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is it possible in near future???????????

#1 pakistan keeps kashmeer issue on backburner & talks of peace & trade?

#2 Afghanista / Pakistan / China & India form a strategic alliance & make the old silk trade route into an energy & transit route all the way from Bangladesh/India/Pakistan/Afghanistan/CAR'sto Europe???????

#3 peole can travel without fear of prosecution & robbery in this regone & this area becomes the most properous area in the world

#4 rule of law in south & middle asia????

# last but not the least no room for westrn hegenony????????

is it too ambitous or is it Possible ......Kindly Comment Without any prejudice, Thanks again .

there's no Eurasia without Russia and the central Asian 'stans'.

Central Asian stans are mostly absolute dictatorships under military strongmen whose policies can change at any time.

Russia is an EURasian power. Its focus is on Europe, doesn't care that much about Asia.
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