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Is Nawaz meeting Ajit Doval?

Ajit Doval maybe able to provide funds and some contacts but I doubt the likes of him are in any position to challenge the Government of Pakistan.
Remember this 007 Brook Bond didn't have a clue what hit them in Afghanistan.
It is hitting you, not India.
Sabotage and anarchy lol you meant removal of Niazi? He is causing sabotage and anarchy since 2011. He is liability and he needs to go, he was given a chance to rule with full package his ground, his umpires, everything was given to him but he failed miserably.
Can you imagine, he is begging 5 seat parties to save his seat, he is not serious about Pakistan at all. His removal will be under the constitution of Pakistan. It’s not the end of world, think about country and grow up.
Finally a sane post. Thank you sir.

major breaking news every where...Nawaz Sharif is directly involved

he even met Israeli diplomats in London

Your trust these? Do you really? If so, then let me ask you what happened to that helicopter that was supposed to evacuate Nawaz Sharif from PM house in 17th or 18th August 2014, along with Arbon dollar & tons of gold? I heard it from Mubashar Luqman when he was barking on ARY (or whatever shill news channel he was at then). I would also like to know where did dozen bodies of dead protestors disappear at the same time that were supposed to be lying at Islamabad hospitals? When doctors contacted the media about this fake news, Mubashar Luqman claimed that those bodies had been thrown in the jungle.... LOOOOOL LOL

Man up buddy. Stop Dovaling the news.

Our establishment want him back , if they dont have any problems then who the F pak people are ??
How can yo say that? Are you admitting that Establishment had brought in IK & is now trying to make amends?

Would you then, per chance, agree that Establishment should not have taken sides & should not have rigged elections to favor PTI in 2018? Would you do that? I guess not... LOL....
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I don’t know what’s the point you want country to run like a Niazi russi ran paindo style or talk with enemy face to face. Can’t you see Russians and Ukrainians are meeting each other despite the war. Saudis are meeting with Israel’s. FYI even Gen Faiz met Doval in Dubai.

It’s sad to see instead of guiding and pointing out this low IQ level individual, some seniors and reputable members are also enjoying themselves in this disgusting ghulaman-e- niazi thread.
You are too grown up for this thread my friend.

I can't believe establishment is so disloyal and blind. If they are interested then RIP.
OK. RIP it is then.... LOL....
Finally a sane post. Thank you sir.

Your trust these? Do you really? If so, then let me ask you what happened to that helicopter that was supposed to evacuate Nawaz Sharif from PM house in 17th or 18th August 2014, along with Arbon dollar & tons of gold? I heard it from Mubashar Luqman when he was barking on ARY (or whatever shill news channel he was at then). I would also like to know where did dozen bodies of dead protestors disappear at the same time that were supposed to be lying at Islamabad hospitals? When doctors contacted the media about this fake news, Mubashar Luqman claimed that those bodies had been thrown in the jungle.... LOOOOOL LOL

Man up buddy. Stop Dovaling the news.

How can yo say that? Are you admitting that Establishment had brought in IK & is now trying to make amends?

Would you then, per chance, agree that Establishment should not have taken sides & should not have rigged elections to favor PTI in 2018? Would you do that? I guess not... LOL....
the fact that you have resorted to writing a troll post! as a defence for meean nawaj.

enough said.
I am honestly enjoying the collective PTI meltdowns here.... :rofl:
Let me make it simple for you.

If a British politician would meet with Russian spy chief to plan to topple the current elected govt, he is committing treason and will end up in Jail for life.

Dont believe me? Check British laws to find out.

Same applies here.

How did you reach this conclusion? If public and PTI own MNA’s lost confidence in Niazi then as a party worker you have to look for alternatives within your party. You have to make decisions in best interests of party and country. Instead you’re implying removal of Niazi is some foreign conspiracy.

As far as Britain is concerned, we had general elections thrice in last 5 years. Here Governments don’t hold on to fake mandate and beg 5 seats parties to save some individual.
For brain washing, see the title of the thread. For more evidence just see what Areesh says. Even though the bubble has burst, the PTI echo-chamber goes on making senseless noise.

This 'dude' (Chak Bamu) has been reading news for the past 45 years & has seen martial laws & many governments come and go. Time teaches a few things.

If you can not make sense of whatever is going on & can not stop abusing others, then go on have a good cry, but man up afterwards.

First of all, please stop playing the victim card by accusing others of abusing you. No one is.

What is your point? You want to tell me that a 70 years old with 55 years of reading news could not have been brainwashed ?

And if you have been reading 45 years those news, then you must have seen the famous nineties and all those dirty games and abuses this same Sharif clan has been hurling on their opponents, or do you only have selective memories?

What about letting in all Indians without visa foramlities in Pakistan in his tenure?

What about putting to jail the oponents when taking turns? Torturing journalists in 90s by the same Sharif clan?

What about buying top judges to get judgements of their liking?

Changa Manga?

Oh wait, of course that never happened, because I have selective memories, right?

Anyway I want to ask you one simple question:

If a politician meets the spy chief or diplomats from enemy country to topple the elected govt, is it treason or not?

Yes or No?
Ajit Doval maybe able to provide funds and some contacts but I doubt the likes of him are in any position to challenge the Government of Pakistan.
Remember this 007 Brook Bond didn't have a clue what hit them in Afghanistan.

Is this the same 007 aka James de bund who claimed there was no chance of Taliban takeover.. LOL....
How did you reach this conclusion? If public and PTI own MNA’s lost confidence in Niazi then as a party worker you have to look for alternatives within your party. You have to make decisions in best interests of party and country. Instead you’re implying removal of Niazi is some foreign conspiracy.

As far as Britain is concerned, we had general elections thrice in last 5 years. Here Governments don’t hold on to fake mandate and beg 5 seats parties to save some individual.

So in England, is it treason or not to meet and plan with diplomats/spy chief of enemy countries to topple the elected govt?

Yes ? No?
As far as Britain is concerned, we had general elections thrice in last 5 years. Here Governments don’t hold on to fake mandate and beg 5 seats parties to save some individual.

First, practice what you preach, Britain should immediately return all the laundered money back to Africa, Asia, and Russia. And then can preach others how to hold mandate on basis of 5 seats or 500.

First of all, please stop playing the victim card by accusing others of abusing you. No one is.

What is your point? You want to tell me that a 70 years old with 55 years of reading news could not have been brainwashed ?

And if you have been reading 45 years those news, then you must have seen the famous nineties and all those dirty games and abuses this same Sharif clan has been hurling on their opponents, or do you only have selective memories?

What about letting in all Indians without visa foramlities in Pakistan in his tenure?

What about putting to jail the oponents when taking turns? Torturing journalists in 90s by the same Sharif clan?

What about buying top judges to get judgements of their liking?

Changa Manga?

Oh wait, of course that never happened, because I have selective memories, right?

Anyway I want to ask you one simple question:

If a politician meets the spy chief or diplomats from enemy country to topple the elected govt, is it treason or not?

Yes or No?

Unfortunately, you won't be getting any proper answers for it. The point where Pakistan has reached now be it economically or socially is because of these individuals who have been reading the news for 45 years and that is the only thing they have been doing along with supporting crooks like Sharif's and Zardari's. What exactly have we achieved in the last 30 years? There is nothing except making a few roads & underpasses and that too because it provides ample opportunities for getting the kickbacks.
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