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Is Hinduism a false religion?

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Aug 3, 2013
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Hello PDF members)
I did my research on hindu religion and derived the following.Please stay with me because it,s going to be a very long post.
First of all, I am not into religion much but I have published this post because I want to tell you and ask you about Hinduism.
Its not a long,complicated post.I am just pointing out the basics of this religion.
First of all, The word "Hindu", as most of you may be knowing, was used to refer the people living beyond the river Sindh.It does not mean the people who follow vedas and believe in 36crore deities.
The people in Arab still refer Indians as "Hindi".People living beyond Sindh, irrespective of their caste, colour, religion. etc. are called Hindu. A Muslim or a christian or any other person from any other religion, however, may refrain from calling himself as a Hindu because this word has now been established as a landmark to represent the 'Sanatan Dharma'.

Now coming to the main point whether Hinduism is True or False.
This post is all about Hinduism(which you may describe as a religion), So please refrain from posting about any other religion because the main talk is about the authenticity of Sanatan Dharm and not any other religion.
What I have known of this religion is a bunch of misunderstandings and few lies.
We will sort the matter point wise.

1. The Vedas clearly states that there is one God.The following verses clarify this fact.

"Ekam evadvitiyam"
"He is One only without a second."
[Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:1]

"Na casya kascij janita na cadhipah."
"Of Him there are neither parents nor lord."
[Svetasvatara Upanishad 6:9]

"Na tasya pratima asti"
"There is no likeness of Him."
[Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:19]

The Vedas states this clearly but somehow the people are not willing to understand this.Swami Dayanand Saraswati condemned Idol worship because he was able to understand this thing and followed it zealously.
Raja Ram Mohan Roy was also opposed to idol worship.
All these people, In spite of being born into a Hindu family remained detached from the evils of idol worship and worshipping many gods and deities.
Now tell me is this still not clear to you that God is one?
What more proof do you want?Vedas are the oldest and the most authentic Hindu scriptures but in spite of following the Vedas, people fall for idolatry and polytheism.It is clear that God is one and he neither begets nor is he begotten.but as we see in Hinduism, first there was Shiva who created Vishnu and from his navel was created Brahma.This only contradicts the Vedas.Again the Hindus, they worship idols ans stones and lingum, etc. even after its written that God is one and has no image.

1.The Wisdom of the Vedas (Theosophical Heritage Classics)
The Wisdom of the Vedas (Theosophical Heritage Classics)
Amazon Price: $8.75
List Price: $14.95

2.Some people defend this by saying that the things which were important to us were termed as 'Devas'

people say that they worship only one God and the rest are deities or 'devas' .So tell me, from where did the three main gods viz. Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh come?They came from mere imagination of the people.why, in spite of knowing that God is one, people are worshipping these three as gods?
this verse clearly states that God has no body.
"shudhama poapvidham"
"He is bodyless and pure."
[Yajurveda 40:8]
But we can see that the three main gods(leave the incarnations and the deities aside, as they will cause trouble for you) have not one but three distinct bodies.Shiva is somewhat blue with a snake round his neck, Vishnu is found sitting on Sheshnag, and Brahma on a lotus with four heads.
How weird!

3. Hindu gods have wives!!!

we all know that Hindu gods have wife and children as well.Shiva married to Parvati,Vishnu to Lakshmi,Saraswati and Ganga, and most of all, your beloved Brahma married his own daughter Saraswati.wow, promotion of incest. Never heard any divine being doing that.

4.People claim that the three gods viz, Shiva,Vishnu and Brahma are three avatars of the one almighty God.

Brahma depicts the 'Creator', Vishnu depicts the 'Sustainer' and Shiva depicts the 'Destroyer'.But then why worship the forms of God if he is formless.
These three were the name Given to the one and only God but people as usual misunderstood them as three distinct forms of God and started worshipping them.
for example, If I call you by different names, does it mean you are divided into many distinct forms?No, because these are only names which people use to refer you.
similarly God has been given infinite names but it does not mean that we start worshipping different names of God in different form.

