''methanol''. The latter falls into the category of alcohol (aka methyl alcohol).

There's a lot of chemistry jargon that I don't fully understand (not a science major) but below is a consistent example what I found online, concerning 'Menthol'

Menthol (C10H20O) is a naturally occurring monocyclic terpene alcohol derived from Mentha piperita as well as other mint oils (
Skin Therapy Lett. 2010;15:5-9), and has been associated with several health benefits. Recently, anticancer properties have been ascribed to menthol (Biochim. Biophys. Acta 2009;1792:33-8

Thanks wasn't aware others were regarded as Alcohol as well..

I can't tell if that's supposed to be a rhetorical question, if it is not.. then your guess is as good as mine. :-)
As far as naming convention goes in chemistry...
...any organic compound that has a hydroxyl(OH) group attached to a carbon...is an alcohol...and it ends in "ol"

This includes methanol(it will blind ppl if they drink it), ethanol(this is the one ppl drink in diluted forms), propanol, butanol...so on and so forth.

Now to address the topic of what is "haram" in Islam.
Generally Islam forbids us from things that lead to some wrong in the society...examples include gambling, stealing, killing, etc. This includes drugs that are used for recreational purposes. Negative things associated with alcohol are domestic abuse, drunk driving(leading to horrible accidents), rape, and addiction. Bcuz these negative effects can arise...therefore it's just forbidden altogether.

If however something that is generally "haram" is used for medicinal purposes...then it is permitted bcuz u r not using it for "recreational purposes"...instead it is being used to treat an ailment or pain. One example is morphine...it is derived from opium and is closely related to heroin. However it is used as a painkiller for example after surgery.

So menthol is nothing to worry about. U won't be using it for recreational purposes...nor would it alter ur mental status. It's just used for flavoring more or less...in very small quantities.
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The reason why I am asking is because I just came to know that one of the natural substances within peppermint is Menthol, which is regarded as/ or closely related to Alcohol.. from what I read online.

long story short I wanted to use peppermint oil for my hair, due to its tonic like properties.. and now I'm unsure..
Yes it's halal.
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