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Is Chinese KJ-2000 AEW&C, Good for PAF?

llyushin seems like a capable , plane perhaps we can use the Emrabre


While I don't like the craft for transport functions , it seems like a very suitable unit , space wise , and technology wise - for AWAC platform , It can offer a comfortable , command center capability to our Forces for JF17 thunder platform


COST $50 Million

This is our expected configuration , I wonder what is the cost of Tranport plane

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It still can't take up the huge radar placed on KJ-2000.

They are good for Erieye sized radars.
^Sir what do you think about Air chief's statement about IL-76 awacs from china statement?
llyushin seems like a capable , plane perhaps we can use the Emrabre


While I don't like the craft for transport functions , it seems like a very suitable unit , space wise , and technology wise - for AWAC platform , It can offer a comfortable , command center capability to our Forces for JF17 thunder platform


COST $50 Million

This is our expected configuration , I wonder what is the cost of Tranport plane

have a look at this boy

the major reason why it is difficut to get kj2000 is because its a very large system so it need a huge aircraft and due to diff between china and ilyushin china may not be getting any IL76 presently(cant tell about future) and now china has not tested that system any any other platform thats why china is having only four KJ2000 and IL78 which pakisthan is having will be used as tankers because they dont have any other tanker to replace them .
According to PakDef's Usman Shabbir, the PAF will acquire the KJ-200 (designated as ZDK03) housed on Y-8F600 aircraft. However, this is not a simple off-the-shelf purchase, but rather a "long-term development program". In fact, an article by Kanwa (translated by tphuang) stated that the PAF hopes to develop its own AEW&C based on the experience gained from ZDK03.

I'm unsure what this would mean in specifics, but at the very least, we can expect that PAF will be able to integrate an improved higher-peformance ZDK03 and systems to a platform of its choice. I think this would open the door to PAF using aircraft such as the Embraer ERJ-145.
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^Sir what do you think about Air chief's statement about IL-76 awacs from china statement?

Most probably a misquoted statement from the press. As India got the bigger version of AWAC, so reporter might have thought we getting something in the same league.
IL-78 is available but not to us, as its manufactured by Russia, so don't think Russia will easily be selling it to us, with the Indian hue & cry behind it.

hindustany hue, crying and whailing is inevitable; but in my humble opinion MRCA deal has some importance. If indian were to opt for Hornets, Russians would have no problems selling Pakistan IL-76s. Despite initial hiccups, they had no problems having us as end-users for RD-93 engines for the Thunders.

But if Russia agrees to sell, 4-5 planes converted into KJ-2000 would be best option for us, combined with the smaller AEW&Cs in action.


The IL-78s that we got as aerial tankers cum transporters are from old Soviet stocks in the Ukrainian arsenal, which got refurbished and sold to us. So those are for some other purpose, can't be changed to the AWAC role.

those would be for re-fuel and heavy transport role. Different platforms would be required.

UAE C-130 option seems like a possibility, but I don't know how many flying hours are already on them and how much service life there is. Of course the benefit is that we have lots of familiarity with these crafts as they have served PAF for over 2 decades.

We should evaluate Embraer KC-390, but cost-wise ZDK-03 version of Y-8W should be considered as it seems to make the most sense; 2directly from China and 2 built in Pakistan with ToT.
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