Done.: What most religions don't tell you about the Bible
Done.: What most religions don't tell you about the Bible
Amazon Price: $2.87
List Price: $2.99

5. One god greater than the other.

We can easily find the gods in Hinduism worshipping each other.The supreme being(considered as so by Hindus) Shiva, is worshipped the most.He is worshipped by the gods, the deities and even the asuras, the evil one.
Even if the three of them are the same and one only, why did such a need arise so that they started praying to themselves?
how can the same god be superior to himself?

6.Presence of female goddesses.

We know that God has got no gender.but still, we have many female goddesses as well as male ones.and most of them being deities are married to the gods. We know that God neither begets nor is he begotten then why would there be a need for God to marry and beget children? Clearly these characteristics are present in the Hindu gods so they are not God and this is one of the biggest proofs to claim that Hinduism is false.
The Vedas are correct to some extent in showing the true nature of God and its not the Vedas which are corrupt but the later scriptures which mislead the people to believe in such things.

7. Why would God entertain the prayers of the evil ones?

We know that Shiva is the most widely worshipped god and he was even worshipped by the Asuras, the evil ones, and we also know that most of them got their wishes granted in the most grand manner and then they spread evil in the universe(with the help of god. How lame!).
Why would God, knowing that the consequences will be worse, grant any such wishes to an evil being.God is seen as someone against evil and not the one who is helping it to spread.The evil ones should fear God and not pray to him and get their wishes granted.
This again exposes the lies of Hinduism('Sanatan Dharma' to remind you)

8.God drinking 'Bhang'

Shiva is known to drink 'Bhang' and that is why in India, most of the people are trapped in the evil of such an intoxicant.why would God portray himself as someone who promotes the intake of intoxicant so that people follow him and do evil things.This is the most widely spread evil in India and this is just because Shiva used to do this.
This again portrays God as a wrong being and make any of your claim of Hinduism being true weaker.

9. Why did Hindu gods love India most?

We see that almost all of the activity of Hindu gods were limited to India only. 'Ramayana' depicts a story of India and Sri Lanka, 'Mahabharata' of Kurukshetra. Krishna, Ram, Hanuman, Pandavas, etc. all lived in India and all the epics revolve around India only.Did not God love other part of the earth?
Why is it so that inspite of being the ultimate path to heaven and eternity(according to Hindus), this religion was bounded to India and surrounding few countries only?
It seems that God did not want people of any other country to enjoy the privilege of heaven.
You may say that beings like Narad Muni, son of Brahma travelled the whole universe(teeno lok) but he did not propogate the religion in any other part.
Why is it so that more than 95% Hindu temples are in India?
Why the rivers in India are considered sacred and not any other river in the world?
This again proves that Hinduism is false and based on mere imaginations.

People, I am not saying that you should convert to any other religion, but atleast follow your religion with true devotion and in the correct way.Your religion is based on the Vedas, and you should follow it while remaining within the boundaries of the Vedas.
If the Vedas say there is one God, then there is one God only and you should worship him alone.
If the Vedas say he is formless, then he is formless and he should not be imagined and moulded into any form and worshipped in the form of idols.

It is also prohibited in Hinduism to worship created things

Yajurveda Chapter 40 Verse 9

“Andhatma pravishanti ye assambhuti mupaste”

“They enter darkness, those who worship natural things.”

E.g. worship of natural elements air, water, fire, etc.

It further continues and says

“They sink deeper in darkness those who worship sambhuti i.e. created things”

E.g. created things such as table, chair, idols, etc

So, please refrain from worshipping the creation of God, instead worship the creator himself.

