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Is Kashmir a part of India ?

kanishka was not an indian he was central asian, he ruled less than 1/4 of bharat area from Peshawar, Pakistan was not part of Bharat but Central Asia

The Mauryans were punjabis from Taxilla not from maghda

Western and Pakistani historians have rejected any Gupta, pala empire ruling pakistan, it only exists in Bharti txtbook

Akbar-Aurangzeb were turkic-mongol in origin Pakistan was not part of Bharat but Central Asia

Final Note: except the 100 year rule of Mauryans Pakistan and Bharat were never united until muslims came, When they came we were part of Central Asia not Bharat

kanishaka was from central asia- accepted
but his capital was purushapura i.e. present day peshawar
his second n illustrious capital was Mathura, famous for mathura school of art during kanishka period. His coins had lord Shiva in it i.e. ""maaishvara" , his descendents inhabited the present day south asia even during gupta period called themselves "kirthar-kushanas" n they accepted gupta's suzerenity.

Maurays were from the foothills of himalays ,presently indo-nepal border...their clan were "moriya" n they were vaishyas as defined in brahmvaivarta purana. Chandragupta went to present day punjab as it was administratively poorly governed to incite a rebellion. there is a story of him meeting alexander also but its historically not authenticated..

akbar- aurangzeb were of mixed central asian origin...correct
but babur came down from afghanistan to conquer n inhabit hindustan-- his autobiography tuzuk-e- baburi mentions it..infact it was a matter of survuval from him as he was expelled from his homeland..by the time of akbar mughals had mad india their homeland ,even by culture n habits. mughal emperor was called emperor of hindustan.
infact to the point that they were hindustanis thay when the army send by shanjahan to capture balkh n badakhshan i.e. their ancestral homeland, they missed india very much n it was difficult for dara to sustain there. , n only because of aurangzeb's reselience that they could be back to india, though much loss to men n material..it is stated in official biography of shahjahan i.e. padshahnamah written by abdul hamid lahori.

hence ur part of being in central asia is factually incorrect.
India has been a melting pot of different races n civilization .U cannot view it in parts according to ur liberty..u've to see in totality..

infact my ancestry may lead me to central asia or west asia or europe or ultimately to africa ... but i'm as indian as anybody could be ...
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There is no genetically disparity between Pakistanis and Indians except few Persian groups(Pashtun, Baluch and Parsi). There is however linguistic and cultural difference.

You cannot convince anyone with this, only punjabis who migrated from bharat and other mohajirs share similarities with you. The pakistani punjabis share similarity with both afghan and indian.
Kashmiris want nothing to do with india.
Except interior sindhis i dont find any similar between sindhis and indians because sindhis have been mixed with balochs
He met alexander in taxilla, he was crowned king in Taxilla, he invaded ganga valley with the persion soldiers of alexanders empire, i have given the references

u r making an absolute mockery of history with ur nazi indoctrination n ideology....u r not fit for a historical disussion of any sort.....generally it is reasoning then deduction but u go in reverse .. istead of cause=-effect , u go from effect to cause ... i love history very much n its such a pity to see it insulted n hijacked by ultra-rightist nazi ppl...
I have read indian textbooks, they are full of hatred and bigotry against pakistanis and muslim. We dont teach our children that there was a huge country called bharat which was divided by hindu convert Jinnah beacause there wasn't any, we were a colony of British not a colony of Bharat we gained independence from Britain not from Bharat so there was no partition

Which Indian text book have you read?
Which Indian text book have you read?

it doesn't matters which textbooks i am talking about, it is evident from the type of comments indians make against Jinnah and against our prophet on youtube videos, I have several indian friends who hold immense hatred against Jinnah, pakistanis and muslim they have been completely brainwashed by teaching of hatred against pakistanis in school that they become so emotional when they talk about partition, First time i knew about partition was when i came to Australia. You people have been brainwashed thats a fact and no one can deny that
it doesn't matters which textbooks i am talking about, it is evident from the type of comments indians make against Jinnah and against our prophet on youtube videos, I have several indian friends who hold immense hatred against Jinnah, pakistanis and muslim they have been completely brainwashed by teaching of hatred against pakistanis in school that they become so emotional when they talk about partition, First time i knew about partition was when i came to Australia. You people have been brainwashed thats a fact and no one can deny that


