Washington thinks it owns North and South America with the Monroe Doctrine and the Roosevelt Corollary.
If Washington owns the Latin American governments, they should open their doors and borders to refugees from these countries. The Washington Evil 'Empire' extends to Chile and Argentina. No Latin American country can develop alliances with Asia or Europe; or Washington will bomb the heck out of that country.
Latin America has no sovereignty, they are merely colonies of Uncle Sam; but if any of them go to America for the American Dream... they better think again because Amerika is a racist hate-filled place.
This is like the UK telling Pakistan it cannot be allied with China; and Pakistani internal and external affairs are at the service of London, then when Pakistanis go to London for a better life, a bunch of lowlife racists don't like brown skinned Pakistanis living next door to them.
If Washington wants no migrants from Latin America, then LET LATIN AMERICA GO! Give them freedom of alliances and regionalism and let them develop. If Uncle Sam wants some colony, then they have the RIGHT to move to the motherland ruling over them.