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Is Headley an American agent who turned rogue?


May 3, 2009
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Is Headley an American agent who turned rogue? - India - The Times of India

NEW DELHI: It's a plot that could be straight out of the bluff-and-double-bluff worlds created by John le Carre and Frederick Forsyth. Only, it seems to have played out in real life, to the tragic misfortune of hundreds of innocent people. The tantalising possibility that David Coleman Headley may have been a US undercover agent who turned rogue is vexing many here as American authorities keep the US-based Lashkar jihadi out of the reach of Indian investigators.

To make the tale even more dramatic, Headley may just have provided American intelligence agencies information that prevented a Lashkar attack on Mumbai in September. The theory -- and it's still a theory -- is that Headley was used to infiltrate the Lashkar, but gradually went astray under the influence of the very terrorists he was supposed to be spying upon.

Torn between conflicting loyalties, he may have continued to give information to his American handlers, and a tip-off by him may even have helped avert a Laskar attack orginally planned for September. But he seems to have commited fully to Lashkar shortly after that, which could be one reason why American agencies were caught napping by 26/11.

During his interactions in India, Headley frequently introduced himself as a CIA agent. But suspicions that he's a rogue agent stem more from the just-released information that Headley, a man with one green and one brown eye, could straddle America and Pakistan with ease despite a run-in with the law in the US.

A recent profile in the New York Times said that in 1998, Headley (then known as Daood Gilani) was convicted of conspiring to smuggle heroin into US from Pakistan. ``Court records show that after his arrest, he provided so much information about his own involvement with drug trafficking which stretched back more than a decade and about his Pakistani suppliers that he was sentenced to less than two years in jail and later went to Pakistan to conduct undercover surveillance operations for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)," the NYT report said.

This suggests that Headley had a deal with authorities in the US who allowed him to get away with mild punishment in exchange for a promise of cooperation.

To many here, that also implies that he was a known entity to the counter-terror and drug enforcement authorities in the US. After 9/11, the walls between these agencies had come down because of the links between drugs and terrorism, particularly in the context of Pakistan-Afghanistan where there is a huge overlap between the functions of the DEA and CIA. Surprisingly, the FBI affidavit against Headley doesn't mention his tryst with the DEA.

FBI's affidavit against Headley says that he changed his name from Daood Gilani to David Coleman Headley in 2006 to hide his history as an offender. As he told border police in August 2009, it was to give himself the freedom to travel undetected -- he said the new name aroused much less suspicion when he travelled.

It is a fact that terrorists are masking their religious identity to get past the counter-terror surveillance, with terror groups seeking to recruit Caucasians for fresh strikes. But many doubt here that the mere switching of names could have worked in Headley's case given his brush with law but more because of the destinations he was flying to.

Given Pakistan's unquestioned reputation as the hub of global terror, people travelling to and from the country automatically pop up on the scanner at airports across the globe. Headley, to boot, would often meet his contacts in UAE -- a known rezendevous for terrorists and smugglers and a place that is of immense interest to law enforcement agencies.

The doubters found it intriguing that ultra-sensitive agencies in the US did not find anything amiss about the entries on Headley's US passport. While the sceptics don't think they have an answer yet, they are inclined to look at the possibility of Headley being an undercover agent who, torn between the competing demands of the jihadi outfits he had been asked to infiltrate and his American handlers, went astray.

Headley, by his own confession, joined Lashkar-e-Taiba in 2006 and received training in one of the terror camps run by the jihadi outfit.

Those who subscribe to the "rogue agent" theory are inclined to believe that this was known to the Americans, always anxious to ferret out information from hard-to-penetrate terror groups. They also feel that US agencies were perhaps aware that last year, Headley was in India to recce targets for a Lashkar attack that it had originally planned for September -- as confirmed by Ajbal Kasab in his testimony -- and which was finally carried out on 26/11. Rather, they also suspect that Headley might have been the source of information that helped Americans warn of the attack planned for September last year.

In their warning, which was passed on to Maharashtra government by Intelligence Bureau, the Americans had said that prominent installations in Mumbai were on the jihadis' target. As a matter of fact, the FBI alert made a specific mention of Taj and other hotels -- Marriott, Land's End and Sea Rock.

It is felt that Headley's defection happened immediately afterwards and that is perhaps one of the reasons why Americans could not, unlike in September, sniff 26/11. The suspicion is reinforced by the fact that it was around this time that FBI put Headley under its surveillance, leading to his arrest on October 3 this year.

