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Is India Finally Bracing Itself For a War!

Why are you pakistanis itching tio get involved.

Do you not have enough issues at home

Why would you want to butt in a war between India & China.

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Why are you pakidtanis itching tio get involved.

Do you not have enough issues at home

Why would you want to butt in a war between India & China.

Because this may be the only opportunity for Pakistan to regain Kashmir? It missed the huge opportunity in 1962 ... as they say, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. India would never give up Kashmir willingly, even in a huge rebellion. The only method would be through external means, which is the 2.5 front war.
Why are you Pakistanis itching tio get involved.
Because its good entertainment :pop: and we'll be doing what Republic TV, ABP News, NewsX & Zee News do.
Do you not have enough issues at home
Not sure what issues you're pointing at.

Everything in Pakistan is: Business as usual.
Why would you want to butt in a war between India & China.
The same reason you want to ISOLATE Pakistan in the International Community - you guys get off it. You're relentless in your attempts to put us on the Black List in FATF. You're constantly attempting to bringing up Pakistan in the UN Security Council.

What, we can't be spectators?!!
And why are you blowing a gasket over it?

Look, if India goes out to War, it just makes Pakistan stronger everytime you fire a bullet on the other side. Your jets fly more means you burn up more Jet A-1 fuel. Its simple math.
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parachute brigade will air drop behind enemy lines and cut off all PLA supply lines.
Chinese will be trapped in Aksai Chin like Nazi 6th army was trapped in Stalingrad.
Let me ask you this...

Q. You think a calculating military like the PLA that has so far kept a tight lip not know what you guys are planning?


Your blow-hole, loud mouth retired Generals are on numerous Channels 24/7 giving details of what they would do from a strategic point-of-view. On the flipside, you haven't even the slightest clue what's going on on the other side.

This isn't a Bollywood D-version of: Enemy at the Gates
Sandeese aate hain .. lala la lala la lala La

If only going to conflict was just this romantic for those partaking in it.

But, we all need the motivation and these is plainly that for the Indian masses who seem to have had a collective IQ hit since the 56” took over.

The Chinese too have their motivational songs and speeches in private but it seems on their end are more focused on calling India’s bluff and knowing they will be successful in it.
Today the Defence Minister Rajnath Singh Witnessed Military Manoeuvres near the LAC, where according to the media the paratroopers and the armoured units conducted war exercises to give a strong message to the Chinese.


In this video the commentator said that the LAC is only 2 km away. It is actually 102+km away.


Actual distance to the lake and the border is 104.73 km not 2 km.

The closet border area is 94 km away.

It seems like a safe distance is once again maintained from the border.

Our jolly old friend with second life, Bipin was there. He must be praying, last time Pakistanis let me go, let's hope Chinese are not mad enough to kill me this time. :sarcastic:

Currently there is no Chinese intrusion in Galwan, Gogra and Depsang sectors but same cannot about said about grey zone of Panging lake.
Hence we have given ultimatum to China they should complete all withdrawal from Pangong by 15th August.
Or else? You are going to have another 20 dead and 73 injured.
parachute brigade will air drop behind enemy lines and cut off all PLA supply lines.
Chinese will be trapped in Aksai Chin like Nazi 6th army was trapped in Stalingrad.

Man, I hope your general don't think like you, otherwise India is history. :rap:
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Let me ask you this...

Q. You think a calculating military like the PLA that has so far kept a tight lip not know what you guys are planning?


Your blow-hole, loud mouth retired Generals are on numerous Channels 24/7 giving details of what they would do from a strategic point-of-view. On the flipside, you haven't even the slightest clue what's going on on the other side.

This isn't a Bollywood D-version of: Enemy at the Gates
This is precisely the reason why I think India is not planning to go on an offensive.
Loudmouths don't fight.

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