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Is India's BJP Comparable to America's KKK?

One third of the world’s 1.2 billion poorest people live in India, according to the latest Millennium Development Goals report by the U.N.

India only managed to reduce its poverty rate (the ratio of the number of people who fall below the poverty line and a country’s total population) from 49.4% in 1994 to 42% in 2005 and 32.7% in 2010. By contrast, regional rival China brought it down from 60% in 1990 to an impressive 16% in 2005 and just 12% in 2010.

India also accounted for the highest number of under-five deaths in the world in 2012, with 1.4 million children not reaching their fifth birthday.

“We don’t have to be proud of what we’ve done,” admitted minority affairs minister Najma Heptulla to the Times Of India on Wednesday. “Poverty is the biggest challenge"

Most of the World's Poorest People Live in India

Genius...why did China was able to bring down its poverty rate? The answer is high rate of growth. India too is expected to grow faster and, according to IMF, out grow China from next year onwards. Expect India to bring out millions of people out of poverty.
KKK has no political authority, and except some few places, they can't do anything. FBI keeps a close tab on them AT ALL TIMEs.

Meanwhile, BJP in India.............more like Fascism in Europe during the 1930s
KKK has no political authority, and except some few places, they can't do anything. FBI keeps a close tab on them AT ALL TIMEs.

Meanwhile, BJP in India.............more like Fascism in Europe during the 1930s

I cannot really understand. If Indians don't have problem with BJP, why should Pakistanis have problem with BJP or Modi. It is like me getting obsessed with Nawaz Sharief. It doesn't make sense. I can assure you that no Indians feel that they are being ruled by a fascist regime.

"I.. saw much in this recent visit (to Pakistan) that did not conform to the main Western narrative for South Asia -- one in which India is steadily rising and Pakistan rapidly collapsing. Born of certain geopolitical needs and exigencies, this vision was always most useful to those who have built up India as an investment destination and a strategic counterweight to China....Seen through the narrow lens of the West’s security and economic interests, the great internal contradictions and tumult within these two large nation-states disappear. In the Western view, the credit-fueled consumerism among the Indian middle class appears a much bigger phenomenon than the extraordinary Maoist uprising in Central India".

Pankaj Mishra's Bloomberg Op Ed

Haq's Musings: India Rising? Pakistan Rapidly Collapsing?
"I.. saw much in this recent visit (to Pakistan) that did not conform to the main Western narrative for South Asia -- one in which India is steadily rising and Pakistan rapidly collapsing. Born of certain geopolitical needs and exigencies, this vision was always most useful to those who have built up India as an investment destination and a strategic counterweight to China....Seen through the narrow lens of the West’s security and economic interests, the great internal contradictions and tumult within these two large nation-states disappear. In the Western view, the credit-fueled consumerism among the Indian middle class appears a much bigger phenomenon than the extraordinary Maoist uprising in Central India".

Pankaj Mishra's Bloomberg Op Ed

Haq's Musings: India Rising? Pakistan Rapidly Collapsing?

Now who is this Pankaj Mishra? And why should you like us believe him over IMF or World Bank?
I cannot really understand. If Indians don't have problem with BJP, why should Pakistanis have problem with BJP or Modi. It is like me getting obsessed with Nawaz Sharief. It doesn't make sense. I can assure you that no Indians feel that they are being ruled by a fascist regime.
Germans had no problem with fascist Nazi ideology and Hitler, in-fact they supported the two wholeheartedly and at the end of the day the Nazi and Hitler dragged Europe into World War II.
I cannot really understand. If Indians don't have problem with BJP, why should Pakistanis have problem with BJP or Modi. It is like me getting obsessed with Nawaz Sharief. It doesn't make sense. I can assure you that no Indians feel that they are being ruled by a fascist regime.


ACTUAL REASON TO POST THIS TOPIC..:lol::lol: TO INCREASE THE WEB TRAFFIC..... MR @RiazHaq you are just capitalizing on anti-india sentiments of fellow pakistanis:enjoy:..... thats very sad....
Haq's Musings: Dr. Christine Fair Compares India's BJP With America's KKK

C. Christine Fair is an assistant professor in the Center for Peace and Security Studies (CPASS), within Georgetown University’s Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service. She has only recently wised up to the opportunity to sell lots of books in India, the world's third largest and currently the fastest growing market for books written in the English language.

Before writing and promoting "Fighting to the End: The Pakistan Army's Way of War", a virulently anti-Pakistan book, Dr. Fair said this in 2009:

"Having visited the Indian mission in Zahedan, Iran, I can assure you they are not issuing visas as the main activity! Moreover, India has run operations from its mission in Mazar (through which it supported the Northern Alliance) and is likely doing so from the other consulates it has reopened in Jalalabad and Qandahar along the border. Indian officials have told me privately that they are pumping money into Baluchistan".

Fair spoke at the World Affairs Council in San Francisco on "Pakistan, the Taliban and Regional Security" March 4, 2015. Here are some interesting excerpts from her generally anti-Pakistan narrative at the event:

1. India's Hindu Nationalists (RSS, BJP) are like the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), the violent post-civil war white supremacist organization made up mainly of former southern confederate supporters, in the United States. The difference is that while KKK has very little popular support in America, the RSS's political wing BJP recently won general elections by a landslide, making Narendra Modi ("KKK wizard") the prime minister of India.