Suspicions are getting stronger as Americans delay giving Indian investigators access to Headley. The hope here is that Indian agencies would get their turn to talk to the terrorist after charges -- indictment in the American lexicon -- are framed against him on Jauuary 1. There is also the possibility that Headley has promised to sing on the condition that he is not exposed to interrogators from India.

But during interactions on the issue, FBI has been unusually cagey about discussing Headley in detail -- odd on the part of the agency which swiftly warned of the attack Lashkar had planned in September and without whose help the breakthrough in the 26/11 probe would not have happened.
www.outlookindia.com | The FBI Smoke Screen

In what appears to be a carefully scripted prosecution process, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of the US has been trying to have the prosecution of David Coleman Headley, the Chicago-based US citizen of Pakistani origin, who allegedly helped the Lashkar-e-Toiba (LET) in carrying out the 26/11 terrorist strikes in Mumbai last year, conducted in such a manner as to avoid any focus on his alleged links with the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

These links were recently alleged by The New York Times in a profile on Headley. It alleged that in 1998, Headley (then known as Daood Gilani) was convicted of conspiring to smuggle heroin into the US from Pakistan. It added: “Court records show that after his arrest, he provided so much information about his own involvement with drug trafficking which stretched back more than a decade and about his Pakistani suppliers that he was sentenced to less than two years in jail and later went to Pakistan to conduct undercover surveillance operations for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)".

Surprisingly, neither the initial affidavit nor the subsequent Criminal Information Report against him filed by the FBI in a Chicago federal court referred to his criminal record of 1998. Nor was there any reference to the fact that he was known to one of the agencies of the US Government since 1998 and had been co-operating with it in its anti-narcotics operations in the ****** region. The ease with which he was getting visas for traveling frequently to Pakistan and India is attributable to the interest taken by the DEA in facilitating his travels on its behalf.

Indian media has reported that when he was produced before the federal judge for the first time since his arrest on December 9,2009, he pleaded not guilty to the charges against him. It has missed two other significant points to which a reference has been made by sections of the US media. Firstly, “Headley told U.S. District Judge Harry D. Leinenweber that he understood the charges and was waiving any indictment in the case.” Secondly, he waived his right to a trial by a grand jury.

Sections of the US media have pointed out that the fact that the report filed against him by the FBI in the court on December 7 was called a Criminal Information Report and not an indictment indicates that the FBI has already reached a plea bargain deal with him under which as a quid pro quo for his admitting some charges when the trial formally commences next month, the FBI will not press other charges against him. His admitting some charges and the FBI dropping other charges will obviate the need for an elaborate trial with the introduction of detailed evidence.

This would prevent any deliberate or inadvertent disclosure by him of his work in the ****** region for the DEA, which works in close co-operation with its Pakistani counterpart. The two have many joint operations.

It is very likely that the US will not allow his independent interrogation by Indian investigators and that it will not agree to his extradition to India as that might result in the Indian authorities coming to know not only of his contacts with Pakistani agencies, but also with the DEA.

Senior officials of the White House and the FBI have been taking close and unusual interest in the investigation and prosecution. The Director of the FBI himself was reported to have visited Chicago before Headley was produced before the court. Many in India have analysed this as indicative of the close interest taken by President Obama in counter-terrorism co-operation with India. A more plausible explanation is that this is indicative of the concerns in the White House and the FBI that if the prosecution is not properly handled, the case could result in a bombshell if it emerges that one of the active conspirators of 26/11 was an agent of a US agency. This could lead to suits for heavy damages against the US Government from the relatives of the Americans, Israelis and other foreigners killed.
Headley tipped off CIA on 26/11?
NEW DELHI: Not only did David Headley work as a double agent, but also it was perhaps he who told the CIA about Lashkar’s plans to target Mumbai, ostensibly not to lose the agency’s confidence in him.

Increasingly becoming sure of Headley’s intriguing role, the Indian security establishment now strongly suspect that the CIA had come to know about the double crossing done by Headley and his role in 26/11 attacks when he visited India in March this year but deliberately kept their Indian counterparts in the dark.

Express had first reported about Headley’s possible role as a double agent for both the CIA and LeT.

The reason for the CIA keeping mum could either be the lurking fear of embarrassment for being double crossed by their own man or else they believed that Headley’s trade off as an undercover agent was benefiting them to ward off threat to the US, the sources said.

They said though Headley gave them the correct coordinates of al Hussaini, the covert ISI ship on which the 10 terrorists, including Kasab reached the high seas near Mumbai, which was duly conveyed to the RAW twice in September and October 2008, the dates given of its sailing were not on the DoT. On both the occasions, perhaps on Headley’s advice, LeT aborted its missions at the last minute.

