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Is Peppermint Haram?

There's a lot of chemistry jargon that I don't fully understand (not a science major) but below is a consistent example what I found online, concerning 'Menthol'

Menthol (C10H20O) is a naturally occurring monocyclic terpene alcohol derived from Mentha piperita as well as other mint oils (
Skin Therapy Lett. 2010;15:5-9), and has been associated with several health benefits. Recently, anticancer properties have been ascribed to menthol (Biochim. Biophys. Acta 2009;1792:33-8


Indeed a derived (secondary alcohol). It is synthetic. Anyways here is the Islamic ruling on permissibility of alcohols that I know of. More learned members can elaborate further;

''If alcohol is derived from grapes or dates, it will be haram and impure. If it is from anything else besides dates and grapes and it does not intoxicate directly or through a mixture, then it is permissible.''
Thanks wasn't aware others were regarded as Alcohol as well..

I can't tell if that's supposed to be a rhetorical question, if it is not.. then your guess is as good as mine. :-)
no its a genuine question, i eat them and friends tell me they are not halal, are they?
The reason why I am asking is because I just came to know that one of the natural substances within peppermint is Menthol, which is regarded as/ or closely related to Alcohol.. from what I read online.

long story short I wanted to use peppermint oil for my hair, due to its tonic like properties.. and now I'm unsure..
No issues friend. Alcohol you are not consuming and it is essence for distilling.
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The reason why I am asking is because I just came to know that one of the natural substances within peppermint is Menthol, which is regarded as/ or closely related to Alcohol.. from what I read online.

long story short I wanted to use peppermint oil for my hair, due to its tonic like properties.. and now I'm unsure..
The prohibition of Alcohol is for drinking. Secondly there is a difference between Ethanol and alcohol. They re not the same although they belong to the same family. Thirdly you are using it for your hair not for drinking. Lastly a lot of fats have alcohol like substances produced as a product in their degradation. So I do not think the assumption is right. Peppermi t is a commonly used product so I do not think there are any issues with its use.
Only Allah knows the best.
As a matter of principal this is the wrong place to be asking these types of question. None of us here have comprehensive knowledge to be able to answer these questions. Please keep these questions for fora dealing with fiqh(Islmic jurisprudence).
Khuda ka wasta it's a plant.
Sir G ... you are right; but on the other hand opium is also a plant and so are 'bhung'. What I understand, actual issue is the affect of the product on human senses. In mint nothing but on other hand opium and 'bhung' immediately gets you out of senses.
The reason why I am asking is because I just came to know that one of the natural substances within peppermint is Menthol, which is regarded as/ or closely related to Alcohol.. from what I read online.

long story short I wanted to use peppermint oil for my hair, due to its tonic like properties.. and now I'm unsure..

U are confusing menthol with methanol which is sister of ethanol which is what we know as alcohol.

Menthol is completely different
The reason why I am asking is because I just came to know that one of the natural substances within peppermint is Menthol, which is regarded as/ or closely related to Alcohol.. from what I read online.

long story short I wanted to use peppermint oil for my hair, due to its tonic like properties.. and now I'm unsure..

after using menthol and/or peppermint, do you feel drunk and lost of judgement between right and wrong?
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The reason why I am asking is because I just came to know that one of the natural substances within peppermint is Menthol, which is regarded as/ or closely related to Alcohol.. from what I read online.

long story short I wanted to use peppermint oil for my hair, due to its tonic like properties.. and now I'm unsure..

Alcohol is a group of chemicals, it is ethanol which is consumed for intoxication and is haram
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