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Is Europe Spring on the horizon After Arab Spring?



New Recruit

Sep 16, 2020
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The recent clashes in Belarus after the election commission declared Lukashenko winner for the record sixth term. Post-election saw a series of protests against the President, and many European countries also called their ambassadors back. A few years back; Europe saw Brexit, the rise of populism, and probably the independence of Scotland is also on the cards in the coming few years with first minister demand for Referendum Rejected several times by the British Prime Minister.

one thing's for sure - this century will witness another great white european war just like the centuries before
it is inevitable - so a euro spring may yield a euro winter where we witness this event
The recent clashes in Belarus after the election commission declared Lukashenko winner for the record sixth term. Post-election saw a series of protests against the President, and many European countries also called their ambassadors back. A few years back; Europe saw Brexit, the rise of populism, and probably the independence of Scotland is also on the cards in the coming few years with first minister demand for Referendum Rejected several times by the British Prime Minister.

Economic depression will be a catalyst in the process.
CIA is hard at work.

What the CiA is working on the most is the break up of the EU empire. The CiA got UK out of the EU, next the CiA wants far reichers to take over Europe. This is where the CiA is working with putin. They have the same goals in Europe. CiA does not want an anti-Russia EU, they want the EU gone. CiAs Qanon is part of these psy-ops and operations.

putin wants a Europe that hates China. This is even moreso than Washington. Washington is split between the old deepstate that is dying off of neoliberalism, and the new deepstate of pro-Russia, anti-EU and anti-China. Russia has one policy for Europe: to make 'pro-putin Europe' want to sue China and to support a cold war with China. This is not a US project, this is a Russian project with CiA support. putin need friends in Europe to turn on China. Those friends are neo-nazis, 20 trumps as leaders in Europe, each hating China. That is putins goal in Europe. A neo-nazi nightmare for China. putin is far worse than Erdogan and Turks supporting a weak separatist movement in Xinjiang. putin wants China to have zero friends in the world, to have a neo-nazi world. Currently, putin has no such nazi friends except modi, trump even has to disown putin, even though both are neo-nazis. Since putin has no friends, putin must feign friends in Syria, Iran, Venezuela and China. Those the Kremlin looks down on these relationships, Moscow wants nazis in Europe and beyond. The expansion of putin-bots and modi-bots.

To keep Russia in China's sphere, China must defeat the neo-nazism in Europe. Without neo-nazis in Europe, putin has to keep Russia in China's camp.

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