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Is education the answer to Afghanistan's problems?

Not only Afghanistan but the whole region could improve with more education. Our KPK Province and Balochistan Province next door to next door to Afghanistan have same issues of low levels of literacy. We hope we can resolve these problems through convincing the Population of these areas to send their sons and daughters to schools ( especially the girls ). Most People in these backward areas of Pakistan and Pashtoon areas of Afghanistan believe that education of Girls beyond reading Quran is waste of time and destroys their character. They believe that the place for woman is the four walls of the house and so why waste time for educating women. The problem is that half of every country Population is female and so we have Societies in these countries who are predominantly uneducated.

These attitudes have to change if these countries have to progress and move to present century.

the only way middle east is going to achieve sth is by respecting our women . iranian women today consist more than 60% of university students and believe me if they were not there , we would bend to our enemies long time ago .

i really have so much passion towards pakistan and afghanistan .

and i suffer when i see my brothers and sisters in afghanistan are suffering .

the afghanistan pain is our pain and we are all muslims and brothers . we should work together to help and build afghanistan
Not only Afghanistan but the whole region could improve with more education. Our KPK Province and Balochistan Province next door to next door to Afghanistan have same issues of low levels of literacy. We hope we can resolve these problems through convincing the Population of these areas to send their sons and daughters to schools ( especially the girls ). Most People in these backward areas of Pakistan and Pashtoon areas of Afghanistan believe that education of Girls beyond reading Quran is waste of time and destroys their character. They believe that the place for woman is the four walls of the house and so why waste time for educating women. The problem is that half of every country Population is female and so we have Societies in these countries who are predominantly uneducated.

These attitudes have to change if these countries have to progress and move to present century.
The biggest problem is tribalism, there's nothing wrong in being proud your ethnic group but people in our part of the world take it too far. Look at Iran and Saudi Arabia, bot these countries are united under Islam and are both role models too other countries with their brilliant infrastructure and people.
Education surely is an important factor but not the only one its mainly the mindsets and education unfortunately doesn't change mindsets in today's world at least.
Education surely is an important factor but not the only one its mainly the mindsets and education unfortunately doesn't change mindsets in today's world at least.

it exactly does !!! i never heard of someone with masters degree explode himself for any cause !! thats because of education .

terrorists are poorly educated people how are brainwashed by extremist ideology .
it exactly does !!! i never heard of someone with masters degree explode himself for any cause !! thats because of education .

terrorists are poorly educated people how are brainwashed by extremist ideology .

You never heard of them?? Many in the world have. I am not talking about every tom dick and harry on the street i am talking about the issues and mindsets that run deeper than most think. Education brings a difference but unless these mindsets aren't targetted it fails to achieve the purpose. I am in no way undermining the importance of education i am just saying its not the only thing required to deal with the issue at hand.
On a lighter note: to quote Afghanistan's former Ambassador to the US, Said Tayeb Jawad:
"We are too far from heaven and too close to Pakistan"

I suspect according to most Afghan's their biggest problem is that they are next to Pakistan -- I guess it behooves asking the question that: if Afghanistan was where say Tahiti, is would Afghanistan's fate have been different?

Regardless welcome to PDF.
it exactly does !!! i never heard of someone with masters degree explode himself for any cause !! thats because of education .

terrorists are poorly educated people how are brainwashed by extremist ideology .
terrorism is not the main issue in afganistan, lack of stability is. Because country is unstable, they cant manage law and order which inturn stops economic activity (and industrilization).
Also afgans have issues with forging a national identity (multiple ethnicities vying for supremacy)
Education is the primary solution of all the problems mate......and employment is the next solution...if both are achieved then there is peace and prosperity where ever u wish to have....

and welcome to the forum :D
Not only Afghanistan but the whole region could improve with more education. Our KPK Province and Balochistan Province next door to next door to Afghanistan have same issues of low levels of literacy. We hope we can resolve these problems through convincing the Population of these areas to send their sons and daughters to schools ( especially the girls ). Most People in these backward areas of Pakistan and Pashtoon areas of Afghanistan believe that education of Girls beyond reading Quran is waste of time and destroys their character. They believe that the place for woman is the four walls of the house and so why waste time for educating women. The problem is that half of every country Population is female and so we have Societies in these countries who are predominantly uneducated.

These attitudes have to change if these countries have to progress and move to present century.

Your comment is apt for India too.
terrorism is not the main issue in afganistan, lack of stability is. Because country is unstable, they cant manage law and order which inturn stops economic activity (and industrilization).
Also afgans have issues with forging a national identity (multiple ethnicities vying for supremacy)

well i didnt say that the main problem in afghanistan is terrorism , my post was a reply to another comment . read it again .

anyhow i agree with your point :tup:
it exactly does !!! i never heard of someone with masters degree explode himself for any cause !! thats because of education .

terrorists are poorly educated people how are brainwashed by extremist ideology .

I think your statement is quite inaccurate.

Unfortunately terrorists are often educated and often have technical degrees especially especially in engineering.

There even have been academic studies (I don't have the references off hand) trying to understand why there is a disproportionally high representation of technical professions in the ranks of terrorists and extremists.

As a corollary, the rates of education in Afghanistan were much lower say in the 50s but the level of extremism was significantly lower than today.

For examples you need not go further than the perpetrators of 9/11 - many of the planners and the people who carried out the travesty were well educated. Specific examples include:
1. Mohammed Ata -- engineer (civil) ? -- the pilot of the first plane.
2. Marwan al-Shehhi -- engineer -- the pilot of the second plane.
3. Khalid -- the master mind
4. OBL -- had secular education -- economics I think
5. Zawahari -- is a trained physician

If you want to look at a sampling of people who are responsible for the destruction of Afghanistan and ask the question were they were educated (and, yes, many of them were labelled terrorists at one point in time by some side):
1. Ahmad Shah Masood -- a gifted engineering student
2. Gulbuddin Hekmatyar -- engineering student
3. Abdul Rashid Dostum -- former General
4. Burhanuddin Rabbani -- accused of war crimes -- well educated scholar
5. Nur Muhammad Taraki -- author, educated in Bombay
6. Hafizullah Amin -- attended Kabul University
7. Abdur Rab Sayyaf -- current Afghan Presidential Candidate and mentor to many terrorists -- educated at Al-Azhar and fluent in many languages.
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