You make a claim..you should have the cojones to back it up and not pump some more bull $hit to drown the previous BS.
it doesn't matters which textbooks i am talking about, it is evident from the type of comments indians make against Jinnah and against our prophet on youtube videos, I have several indian friends who hold immense hatred against Jinnah, pakistanis and muslim they have been completely brainwashed by teaching of hatred against pakistanis in school that they become so emotional when they talk about partition, First time i knew about partition was when i came to Australia. You people have been brainwashed thats a fact and no one can deny that

This speaks a lot about whats been taught to you in Pakistan! :)
it doesn't matters which textbooks i am talking about, it is evident from the type of comments indians make against Jinnah and against our prophet on youtube videos, I have several indian friends who hold immense hatred against Jinnah, pakistanis and muslim they have been completely brainwashed by teaching of hatred against pakistanis in school that they become so emotional when they talk about partition, First time i knew about partition was when i came to Australia. You people have been brainwashed thats a fact and no one can deny that

So u had to go to Australia to know abt the biggest and bloodiest forced migration the world has seen.. now all ur posts make sense.. and u say Indians r brainwashed.... god bless u
If i am wrong then tell me what does a punjabi from lahore has common with a person from Kanyakumari tamil nadu

hahaha why would we (Tamils) want to compare ourselves when the richness of our culture has very few parallels ??

You must be outta ur mind. Only people with some sort of identity crisis and lack of culture would like to associate themselves with Arabs or Persians or Central Asians or write false history to claim something that is not theirs. Count us out of it.

Yes dude you're central asian and Semitic and and Persian simultaneously. Now stop name calling nobody claiming you be our kinsmen.

*if only i could have shown him his equally if not more racist counterparts in our Bong community!*

:lol::lol: I somehow get the feeling that many Pakistanis think that Indians from the east,south and west always want to be identified with Pashtuns or Punjabis. Crazy isnt it ?
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Rich, fair Pakistani think they are fair and superior. So they consider everybody else inferior. Racism is the cause of this. Also religious bigotry because they think Islam is superior.

See Najam Sethi interview on Youtube. He tells the facts about Pakistan if you can understand Urdu/Hindi.
He met alexander in taxilla, he was crowned king in Taxilla, he invaded ganga valley with the persion soldiers of alexanders empire, i have given the references

Whaaaat !!!When did Chandragupta meet Alexander ??

Some please rein in this guy. I may suffer an attack from laughing so hard.
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Whaaaat !!!When did Chandragupta meet Alexander ?? And how come Alexander's army have persian soldiers ??

Some please rein in this guy. I may suffer an attack from laughing so hard.

clearly brainwashed people. what can one do.
1.I dont give a damn whether you understand what i have posted or not, As long as i understand and to the person who i was replying to understands is what matters to me.

2.King Maurya was Pakistani Punjabi which ruled bharati people for few centuries

3.admit it that you have been ruled by pakistanis many times, you are not going to lose your dignity.

4.By the way who the hell is Moin Ansari

1. I do give a damn when you post c**p based on some ill informed "sources". Do not spread lies and I'll stop giving a damn!:smitten:

2. Good luck proving that he was a punjabi (This term did not exist at that time) even stronger luck proving he was a Pakistani. (Pakistan exists since 1947; a long way after the time of King C. Maurya) :rofl:

If you are posting from the BS "martial races" Point of View; then bring it on; I belong to one of them !:sniper: (See how easy to posture?):azn:

3.Please check where the burial place of Aurangzeb is! ( Clue- It is not Delhi or Agra as you might have thought!)

He died a long way from his capital; dejected and defeated; WHY?

Ask your "friends"!:azn:

4. Doesn't matter!:partay:

P.S. I have put my objections to the Mahabharata source that you posted. Refute it logically and we can discuss further.

Or should I shred the rest of your "sources"?
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