2. India's human rights record in Kashmir is appalling.

3. It's "flat out wrong" to say that "Indian Muslims do not participate in terrorism".

4. Pakistan can use Indian Mujahideen (IM) which includes India's deeply alienated Muslims to conduct covert actions in India with plausible deniability.

5. China has been talking with the Taliban since 1990s. Chinese can play a huge role to stabilize Afghanistan with investments and control Pakistan's behavior. (Later, she says US should encourage India to go big in Afghanistan).

6. India has been able to establish significant presence in Afghanistan under US security umbrella. India's intentions in Afghanistan are not benign. But she also says that US should encourage India to "go big" in Afghanistan to check Pakistan.

7. India has built the Iranian port of Chabahar to compete with Gwadar port in Pakistan. She says Chahbahar offers a better land route for trade with from Arabian Sea to Central Asia.

8. No one wants to pay Afghanistan's bills when US leaves. China can fill the gap. US and China can be partners for peace in Afghanistan.

9. Fair says she is a "personal fan" of India's National Security Advisor Ajit Doval. Fair says "Pakistanis are afraid of him". Fair supports Modi's position of "India not engaging with Pakistan".

10. Current Indian government under Modi can aggressively "over-interpret" as exemplified by recent Indian claim of a "Pakistani terror boat" blown up by the Indian Coastguard.

11. Fair says she wants the US to work to "reduce Pakistan Army's influence"in governance but, in the next breath, she says "civilians are no better than the military".

Related Links:

Haq's Musings

India's Israel Envy: Has Modi Stepped Up Covert War Against Pakistan?

Book Sales in India: Profit Motive Drives Authors Bashing Pakistan

Debunking TV Paul

Challenging Gall-Haqqani-Paul Narrative

Looking Back at 1940 Lahore Resolution

Pakistan's Economic History

History of Literacy in Pakistan

Upwardly Mobile Pakistan

Asian Tigers Brought Prosperity

Value Added Agriculture in Pakistan

Are India and Pakistan Failed States?

Musharraf Accelerated Growth of Pakistan's Financial and Human Capital

Pakistan's Nuclear Program

Pakistan on Goldman Sachs' BRIC+N11 Growth Map

Haq's Musings: Dr. Christine Fair Compares India's BJP With America's KKK

Ok so here are the RAW agents telling our madam what they are upto......... Ok....

God knows how she came to such conclusion....... and what kind of data did she analyse the Indian election of 2014 to come out such a conclusion

Ok what this has to do with the point being discussed....... This was the case (accusation) for decades..... By the way I am yet to see a champion in human rights.....

No one said so.... Whats your point??? We agree we have our share of morons and fortunately authorities have taken it very seriously and working on it.....For example IM, SIMI, ISS, NDF

They have been using them...... one of the bhatkal is behind the bars, may be soon we can find his brother too....... as I pointed out, authorities are taking the internal threat seriously.....

Yes Chinese can do that....

We are not saints either.....

Better i doubt.... Alternate route???? Yes!!!!

True.... Every one knows how afghan battles are fought and out comes of it..... Yes China can be a partner in peace but i doubt there is going to be any partnership with US in this.....

Nothing wrong in being fan of Indian NSA.... But stating Pakistani's are afraid of him sounds stupid....... and she can keep supporting Modi for not engaging with Pakistan, but India is going to engage with pakistan as we are neighbors....

Over Interpret????? Now this is a relative term ..... "Pakistani Terror Boat" taken as an example.....But was it over interpretion or rightly interpretation, how can one judge???? They have not released the exact info's and there are goof ups for sure.... But the only agency who can to tell you what exactly happened is ICG.....

That is for Pakistan's population to decide.... No comments

Not Interested.....
Why are you trying to reason with some one who doesn't want it? It is like explaining white color to a blind by birth person....
Germans had no problem with fascist Nazi ideology and Hitler, in-fact they supported the two wholeheartedly and at the end of the day the Nazi and Hitler dragged Europe into World War II.

That is how democracy functions. People are elected to high office by the citizens of that country. You don't have a system where neighbors have a say in what government you have.

You are welcome to talk on India-Pak issues, but getting yourself involved in India's internal matters is none of your business.
Haq's Musings: Dr. Christine Fair Compares India's BJP With America's KKK

C. Christine Fair is an assistant professor in the Center for Peace and Security Studies (CPASS), within Georgetown University’s Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service. She has only recently wised up to the opportunity to sell lots of books in India, the world's third largest and currently the fastest growing market for books written in the English language.

Before writing and promoting "Fighting to the End: The Pakistan Army's Way of War", a virulently anti-Pakistan book, Dr. Fair said this in 2009:

"Having visited the Indian mission in Zahedan, Iran, I can assure you they are not issuing visas as the main activity! Moreover, India has run operations from its mission in Mazar (through which it supported the Northern Alliance) and is likely doing so from the other consulates it has reopened in Jalalabad and Qandahar along the border. Indian officials have told me privately that they are pumping money into Baluchistan".

