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Is India Panicking In Ladakh!

Sir this is where the Military Experts come in, maybe Signalian or Panzerkiel can put some light to it. It will be interesting to see how India fares on a two front scenario!

Oh, that is different.

Without referring to the experts, it is certain that India will do badly fighting a two-front war.

Remember my conditions? Nothing unclear about them.
they look
If it is about looks why do you have Ladakh, Manipur, Arunchal Pradesh as part of India. They look decidely Eastern Asian. And why do you have those Dravid South Indian because they look like your coconut munching Sri Lankan? Or those Bangas from West Bengal? Should they not be united with their kith in Bangladesh?
DONT want to sound defeatist GUYS


SO much better equipped ,

I HAVE no idea about discipline or moral or leadership or combat doctrine and tactics.

BUT I fear they will cause SEVERE damage

BUT we HAVE NO CHOICE ……….. we HAVE to Fight …………...THEY have force india into corner

its SERIOUSLY worrying I have no idea are e ready OR not I fear the worst
Now why would India divert its forces towards Kashmir when the Chinese are RIGHT inside its claimed borders? Makes no sense whatsoever.

What are you even talking about? The LAC is one that was established in 1999.

It is pathetic how much hope little fanboys have put on the possibility of a Chinese escalation, and how they think that this will mean that the Indian Army will be pulled into two. Please figure out how many troops are practically deployed there, and how many are left over - the whole of Eastern Command, the whole of Southern Command - to take alternative action.

If it is about looks why do you have Ladakh, Manipur, Arunchal Pradesh as part of India. They look decidely Eastern Asian. And why do you have those Dravid South Indian because they look like your coconut munching Sri Lankan? Or those Bangas from West Bengal? Should they not be united with their kith in Bangladesh?

@Indus Pakistan for President!
Bong Lives Matter.
If it is about looks why do you have Ladakh, Manipur, Arunchal Pradesh as part of India. They look decidely Eastern Asian. And why do you have those Dravid South Indian because they look like your coconut munching Sri Lankan? Or those Bangas from West Bengal? Should they not be united with their kith in Bangladesh?

I WAS teasing about brothers the CHINEASE and TURKS look nothing like you majority Pakistanis 60% of your army is Punjabi . by the WAY so am I . exactly 50 miles from LAHORE lol lol
Oh, that is different.

Without referring to the experts, it is certain that India will do badly fighting a two-front war.

Remember my conditions? Nothing unclear about them.

The war will happen only when India respond militarily to China. If India does not respond militarily then there is no war since Chinese has achieved whatever they wanted to achieve.
The war will happen only when India respond militarily to China. If India does not respond militarily then there is no war since Chinese has achieved whatever they wanted to achieve.

The war might happen in other circumstances. Consider this:
  1. Pakistan has always attacked India, thinking that India's response will be limited and will be easily overcome;
  2. India has always been caught by surprise;
  3. India has then over-reacted, pouring in troops and resources;
  4. Pakistan has been astonished at the unexpected Indian reaction, and has lost ground heavily to the Indian counter-attack;
  5. Pakistan has usually been preserved from a fate worse than death by Indian reluctance or unwillingness to press the advantages gained.
a two-front war
If Chinese launched all out attack using major chunk of their assets on Ladakh, Arunchal Pradesh, Doklan [near Sikkim] threatening the chickens neck, Utter Akhand hen I doubt India would have the capability to launch a attack on a scale to threaten Pakistan along the Radcliffe Line. It could launch minor spoilers but nothing more than that. IAF would almost be entirely occupied by PLAF. In such a scenario a bold attack by Pakistan on Jammu would most likely succeed.

However this would never happen because China would never launch a attack on the scale to pin down or put the Indian Army in disarray. In other words I don;'t question Chinese capability but question their goal. Pakistan missed the chance in 1962. I doubt if that will repeat itself.

If it did I would expect that Pakistan launches a all out attack and resolves the issue once for all.
What are you even talking about? The LAC is one that was established in 1999.

