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Is Pakistan The Real Historic India?

The word Indian is a derogatory term used for people who did not conform to colonial entities.

In Pakistan, people who reside west of the said river call the eastern people as Hinduwaans. Religious undertone of the word Hindu is a recent phenomenon.
You should change name Pakistan to Sindudesh or Punjab that looks real, after east pakistan gone there is no pakistan , since you ruled India for 1000 years you should name your country Mughalistan .
The word India is a Derivate of Indus. Same word pickedup by arabs and converted to Hind and then later into Hindi and Hindu.. The word bharat is more indigenious, and should be adopted by India. The word sanatan is more indigenious than Hindu.

Names of regions are never static. For starters look at Herodotus map
Funny thread. But I don't see a point in digging it all up. India is also not renaming itself, our own constitution says "India that is Bharat" basically both are official names of India. Take any currency notes you will read Bharatiya Reserve Bank written in Devanagari.

You also don't need to appropriate history. Today's Pakistan claiming themselves to be Indians is hilarious. Make a name for yourself, be a Pakistani and be proud of it. Do things that can make your country proud, so that Pakistanis can identify with it.

Trying to pull the "South Asia, South Asian" identity in the West to misappropriate Indian origin (and India's) achievement, this is more funnier.
Idiot, Indus River Valley civilization happened mostly in Pakistan, not in India. lol Go get your Ganges civilization. lol. :D
Hindutva nationalists are confused.

Muslim invaders = baad
British invaders = guud

Who told you? They hate the British. They blame them for all their problems and are still waiting for three trillion in "compensation" from the British.

It was the British who created their country and gave them their identity. It was the British who also created the concept of "Hinduism."

Right from the horse's mouth
There is only one country who's PM admits beggar nation status .

Considering you've gotten way more aid, save that label for yourself.
Who told you? They hate the British. They blame them for all their problems and are still waiting for three trillion in "compensation" from the British.

They hate the British but don't realise they defend British entities. Like thinking the British installed "Maharaja" of Jammu and Kashmir is somehow legitimate or JK borders include FB, despite the latter refusing to be referred to as Kashmiri.

They say they hate them, but secretly love them.
They hate the British but don't realise they defend British entities. Like thinking the British installed "Maharaja" of Jammu and Kashmir is somehow legitimate or JK borders include FB, despite the latter refusing to be referred to as Kashmiri.

They say they hate them, but secretly love them.

They seem to hate the British but seem to love everything the British did for them like giving them the name "India."
Idiot, you copied an Indian edited wikipedia page.

Here it is idiot: Indus River Civilization happened mostly in Pakistan. here is the map:
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Idiot, you copied an Indian edited wikipedia site.

Here it is idiot: Indus River Civilization happened mostly in Pakistan. here is the map:
View attachment 954271 :D
Lol! It doesn't matter who edited it. You just need to look at the archeological data. Oldest and largest sites are in India dummy. You can't change that, now cry more.
Lol! It doesn't matter who edited it. You just need to look at the archeological data. Oldest and largest sites are in India dummy. You can't change that, now cry more.
Yes it does matter you idiot. Even Historians and archaeologist confirm most of Indus River Civilization happened mostly in Pakistan.

The map I shows proves that with Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro proving to be the most famous sites in Pakistan.

Now shoo Idiot. That was an Indian edited wikipedia page.

Wikipedia made articles doesn't make it an Indus site. Most of those sites are literally piles of dirt.

Sit tf down.

Lol! It doesn't matter who edited it. You just need to look at the archeological data. Oldest and largest sites are in India dummy. You can't change that, now cry more.

Literally every map in the world shows the heart of the Indus Valley INSIDE the Indus River basin. Lmfao.



When when discussing trade routes they discuss it with Mesopotamia lmfao
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Literally every map in the world shows the heart of the Indus Valley INSIDE the Indus River basin. Lmfao.
It shows a shading, regions in Gujarat is over a thousand miles from that is in Pakistan. That's what you call a river basin :omghaha:

Yes it does matter you idiot. Even Historians and archaeologist confirm most of Indus River Civilization happened mostly in Pakistan.

The map I shows proves that with Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro proving to be the most famous sites in Pakistan.

Now shoo Idiot. That was an Indian edited wikipedia page.
You can cry and whine all you want like an idiot on the thread. And stick to old nomenclature, does it change the fact that the oldest and largest sites are in India? No. Wikipedia articles are based on source provided, find me a source that says Pakistan hosts the oldest sites.
It shows a shading, regions in Gujarat is over a thousand miles from that is in Pakistan. That's what you call a river basin :omghaha:

You can cry and whine all you want like an idiot on the thread. And stick to old nomenclature, does it change the fact that the oldest and largest sites are in India? No. Wikipedia articles are based on source provided, find me a source that says Pakistan hosts the oldest sites.
Actually the oldest Indus River Civilization sites are in Pakistan which are Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, you idiot. :lol:

Wikipedia also says Most of Indus River Valley Civilization happened in Pakistan. :D
Actually the oldest Indus River Civilization sites are in Pakistan which are Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, you idiot. :lol:

Wikipedia also says Most of Indus River Valley Civilization happened in Pakistan. :D

Yes but Wikipedia also has lots of pages ruined by Indians. Like how they claim Kalash are "Hindus."
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