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Is Karachi , finally seeing a change after almost 6.9 Billion Dollar Special Package ?


Sep 8, 2009
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Is Karachi , finally seeing a change after almost 6.9 Billion Dollar Special Package ?
(By AzadPakistan2009)

In September 2020 , a Historic mega budget was release for Karachi by the in power Pakistani Government , lead by Prime Minister of Pakistan , Honorable Imran Khan. The Objective for the news was to showcase that the Federal Government has heard the many pleas by the resident of the Mega city Karachi , for intervention

Reference PM announces Rs1.1 trillion 'historic' package for Karachi's transformation.

Now for Sake of reference , that 1.1 Trillion Rupee amounts to almost 8 Billion Dollars which by no means is a massive massive financial help for a city. In fact it is a close figure to what many cities get in Western World. So the first thing we must understand and accept is that yes , a massive financial help was announced in Year 2020.


Now that the funds have been allocated and released , for a everyday person , the question really is fine what kind of change are we seeing at ground level ? So we need to setup realistic expectations now in order to properly hold accountable all the people who are in charge of distributing the money to various projects which have been marked as uplift projects or beautification projects or improvement projects

1) Will general condition improve 25%-50%
a) Cleanup of Garbage
b) Painting of All Government owned walls and pavement
c) Tree plantation in all neighborhoods
d) Painting Orders issued for all Building Owners who own property on Main Streets
e) Parks revitalization / Cleanup rehabilitation
f) No Go zones for Motor Cycles in Congested City Areas
g) Revitalization of Government Schools
h) Revitalization of Government Hospitals

2) Will Stalled KCR and Bus Transit Projects finally complete after 10 years ?
a) What will be Quality of end product KCR project , will the Station look on Par with Punjab/KPK Bus transit ?
b) Will Brand New Buses will start Running for Largest city of Pakistan?
c) Will Millions benefit with Job creation in KCR / Bus Transit?
d) Will it reduce congestions on the streets ?
e) How can we reduce Motor Cycles on the streets , faster and more impactfully?
f) Can there be a disclosure just how long it has taken for the Bus Transit projects in Karachi? It seems like it has been
going on for last 10 years , alot of talking but no completion.

3) What can be be done for the Tourist Attraction in Karachi , the Beach ?
a) What will be done for Karachi Beach ?
b) Can the Beach Area be improved on International Levels ?
c) Can the Area be developed similar to major destinations in World
d) Can big fines be imposed on people who throw garbage
e) Can Trade be promoted on Beach areas ?
f) Can a Tran be linked to have a stop in Clifton , so more people can visit the Beach

3) Closure / Finish to Water distribution problems?

a) Can the Water Theft and Selling of Water to Public be made criminal Act? Without intentionally completing water
b) Will Government take responsibility and state yes , since 1990 residents of Karachi have to buy water from Tankers
and no one really knows , who collects the Money and where it goes after collection as no Pipelines or Water storage
Towers are constructed

4) Waste Recycling and Treatment plant for Sewage
a) Karachi dumps it's Sewage Raw into Ocean , this needs to stop because the Sea brings that same sewage and dumps it on on beaches , biological decay / recycle does not happens at once it takes years so , for Karachi this needs to be fixed 100% so
Tourist can be attracted to the beaches of Karachi. Similarly Karachi needs waste Recycling plants in order to clean up 70% of the clutter and garbage being produced in the largest city of Pakistan

Where the 7 Billion Dollars go needs to be tracked 100%

KCR rebuilding or hiring workers to dig tiny holes and fill it with sand or paint job does not eats up all money it may be takes 0.01% of the money

There has to be a serious tracking of Money usage and what is delivered !!!

If the Federal / Sindh Government sets up a Citizen Information portal , it would be welcomed so people can see where they money is going for Karachi ?
:coffee: 8-):pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
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i thought the application of the package was still being held up by the PPP provincial government. no?
The money is out it is about STRICT , follow up on what was done with money and day/day and week to week progress and checking

Traditionally after money goes to contractor , they take a light and easy approach hiring few resources and few machines and take their time , and projects run for 3-7 Years which should be completed in 6 months
Smaller Drainage lines are being put in place, replacing the old bigger drainage lines, instead of much bigger drainage lines, in nursery / Sharah e Faisal area.

They choked last time causing Billions in. Losses

They are going to choke AGAIN.
It will go straight to PPP's pockets. Just remove the cancer that is PPP from Karachi and Karachi will become like Singapore within a decade.
For Common person they can't imagine or visualize 6.9 Billion Dollars

  • However majority of Karachi's Visual Problems can be resolved may be by mere 2-7% of that 6.9 Billion
  • Human Labor is cheap in Pakistan

Any normal , operational , active and progressive government should be hitting massive successful hits with this kind of finance funding

  • Tree plantation is dirt cheap
  • Painting over Government street walls is dirt cheap activity
  • Revitalizing the Local Parks with Volunteer / Student bodies is dirt cheap activity

  • If simply a Law is enforced , to ask Property Owners to Paint their whole building visually Karachi will improve 80%
  • If every home owner is enforced to plant 2-4 trees out of their home the visual aspect will improve

With KCR project , Circular Railway , 90% of infrastructure of stations already existed , just was covered in dust , or train lines were buried over in last 19 years, so even that project is not heavy duty , and so far the revival is basic Labor, cleanup of shrubs , and plantation , garbage, and filling holes with cement , very basic , low cost activities

If PPP will claim the revival of basic train service ate up all the 7 Billion Dollar , then I am afraid there would be a massive anger in public as the KCR project is very basic , revival
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For Common person they can't imagine or visualize 6.9 Billion Dollars

  • However majority of Karachi's Visual Problems can be resolved may be by mere 2-7% of that 6.9 Billion
  • Human Labor is cheap in Pakistan

Any normal , operational , active and progressive government should be hitting massive successful hits with this kind of finance funding

  • Tree plantation is dirt cheap
  • Painting over Government street walls is dirt cheap activity
  • Revitalizing the Local Parks with Volunteer / Student bodies is dirt cheap activity

  • If simply a Law is enforced , to ask Property Owners to Paint their whole building visually Karachi will improve 80%
  • If every home owner is enforced to plant 2-4 trees out of their home the visual aspect will improve

With KCR project , Circular Railway , 90% of infrastructure of stations already existed , just was covered in dust , or train lines were buried over in last 19 years, so even that project is not heavy duty , and so far the revival is basic Labor, cleanup of shrubs , and plantation , garbage, and filling holes with cement , very basic , low cost activities

If PPP will claim the revival of basic train service ate up all the 7 Billion Dollar , then I am afraid there would be a massive anger in public as the KCR project is very basic , revival
You are wrong about KCR. I have been seeing daily KCR updates by many YouTuber for months now. And the infrastructure was so bad that it would have been better to build new stations lol
The current approach with KCR has been , quick fix , reuse existing infracture as much as possible
Because it is just a quick fix , we can't assume too much money was wasted on KCR project

Federal government needs to keep checking the outcome of money based projects on weekly basis

If right Engineering tools are used (Heavy Machinery) it is a straight forward mini project
I've said in the past and will say again. No such package will work even if you multiply times 10 unless you give powers to local govts.
PPP remains the unsung hero of Karachi when PMLN takes all the credit for bringing peace to the city.

PTI cannot blackmail Sindh using Karachi as a tool.
And here we in our area solving problems which govt of sindh supposed to solved by giving out money. Last was repairing water pipeliens underground costing us around 30,000 rupees. Upon asking to join new pipeline connection which was laid in 2011. Water board said it will cost 6 lacs gather the money for us then we will do work for you.
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