It is pathetic how much hope little fanboys have put on the possibility of a Chinese escalation, and how they think that this will mean that the Indian Army will be pulled into two. Please figure out how many troops are practically deployed there, and how many are left over - the whole of Eastern Command, the whole of Southern Command - to take alternative action.

@Indus Pakistan for President!
Bong Lives Matter.

I am referring to your comment where you said India reserves to attack anywhere incase it is attacked. Instead of focusing on the Chinese invasion why would a general in his right frame of mind push his forces towards Kashmir? Regarding the Chinese, no one was/is expecting that they'd go to THIS length. Frankly its caught everyone by surprise. I still think its just posturing and the ball is in India's court. How they respond to this aggressive posturing will seal the fate of the region.

Even if the Indians have enough numbers (eastern/southern command as you put it) still it'd make sense for them to take defensive positions rather than going on a rampage. But then I am not a general so what do i know about military strategy. I am just using common sense.
The war might happen in other circumstances. Consider this:
  1. Pakistan has always attacked India, thinking that India's response will be limited and will be easily overcome;
  2. India has always been caught by surprise;
  3. India has then over-reacted, pouring in troops and resources;
  4. Pakistan has been astonished at the unexpected Indian reaction, and has lost ground heavily to the Indian counter-attack;
  5. Pakistan has usually been preserved from a fate worse than death by Indian reluctance or unwillingness to press the advantages gained.

You are talking about Past which does not matter now. Pak will initiate war Only after India and China actively went into war. For India China war, India needs to respond China militarily.

Alternatively this will be India who will pick a war with Pakistan rather China to boost his dwindling prestige.
I am referring to your comment where you said India reserves to attack anywhere incase it is attacked. Instead of focusing on the Chinese invasion why would a general in his right frame of mind push his forces towards Kashmir?

You forget the premises and have come straight to the conclusion. If you take another look at the remark that sparked off this mini-thread, this is what the originating post said:

Well if China succeeds in taking all the attention, and the Indians deploy all their reserves and other units towards them. Pakistan might have a chance to exploit the weak Indian defences.

This involves the best of all possible worlds:
  1. China sits on the border brooding, and India pours all her resources into thwarting an attack that never happens;
  2. Pakistan then attacks, to use their "....chance to exploit the weak Indian defences...."
  3. India has nothing left in the larder to meet this challenge.
My point is that Indian reserves are in the Southern Command and Central Command and are sufficient to withstand any external challenge.

Regarding the Chinese, no one was/is expecting that they'd go to THIS length. Frankly its caught everyone by surprise. I still think its just posturing and the ball is in India's court. How they respond to this aggressive posturing will seal the fate of the region.

That's all it is.

Even if the Indians have enough numbers (eastern/southern command as you put it) still it'd make sense for them to take defensive positions rather than going on a rampage. But then I am not a general so what do i know about military strategy. I am just using common sense.

You didn't get it. That 'rampage' would be in case of a Pakistani opportunistic attack.

So you don't look like a Tamil or Telagu?

lol. Indeed. God made you guys short but then covered that deficit with surfeit of brain matter.

Surfeit? Not surfeit, please; just sufficient to make up for all the rest of the SDRE bits. :D

You are talking about Past which does not matter now. Pak will initiate war Only after India and China actively went into war. For India China war, India needs to respond China militarily.

Even during a response to the Chinese, there are specific formations to decide the response, and there are others that will guard against other threats.

Alternatively this will be India who will pick a war with Pakistan rather China to boost his dwindling prestige.
And if not?
And if India escalates the conflict and attacks beyond Kashmir?
It is already on record from 1965 that India reserves the right to strike anywhere if attacked.


Abhi tau time kharab chal raha hey ...... abhi tau Pakistan par attack kidhar say hoga --- aagay khadda, peechay khaaee :enjoy:

This is why China is sitting there --- all your military strategy has been neutralised.

Even an attack from sea or from South is impossible at this stage.

You need to mobilise army to face China, which is building in massive numbers every 24-hours.


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