MYTH: Eating non-veg is forbidden in Hinduism and it is inhumane

Many Hindus in India are against killing of animals.Although it seems as if they are against it but in realty more than 70% Hindus are non vegetarian.Most of them pretends that they are orthodox follower of Hinduism but they are doing all sorts of bad things while hiding it from the society.
Many vegetarians say that killing an animal is wrong and that is why they choose not to eat meat.Some of them do so because of customs and traditions.
First of all we will discuss those vegans who are bounded by the customs, traditions and religious practices.For those of them, I would like to say that there is nothing wrong in eating meat, Hindu scriptures clearly mention that there is nothing wrong in having meat.It is mentioned in Manu Smriti, the law book of Hindus!
In chapter 5 verse 30 “The eater who eats the flesh of those to be eaten does nothing bad! even if he does it day after day; for God himself created some to be eaten and some to be eater”
Again next verse of Manu Smriti, that is, chapter 5 verse 31 says

"Eating meat is right for the sacrifice, this is traditionally known as a rule of the gods."
Further in Manu Smriti chapter 5 verse 39 and 40 says

"God himself created sacrificial animals for sacrifice, ...., therefore killing in a sacrifice is not killing."

In other religions also it is mentioned to have meat.

The Qur’an also permits a Muslim to have non-vegetarian food. The following Qur’anic verses are proof of this fact:

"O ye who believe! Fulfil (all) obligations. Lawful unto you (for food) are all four-footed animals with the exceptions named."[Al-Qur’an 5:1]

"And cattle He has created for you (men): from them Ye derive warmth, and numerous benefits, And of their (meat) ye eat."[Al-Qur’an 16:5]

"And in cattle (too) ye have an instructive example: From within their bodies We produce (milk) for you to drink; there are, in them, (besides), numerous (other) benefits for you; and of their (meat) ye eat."[Al-Qur’an 23:21]

In Christianity also it is mentioned that we can eat meat.

"Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything. "But you must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it." (Genesis9:3-4)

So, if any of you feels that it is religiously wrong to eat meat, then refer to these verses from the 3 biggest religions from the world.Now you should have no doubt about consumption of non vegetarian food.

Now coming to the people who say that hurting an animal is wrong and that is why meat consumption is also wrong.Tell me people, when you say that hurting an animal is wrong, do you peep inside your heart and see whether you truly care about them?
Most of the people who say this don't even know what actually is hurting.Next time when you say anything of that sort, make sure that you have all the leather products removed from your house(all means all, even a leather thread has to be removed).

Again you should see that you are not consuming any dairy product as for you information, cattle in dairy farms are treated like pigs and they use all sorts of horrible machines to get the products out of the animals.

In India, where cows are considered sacred, Its the Hindus who are mistreating and butchering them for leather.

There is a documentary named "Earthlings" produced by PETA which shows all sorts of atrocities performed on the animals all over the world.
If you can stop using leather and dairy products and treat the animals well, then only you can claim that hurting an animal for meat is wrong.
At least, when slaughtering an animal by halal method, the animal feels less pain as all the arteries and veins are cut which prevents the supply of oxygen to the brain and the brain very quickly dies and hence the animal does not feel the pain and the knife is also very sharp so that the veins and arteries are cut in one single slash.And the flapping of the limbs which you see afterwards is because of the lack of blood reaching the muscles and hence the muscles contracts and relaxes rapidly because the blood is being drained out of the throat.
It is better to eat animals which provides you with so much nutrients and energy than to kill them unnecessarily and brutally.
So, next time you argue over not eating meat, Please check whether any of your activity doesn't indirectly hurts any animal.Even if you curse any animal for anything, It is wrong because if you were provided with the opportunity at that time you would have surely hurt that animal.
As our intentions are far more greater than our actions.
Hence, if you are intended to do something wrong, then you are wrong.
So, live with peace as its not a compulsion to eat non veg but please do not put lame arguments over this.

Hope that you understand now the concept of God and will think upon my advice and act accordingly.
Thank you.
The Hinduism we can see in india today is just a backward propaganda influenced by hindu politics aimed at all other religions.The 1984 riots against sikhs and the crimes against indian muslims are the best examples.Still they are dominating the whole india with their evil ideologies and they are the ones swelling hate and propaganda against pakistan.
Religious topics are barred from discussion,otherwise every question you raised have definite answers.
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