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Is India Appealing To The Global Order - - - - - - - ?


Feb 3, 2016
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After taking beating from PAF in broad day light the crown jewel of Indian military, the IAF, is resorting to excuses and all kinds of coulda woulda about not having rapheals and whatnot - - - - -

Pakistan did achieve some sorta of Air power parity besides military wings do indulge in these antics to get desired amount of funds and in case of IAF the air marshalls would also be eyeing on hefty kickbacks, strictly not talking about what was rendered by the jf 17 :D , so what is it?

1-a classic example of saving grace ?

2- or an appeal to the global order that india is still your best bet against China if the IAF gets its hands on the western wares?

3- or both?

@MastanKhan @Tps43 @Mangus Ortus Novem @Dawood Ibrahim @bilal khan quwa @Path-Finder @Great Janjua @Max @I S I @Reichmarshal @fitpOsitive @BHarwana @Windjammer @B+ Dracula @Valar. @Areesh @Maxpane @pakistanipower @PaklovesTurkiye @Hakikat ve Hikmet @Chakar The Great

After taking beating from PAF in broad day light the crown jewel of Indian military, the IAF, is resorting to excuses and all kinds of coulda woulda about not having rapheals and whatnot - - - - -

Pakistan did achieve some sorta of Air power parity besides military wings do indulge in these antics to get desired amount of funds and in case of IAF the air marshalls would also be eyeing on hefty kickbacks, strictly not talking about what was rendered by the jf 17 :D , so what is it?

1-a classic example of saving grace ?

2- or an appeal to the global order that india is still your best bet against China if the IAF gets its hands on the western wares?

3- or both?

@MastanKhan @Tps43 @Mangus Ortus Novem @Dawood Ibrahim @bilal khan quwa @Path-Finder @Great Janjua @Max @I S I @Reichmarshal @fitpOsitive @BHarwana @Windjammer @B+ Dracula @Valar. @Areesh @Maxpane @pakistanipower @PaklovesTurkiye @Hakikat ve Hikmet @Chakar The Great

Actually Pakistan has slapped India so hard that their face is still blue.
The main problem with them is : They have lured world weapon manufacturers that they will buy alot, but that was just a bait in order get support from west. These international weapon dealers will now make India buy the shit they prepared to sell to India.
Now, still Indians are getting all the aid and all kind of support, even if west know that India will fall like a deck of cards if only war between Pakistan and India erupted.
Actually west doesn't have any choice other than India in the region. Secondly, India is still a best source of trained professionals. If Pakistan some how manag to make its education system better, then we can decrease Wests dependency on India.
Thirdly, our economic and law and order systems are also not properly working. If we are successful in assuring our people that they are having the best value of life and govt is behind their safety. Then Pakistan is already a super power.
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Bhai i think west should be disappointed of the worst performance against paf . how would they count on iaf against china?
positive point of that skirmish is that people again start belief on paf and youth would be proudly join for glory and flying . inshort a new life of paf
If we move away from 5th gen to 4.5 gen then honestly speaking India has good weapons in that class of air warfare. SU-30 MKI is a good jet. Yes we have shot down a Mig21 bison but still it is a good interceptors and I like it and I am very fond of F-7 in PAF because of that reason. So you cannot blame Indian loss on the machiene they had some of the best machines out there. Going by the concept of India if India has out dated jets that means Russians are still living in stone age? Nope it was not the jets but the pilots in India which were not up to the task of defence.
@Mentee , my friend, the global power architecture is already in a flux.

You cann't view Indo-Pak tensions in isolation.

For last 18 years Pak has been the battleground of the power struggle with global dimensions.
Please, look at your country's map to understand. This BLA and whatnots are just proxies.

India has essentially been a Western agent in Asia... this goes back since the 50's. Target China.

1962 was not an Indian enterprise against China but of its masters. India was just the tool. China containment strategy goes way back.

71 was not only to bring Pak to a managable level power but also to 'allow' the space to challenge China more vigourously. Again look at the map of BD.

After the collapse of USSR the counterweight to China was gone. Till this time China had kept its head down and opened up its economy making MNCs shareholders in its development. Here you would remember the famous speech of Bush Sr. 'NWO'.