The suspicion, if correct, would make it difficult for the Indian agencies to secure Headley’s extradition or even interrogate him not because the rules do not permit, but because the interrogation can also blow the lid off CIA’s dubious role, the sources said, adding that they never expected the CIA to withhold such an important information especially when the two countries have a joint anti-terror mechanism.

The sources said these apprehensions were duly conveyed by highly miffed Indian agencies to the FBI team which visited India last week.

Dumped by their American counterparts, the Indian agencies are now trying to verify about who footed Headley’s huge bills running into several lakhs rupees which he spent on credit cards during his India visits. Headley had spent money running into several lakhs of rupees through credit cards issued by American banks and in fake Indian currency, believed to have been brought from Pakistan. They are also looking into Headley’s accomplice Tahawwur Hussain Rana’s money trails, who shopped for a large number of garments during his Mumbai visits, but left behind everything.


Expressing serious concern over Indian investigating agencies not being allowed to interrogate LeT operative David Coleman Headley, the CPM on Tuesday sought to know what steps are being taken by the Indian Government in the matter. Raising the issue during the zero hour in the Rajya Sabha, CPM leader Brinda Karat wanted to know whether the FBI was sharing real time intelligence with Indian intelligence agencies.

Brindha pointed out that the FBI was evidently aware of Headley’s antecedents and had put him under surveillance well before the Mumbai terror attacks. But why were the Indian intelligence agencies unaware of his visits to India?
well it is not confirmed that Headley is an American agent...but what has been confirmed is that David Headley alias Dawood Gilani is a pakistani-american terrorist and has links with pakistani terrorist organization LeT..He played a major role in executing 26/11 Mumbai attacks
India asks Chicago consulate to explain missing Headley, Rana papers
IANS 16 December 2009, 05:55pm IST

NEW DELHI: India has sought a report from its Chicago consulate on the alleged disappearance of papers related to visas given to David Coleman Headley and Tahawwur Rana, accused by US authorities of being part of the 26/11 conspiracy, Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao said on Wednesday.

"I have sought a factual report from our consul general," Rao told reporters here, responding to media reports.

The Indian consulate in Chicago issued visas to Rana and Headley to travel to India. Both made several trips between 2006 to 2008 to various cities in India.

The National Investigation Agency is currently probing the visa application process as part of its investigation into the role of Headley and Rana into the 26/11 Mumbai attacks.

Rao added that India was getting "very good cooperation from the United States government" in the investigation.

"We have been told that they will cooperate with us at all levels," she said.

India asks Chicago consulate to explain missing Headley, Rana papers - India - The Times of India
Headley's visa papers still missing, says government
PTI 17 December 2009, 04:44pm IST

NEW DELHI: Government on Thursday said documents related to Lashkar-e-Taiba operative David Coleman Headley's visa were yet to be traced while those

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of his associate Tahawwur Rana have been found.

"Rana's visa papers have been found. We are tracing those of Headley," minister of state for external affairs Shashi Tharoor told reporters in New Delhi when asked to comment on reports about disappearance of documents related to the visas issued by the Indian Consulate in Chicago.

Seeking to downplay media reports that sensitive papers pertaining to the issuance of visas to Headley and Rana have gone missing, the Consulate has issued a clarification saying they have "not reported" loss of any papers.

Meanwhile, foreign secretary Nirupama Rao refused to comment, merely saying that she had sought a report and the matter was being probed. "I have asked for factual report. The matter is under investigation," Rao told reporters.

"There is a procedure. I will not answer any questions in this regard," she added.

Headley's visa papers still missing, says government - India - The Times of India
well it is not confirmed that Headley is an American agent...but what has been confirmed is that David Headley alias Dawood Gilani is a pakistani-american terrorist and has links with pakistani terrorist organization LeT..He played a major role in executing 26/11 Mumbai attacks

If you do not want to see CIA connection to Mumbai attacks then its another matter but why US refused Indian team any access to Headly for investigation?

2. Why visa papers of Headly are still missing ??

3. Why US had hired headly when he was a convicted ?
well it is not confirmed that Headley is an American agent...but what has been confirmed is that David Headley alias Dawood Gilani is a pakistani-american terrorist and has links with pakistani terrorist organization LeT..He played a major role in executing 26/11 Mumbai attacks

The bolded part is speculation. His role is still being investigated...
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