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Is it a kind of biological virus or Indian want to make a world record??

@WebMaster @Oscar

Forum Rules kind of being broken? Is this topic not restricted to Senior's cafe?
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it is a very positive sign that at least in India, people can raise voice against oppression...... while in some cultures rapists and murderers are venerated and worshiped. and you can just imagine the massive coverup these cultures do to crush dissent and sane voices.

take the example of China where Mao is widely quoted and venerated in everyday life. Mao was responsible for the death of 70 million (more than the population of France at present) through his 27 year rule in China (from 1949-1976) and he had four wives, all of whom were abandoned by him. There are mausoleums for this mass rapist in China and countless statues all throughout the country where ordinary Chinese are forced by Mao worshipers to pay tributes to this mass rapist and murderer.

Mao slept with hundreds of other Chinese women. He once said he couldn't go "forty days without sex," and any female would do.

Mao slept with teenage virgins and gave them venereal diseases. Mao ate like a king while his country was starving.

Despite ushering in an anti-prostitution era, Mao was utterly inconsistent himself. “As Mao got older,” Mao’s personal physician Dr Li wrote, “he became an adherent of Taoist sexual practices which gave him an excuse to pursue sex not only for pleasure but to extend his life. He claimed he needed the waters of yin—or vaginal secretions—to supplement his own declining yang—or male essence, the source of his strength, power and longevity. Many of the women that Mao slept with were daughters of poor peasants who Li said believed that sleeping with the chairman was the greatest experience of their life. Mao was happiest and most satisfied when he had several young women simultaneously sharing his bed, and he encouraged his sexual partners to introduce him to others. He often told the young women to read the Taoist sex manual The Plain Girl’s Secret Way, in preparation for their trysts.

[Source: "The Private Life of Chairman Mao" by Dr. Li Zhisui, excerpts reprinted U.S. News and World Report, October 10, 1994]
India Has A Rape Crisis, But Pakistan[/url](read this article)

Source: Wikipedia & Rape Statistics | Statistic Brain

writer is an Indian and just trying to justify the rape attack in India and digging up old stories. for your kind information Mukhtara Mai was not raped at all, it can't be proved in DNA reports. its a controversial story.

If you actually see the 'world-record', you'll find that India is far safer than most of the countries of the world....'rape rate' is much lower....

Rape statistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

in wikipedia most of the reports are old enough I am talking about 2012-13 only, where Indian's effort is remarkable.

On 12th July, Council of Islamic Ideology of Pakistan dismissed DNA tests as evidence for rapes, and declared that without witnesses no rapes would be recognized."[/COLOR]

So legally, there cannot be any rape victim in Pakistan....

don't try to distort facts, IIP said it (DNA tests) can be used as a supporting tool to identify the rape . and your fake link is not working

If Indian Males are affected by rape virus, then Pakistani males are surely affected by ICV (Instantaneous Combustion Virus), that they are exporting all over the world.

If India are affecting by rape virus then its not mean that Pakistanis are affected by ICV. what a logic.... lol
don't be furious :-)

guys, I ll repeat again that I am saying rape is common throughout the world but what is the reason of recent wave of 2012-13 i.e the number of rape attack has been increased rapidly in India as compared to other countries but it seems it has become a sore point of Indians that how quickly and aggressively you guys replied with links . :-) :-) :-)
don't try to distort facts, IIP said it (DNA tests) can be used as a supporting tool to identify the rape . and your fake link is not working..

Ha Ha, the link is the same you quoted...read carefully...
Rape statistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

guys, I ll repeat again that I am saying rape is common throughout the world but what is the reason of recent wave of 2012-13 i.e the number of rape attack has been increased rapidly in India as compared to other countries but it seems it has become a sore point of Indians that how..

How do you know that there is an increase in rape incidents when complete 2012-2013 stat. is not yet available....
And how to you know that these incidents are happening more in India than anywhere else in the world......for eg. Pakistan.
How can you compare India with a country which legally support rape and persecute rape victim...to show that rapes don't happen there...
The virus probably came from Pakistan.....there it is legal....so they had no problem.......but it is creating problem in India since rape is illegal here....:lol:
is it biological virus or some pdf posters want to make a world recoerd of hosting indian rape threads! :coffee:
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