Sine the early 90s Indians are being prepared for this goal. But Indians have one problem, their mythologies and fantasies not withstanding. The problem is called Pak State and Paks as people.

You have to look at the Comprehensive National Strength of India and China. And then you have to look at CNS of China and the US.

The much hyped India economy is actually worth what? The size of industrial base of India and China. The level of R&D, education and innovation per capita of these two countries.

In power equations brovados dont matter but data/facts do. Rhetoric vs Reality.

Hence you have to look at kills of JF-17 through the larger prims and not mere national angles.

What the Iron Falcon Thunder did is crushing of a hype, myth and advocated/promoted paradigm of India as the policeman in Afro-Asian Ocean Region. All this jazz become dud.

Now India has to do something visibly big to prove its worth. Indian Terrorism in Pak doesn't count as hardpower.

However, if India does that the Pak response will come. The Surprise!

India is terribly ill equipped, trained and motivated for conventional war. Otherwise, 2002 was the best chance.

Now India and her masters are back to the drawingboard.

Kashmir is already free. Apart from killing unarmed civilians in IoK and AJK it cann't do much. This fact alone is disturbing for the China Containment party.

CPEC makes China a two ocean power. Do you think China will allow this baby to slip away so easily?

If the war is imposed then Pak has no option but to fight to the finish...since it will be a defensive war, a war for survival.

What would India be fighting for? With what motivation? With what public support? International Media doesn't count much anymore.

When calculating Power a model must have many vectors!

Now you tell me what, in your view, India is going to do?


India is like a heavyweight boxer who over the course of years has gathered massive fan base at home(mostly) and and outside(partially) by declaring himself the most powerful boxer without any real fight in recent times.

One day to impress the fan girls, he challenges a lightweight boxer for a not so friendly fight. Goes to the ring with all his dance moves and bhangra. Steps into the ring, shows off. And then boom. All it took was just one power punch from the skinny boxer to throw him outta ring.

Now what we are currently looking at is the moment when the supa pawa boxer is still rubbing his cheeks outside the arena and thinking whether to get back in ring to fight again or simply walk away. Crowd is cheering for the skinny guy and booing the mighty boxer.

What should he do?
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If we move away from 5th gen to 4.5 gen then honestly speaking India has good weapons in that class of air warfare. SU-30 MKI is a good jet. Yes we have shot down a Mig21 bison but still it is a good interceptors and I like it and I am very fond of F-7 in PAF because of that reason. So you cannot blame Indian loss on the machiene they had some of the best machines out there. Going by the concept of India if India has out dated jets that means Russians are still living in stone age? Nope it was not the jets but the pilots in India which were not up to the task of defence.

why don't we move to 3.5 generation then India will look like a super power as it wrongly deserves.

After taking beating from PAF in broad day light the crown jewel of Indian military, the IAF, is resorting to excuses and all kinds of coulda woulda about not having rapheals and whatnot - - - - -

Pakistan did achieve some sorta of Air power parity besides military wings do indulge in these antics to get desired amount of funds and in case of IAF the air marshalls would also be eyeing on hefty kickbacks, strictly not talking about what was rendered by the jf 17 :D , so what is it?

1-a classic example of saving grace ?

2- or an appeal to the global order that india is still your best bet against China if the IAF gets its hands on the western wares?

3- or both?

@MastanKhan @Tps43 @Mangus Ortus Novem @Dawood Ibrahim @bilal khan quwa @Path-Finder @Great Janjua @Max @I S I @Reichmarshal @fitpOsitive @BHarwana @Windjammer @B+ Dracula @Valar. @Areesh @Maxpane @pakistanipower @PaklovesTurkiye @Hakikat ve Hikmet @Chakar The Great
Day 2 Day Opinion:
Many guys above me describe the situation better than me. And I also believe the pain PAF delivered to them on 28 Feb is haunting them day&night and they are Planning to serve same Old Curry in new fashion
Bigger CANVAS:
Bigger Perspective suggests me that, we're heading towards CLASH OF CIVILIZATION predicted by samuel huntington in 1990s.


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