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Is India Finally Bracing Itself For a War!

It's funny to see Chinese have a chance against us...
There is a reason why they have run away from Dokhlam and Galwan...

I stated many times, I fear Pakistan military
but Chinese Military is nothing but a clown show.

Well, some one talked about "friends"..
So, who are Chinese friends?
Japan, SK, Indonesia, Phili, Burma. Bhutan, Vietnam...??

In fact if and when time comes, they may just join in on the thrashing CCP is about to receive.

No matter how many 'Friends' join in with India (they won't and haven't) all of their forces combined will still be too weak. Especially considering how the USA, who is stronger than every one of the countries in the friends group combined, still thinks China is a major threat.

PLAN is able to hold off the USN but the IN is somehow more powerful? Pls explain how this haappens.

The PAF who consistently defeated the IAF told Musharraf they couldn't hold off the USN/USAF for more than 3 hours or 30 minutes or something ridiculous. The same USN/USAF is threatened by China. This is how much stronger China is than the Indian media paints it as.
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Oh my..

Which neighbors?
And let's not even talk about China neighbors....they have poked everyone and their dog...

Now they will learn a lesson & will be disintegrated.
First to be free will Tibet.

Pakistanis should be glad,
we will liberate Ughyr muslims from these commies...not that you care much about them anyway.
When will India free Tibet and Xinjiang? Lol. I know your name is "Pothead" but pot isn't a very strong substance ... are you sure your not high on something else? :drag::dance3:
When will India free Tibet and Xinjiang? Lol. I know your name is "Pothead" but pot isn't a very strong substance ... are you sure your not high on something else? :drag::dance3:

Well, state these friends of China first buddy...
We also want to see these mythical friends of Chinese..

No matter how many 'Friends' join in with India (they won't and haven't) all of their forces combined will still be too weak. Especially considering how the USA, who is stronger than every one of the countries in the friends group combined, still thinks China is a major threat.

We don't need any friends to thrash PLA.
Where as you lot are very interested in having a painful relationship - god knows why though.
[QUOTE="pothead, post: 12548554, member: 185692"
We don't need any friends to thrash PLA.

Ok supa power. I guess India is stronger than the USA
Did Rajnath Singh take, Lemons, Coconuts and Chillies to the LAC during his visit? Hopefully he did as apparently it adds extra SupaPower and HP. They'll need as much help as possible :sarcastic:


On a serious note, bring it on. Sino-Pak alliance is as ready as ever just waiting for these Bakhts to make that move. As soon as they try anything, their randi rona will be never ending :pakistan::china:
[QUOTE="pothead, post: 12548554, member: 185692"
We don't need any friends to thrash PLA.

Ok supa power. I guess India is stronger than the USA[/QUOTE]

nothing to do with being a super power,
We are not & we don't need to be to thrash any adventurism by China...

Some one sure is shitting bricks ....


On July 13, one day and four years after the ill-founded Arbitral Tribunal's South China Sea ruling, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a statement the tribunal's decision is "final and legally binding." Pompeo also said that most of China's maritime claims in the South China Sea are "completely unlawful." The US is making waves in the South China Sea, adding anxieties to relevant countries suffering from the coronavirus pandemic.

What actions will the US possibly take to support its new position? There is a chance that military options might be undertaken.

The US feels uncomfortable about China's construction of islands and reefs in the South China Sea, as well as corresponding military deployments there in recent years. From Western perspectives, the value of the South China Sea in the new major power competition is as strategic as the importance of the Malta Channel or the Strait of Gibraltar to the global oceans. Therefore, the US has ratcheted up its so-called freedom of navigation operations in the South China Sea.

With the intensifying of China-US competition, the South China Sea has become one of the key areas that the US is strengthening its containment and pressure on China. In fact, the United States Strategic Approach to the People's Republic of China issued by the White House in May said that "the United States will increase public pressure on the PRC government and take action to protect United States interests by leveraging proportional costs when necessary." It claims that the US will continue freedom of navigation operations in the South China Sea to push back on "China's hegemonic assertions and excessive claims."

Pompeo's July 13 statement, combined with recent US moves in the region, leads to speculation that in the future the US is likely to adopt more diverse and intense military operations in the South China Sea. China and the US are in a perilous stage. The two are constantly testing each other's bottom line. This is full of uncertainties and dangers. During the early stages of the original Cold War in the 1950s, there were continuous crises between the US and the Soviet Union. The two countries didn't start to reexamine their own strategies until the Cuban Missile Crisis brought them to the brink of nuclear war in 1962.

In the South China Sea, the US may have three ways to strategically test China. First, the US can conduct so-called freedom of navigation operations. Second, the US may send military forces to interfere in the disputes between China and its neighboring countries. Third, the US may create crises to try to sound out China's bottom line and show off its own strength and will. In recent years, TV reporters may be on the scene as warships and aircrafts provoke China in the South China Sea. This is a clear example of a deliberate provocation.

We need to evaluate whether the current crisis management mechanisms can work to deal with possible crises. In 2001, a US aircraft collided with a Chinese fighter over the South China Sea, exposing the flaws in the two sides' crisis management and control. Thereafter, China and the US established the Beijing-Washington hotline between the two defense authorities in 2007. The two sides also signed Memorandum of Understanding on Notification of Major Military Activities and Confidence-Building Measures Mechanism and the Memorandum of Understanding Regarding the Rules of Behavior for Safety of Air and Maritime Encounters in 2014. These have played a positive role in maintaining China-US strategic stability.

But the two MOUs focus on crisis prevention and accident management in peace time. It is still unknown how the two sides will carry out crisis management when real major military crises occur. We should not passively deal with a horrible situation after it happens. We should focus on preventing it. First, we need to set up hypothetical scenarios and test the existing crisis management mechanisms. Second, we need to establish effective crisis communication mechanisms with US, including how we can jointly define and defuse possible crises, agree on how to communicate when a certain crisis occurs, and create specific accords for special channels to cool down any situation or unexpected emergency event.

To maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea, we should maintain strategic focus, urge the US to exercise restraint, warn the international community of possible consequences if the US acts rashly, test existing crisis management mechanisms, and try to conduct consultations with the US to prevent possible crises.

The author is a research fellow with the National Institute for South China Sea Studies and the School of Public Affairs at Zhejiang University. opinion@globaltimes.com.cn
Well, state these friends of China first buddy...
We also want to see these mythical friends of Chinese..

We don't need any friends to thrash PLA.
Where as you lot are very interested in having a painful relationship - god knows why though.
Good luck with the 2.5 front war then lol ... the Germans lasted almost 4 years in WW2, hopefully India can last 4 weeks. I'm sure that India media will be posting headlines such as "Indian army has captured Lhasa" or "the Chinese air force has been decimated" the whole time, even when the Chinese are at the gates of New Delhi. Not dissimilar to the Iraqi media proclaiming "victory" when US forces reached Baghdad in 2003.

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