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Is it true? That Muslim majority have very little power left in Iran?


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Sri Lanka
Submitted by nima (Canada), Feb 22, 2007 at 13:08
a lot of misinformation about Iran :: Reader comments at Daniel Pipes

There is a lot of misunderstanding concerning Iran.
Most of the comments I read about Iran are based on Arabic
culture and stereotypes or completely off target. On top
of that, it seems like no one in the US realizes why Iranians
hate the US government, here are some things you should
understand about Iran before you make any sort of comment.

Iranian people and culture:

1. Iranians are not Arabic or Semitic
2. Iranians are Aryans, Iran literally means 'Land of Aryans'
3. Iranians love western culture
4. Iranian culture most closely resembles the Greek culture
5. Largest population of Iranians outside Iran is in Los Angeles
6. Iranians are not very religious, a minority government of extremist
Muslims are holding the power over the people
7. Iranians do not get along with their Arabic neighbors
8. Iran has a Jewish community and had a very large Jewish community before
the revolution
9. Iranians and Jews have a very long and friendly relationship dating
back to the time of Cyrus the Great, Iranians do not hate Jewish people
they just believe that the Palestinian situation should have been
handled differently
10.Iranians are universally considered to be the first people to have a
written charter of human rights.
11.Early American leaders were greatly influenced by Cyrus when developing
the American constitution and systems of law. A mandatory reading at
that time was 'Xenophon's Cyrus the Great: The Arts of Leadership and War'
which taught that leaders can lead with Justice and benevolence rather than
violence and fear.

History of Iran and US relations: Prior to 1953, Iranians loved the US.
The US was considered the country that had defeated the Imperial British
and freed the enslaved world.

1. Iranians overthrow the British backed Shah (the King) and start
working towards a democracy
2. British get kicked out of Iran and the Iranian Prime Minister socializes
the Iranian oil company. (yes they had a Prime Minister)
3. British approach Truman and ask for help to get Iranian oil back, Truman
rejects them because he sympathizes with the Iranian people who are fighting
for freedom from British rule just as the US had done
4. British rethink their game plan and approach new President Ike and
tell him there is a communist threat in Iran, which in hindsight
was extremely exaggerated
5. Ike sends CIA (operation Ajax) in to overthrow the Iranian democracy and
install a dictator, the Shah will is re-installed
6. operation Ajax is a success because of the great ground resources the
British and Americans had in Iran
7. Iranians have hated the American government ever since
8. Iranians revolt and remove the Shah from power
9. Iranian students storm the US embassy and take hostages because they are
afraid of another CIA operation that could re-install the Shah.

The present situation:

1. the Muslim majority have very little power left in Iran
2. Iranians drink in homes, women barely cover themselves in public
and the internet has allowed the youth to embrace the western culture
3. the only thing holding back Iranian freedom is the US, the Iranian people
would rather have the current government in power rather than a puppet US
4. Iran, contrary to belief, is a very progressive country considering
all of the trade restrictions and pressure that the US is applying
5. the current Iranian president is not taken very seriously inside Iran
6. the Iranian president understands his position and that is why he is
trying to rally the Iranian people behind the Nuclear program and against
a common enemy like Israel or the US
7. Iranians would not allow an attack on Israel, the Iranian president is using
the threats against Israel to provoke an attack on Iran by Israel or the US,
which would give him popular support and strengthen his position.

Iran is not Germany and Ahmadinejad is not Hitler, the worst thing anyone could
do is attack Iran. Leave Iran alone and they will have democracy in the near
future. Attack them now and you will only strengthen the current government

sorry for the essay, I couldn't keep it short
One Algerian guy that visited Iran:


It’s interesting that I didn’t find anyone supporting Ahmadinejad. All blamed him and the revolution for everything. They complained about education and their students being less and less knowledgeable. Economy and corruption had a fair share in the complaints too. Nobody believed the press: once I showed my surprise at the many newspapers and magazines we can see in a newsagent’s shop, and I was told that they’re were all the same spreading the same lies. Made me think of Echourouk and Ennahar :)

My other surprise was at how the older Iranians despised Khomeini and his revolution. They seemed all to regret the shah and tried to find excuses to explain whatever was blamed on him in the past.

An Algerian in Iran | Patriots on Fire
If that is true then USA and Israel should NOT have any objection over Iranian nuclear embitions.

if that is true then Iran-Israel conflict is an eyewash?
If that is true then USA and Israel should NOT have any objection over Iranian nuclear embitions.

if that is true then Iran-Israel conflict is an eyewash?
You must have heard of false flag operation....Nobody is ever going to attack Iran thats all propaganda to avert from other agenda's and just to make world believe as if its only Iran whoz opposing west while other arab states are sitting in their laps ...This the iranian regime and their translation if islam is right ....
Many things that seem true on the surface are not underneath it......
One example had there been no holocaust there had been no israel today so the people who fought against hitler were actually led by people who induced the idea of invading europe in hitler....
At the moment Pak and its nukes are their target irans is not eve in list and they dont care if iran builds nuke or not as deep within they are on the same page...Destruction of arab world...
You all may disagree with me but we all know how deceptive are the ways of new world order preachers and one world dreamers..
If that is true then USA and Israel should NOT have any objection over Iranian nuclear embitions.

if that is true then Iran-Israel conflict is an eyewash?
@Spring Onion, the Iran-Israel "conflict" is a big joke.

I believe that enemies are not born in a day, nor do old enmities die overnight.

Iran today is toeing the Arab line.

As it has been doing for over a thousand years.

When Iran stops doing that, Iran will rediscover the real enemy.

I see that happening while both of us are still alive and kicking, albeit a bit more grizzled than what we are today.
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But I heard most of the Iranians don't care about religions.. and they are ruled by dictatorship of Mullahs? is it correct?

What ever you wrote is mostly applied on the urban centers of Iran viz Tehran,Shiraz,Tabriz, Isfahan etc.. or the diaspora. Most of the countryside is still conservative and support Khomeini led revolution.
How do you know that? Have you ever been to Iran? If not, shut the phuck up. And 70% of Iranians live in urban areas, so GTFO with your countryside.

Why are you always so rude and uncouth?

Is it the the environmental influence of your formative years?

Tameez is mandatory. You should understand what tameez means .....
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