Fair spoke at the World Affairs Council in San Francisco on "Pakistan, the Taliban and Regional Security" March 4, 2015. Here are some interesting excerpts from her generally anti-Pakistan narrative at the event:

1. India's Hindu Nationalists (RSS, BJP) are like the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), the violent post-civil war white supremacist organization made up mainly of former southern confederate supporters, in the United States. The difference is that while KKK has very little popular support in America, the RSS's political wing BJP recently won general elections by a landslide, making Narendra Modi ("KKK wizard") the prime minister of India.

2. India's human rights record in Kashmir is appalling.

3. It's "flat out wrong" to say that "Indian Muslims do not participate in terrorism".

4. Pakistan can use Indian Mujahideen (IM) which includes India's deeply alienated Muslims to conduct covert actions in India with plausible deniability.

5. China has been talking with the Taliban since 1990s. Chinese can play a huge role to stabilize Afghanistan with investments and control Pakistan's behavior. (Later, she says US should encourage India to go big in Afghanistan).

6. India has been able to establish significant presence in Afghanistan under US security umbrella. India's intentions in Afghanistan are not benign. But she also says that US should encourage India to "go big" in Afghanistan to check Pakistan.

7. India has built the Iranian port of Chabahar to compete with Gwadar port in Pakistan. She says Chahbahar offers a better land route for trade with from Arabian Sea to Central Asia.

8. No one wants to pay Afghanistan's bills when US leaves. China can fill the gap. US and China can be partners for peace in Afghanistan.

9. Fair says she is a "personal fan" of India's National Security Advisor Ajit Doval. Fair says "Pakistanis are afraid of him". Fair supports Modi's position of "India not engaging with Pakistan".

10. Current Indian government under Modi can aggressively "over-interpret" as exemplified by recent Indian claim of a "Pakistani terror boat" blown up by the Indian Coastguard.

11. Fair says she wants the US to work to "reduce Pakistan Army's influence"in governance but, in the next breath, she says "civilians are no better than the military".

Related Links:

Haq's Musings

India's Israel Envy: Has Modi Stepped Up Covert War Against Pakistan?

Book Sales in India: Profit Motive Drives Authors Bashing Pakistan

Debunking TV Paul

Challenging Gall-Haqqani-Paul Narrative

Looking Back at 1940 Lahore Resolution

Pakistan's Economic History

History of Literacy in Pakistan

Upwardly Mobile Pakistan

Asian Tigers Brought Prosperity

Value Added Agriculture in Pakistan

Are India and Pakistan Failed States?

Musharraf Accelerated Growth of Pakistan's Financial and Human Capital

Pakistan's Nuclear Program

Pakistan on Goldman Sachs' BRIC+N11 Growth Map

Haq's Musings: Dr. Christine Fair Compares India's BJP With America's KKK

Another 'Burnol' thread...

One third of the world’s 1.2 billion poorest people live in India, according to the latest Millennium Development Goals report by the U.N.

India only managed to reduce its poverty rate (the ratio of the number of people who fall below the poverty line and a country’s total population) from 49.4% in 1994 to 42% in 2005 and 32.7% in 2010. By contrast, regional rival China brought it down from 60% in 1990 to an impressive 16% in 2005 and just 12% in 2010.

India also accounted for the highest number of under-five deaths in the world in 2012, with 1.4 million children not reaching their fifth birthday.

“We don’t have to be proud of what we’ve done,” admitted minority affairs minister Najma Heptulla to the Times Of India on Wednesday. “Poverty is the biggest challenge"

Most of the World's Poorest People Live in India

A billion people were lifted from abject poverty between 1980 and 2010. China accounts for nearly three quarters of these, or 680 million people brought out of misery, by reducing its extreme-poverty rate from 84% in 1980 to 10% now, according to a report in The Economist. The report adds that with "poorer governance in India and Africa, the next two targets, means that China’s experience is unlikely to be swiftly replicated there".

Source: Where Are the Poor and Where Are the Poorest?

As China's share of the world's extreme poor (living below $1.25 per day per person level) has dramatically declined, India's share has significantly increased. India now contributes 33% (up from 22 % in 1981). While the extreme poor in Sub-Saharan Africa represented only 11 percent of the world’s total in 1981, they now account for 34% of the world’s extreme poor, and China comes next contributing 13 percent (down from 43 percent in 1981), according to the World Bank report titled State of the Poor.

Pakistan's Share of World's Poor Equals its Share of World Population

Haq's Musings: India's Share of World's Poorest Jumped From 22% to 33% in 30 Years!

....with lots of ice!
I cannot really understand. If Indians don't have problem with BJP, why should Pakistanis have problem with BJP or Modi. It is like me getting obsessed with Nawaz Sharief. It doesn't make sense. I can assure you that no Indians feel that they are being ruled by a fascist regime.

Germans thought they were a superior race. So did the Italians, under Mussolini. I don't care what Indians think, but the OP was related to what i said. Sometimes it is not easy to look at oneself even in the mirror.
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