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Is Biden Demanding Use of Pakistani Military Bases After Pullout From Afghanistan?


I actually feel this is another Yemen (others thought it was an opportunity, not me). Call the base a UN base or whatever. Have soldiers from all the countries based there under PAKISTAN CONTROL. They are to conduct strikes against TTP, Al Qaida and ISIS. All missions to be carried out should be either approved by majority vote or just by Pakistan.

But before any of this is allowed, Pakistan should get the following:

1) All armed services get what ever equipment they desire
2) Pakistan gets off the FATF grey list
3) Pakistani Businesses get what they want

If the above can be possible and the base be referred to as UN or Anti terrorist force or whatever and it even houses Saudi or UAE or Turkey troops, I think this is an ideal opportunity to make the most of it and be neutral in world politics. I say neutral because CPEC will continue as usual, Russia can be asked to help us in the Project Azm or Aviation city by giving us ToT on some products and also take part in CPEC and we have the rest of the worlds soldiers based in our country on one single base.

And before anyone says "oh, it will be black water all over again roaming our cities", know that the base security will be provided by Pakistan and everyone leaving and entering will pass through gates manned by Pakistani soldiers, so even still if we cannot keep eye on them then shame on us.

Anyhow that's my thought, lets see what actually happens. But perfect time to have relations with the Worlds sole superpower and two upcoming powers as well as Europe and making sure our neighbor to the west is not used against us.

P.S: No Indians allowed on Base, if they did not send soldiers to Afghanistan they are not allowed now to send soldiers.
People like u are the actuall reason why this country is in dire straits.
Riots don't hurt government, they hurt the common people, because the damage is likely going to be done to privately owned property.

Im not clutching at straws, you're just desperate to prove me wrong on a point you clearly are now desperately moving the goal post on.

But keep strawmaning me, maybe it'll work one day.

As for me being Canadian, I have family in Pakistan, I have every right to speak on matters that may end up effecting them. I know its difficult for you, but I suggest you use your brain, before you end up putting your own foot in your own mouth.

How many riots happened in Pakistan from 2002 to 2012 as a reaction to US bases? none.. . .You have absolutely no clue which particular pressure groups in Pakistan damage public property and which ones are non violent, showss your severe disconnect with the pak ladscape. You just paint of all of them as "hardliner" because it suits you .u folks count some random molvi burning a flag or an effigy(which i dont support) as a "riot" as it comes in ur papers and when confronted by ur white folks you can easily go "oh they are just some hardliners, majority wants visa for US/Canada"..Well that molvi is just an extreme outcome of a general sentiment prevalent throughout in masses....Boils down to this.. Its all about your image in the west that matters to you, end of the day.. Folks like you are not in position to think best for Pakistan. Geographic neutrality through a US base..lol
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People like u are the actuall reason why this country is in dire straits.
People like to make lists and demands without realizing there is consequences for such actions.

How many riots happened in Pakistan from 2002 to 2012 as a reaction to US bases? none.. . .You have absolutely no clue which particular pressure groups in Pakistan damage public property and which ones are non violent in Pakistan showss you sever disconnect with the pak ladscape. , you just paint of all of them as "hardliner" because it suits you .u folks count some random molvi burning a flag or an effigy(which i dont support) as a "riot" as it comes in ur papers and when confronted by ur white folks you can easily go "oh they are just some hardliners, majority wants visa for US/Canada"......Boils down to this.. Its all about your image in the west that matters to you at the end of the day.. Folks like you are not in position to think best for Pakistan. Geographic neutrality through a US base..lol
Guess who was in charge of Pakistan for a majority of those 2002 to 2012 years?

Also, I find it funny how you're basically ignoring the recent kidnapping and shooting at police by rioters.

Not only are you ignoring my entire point, but its very clear you have no clue how geopolitics works.

If you wanna be taken seriously, don't make bad faith arguments, which is your entire argument in the first place. Your entire argument is based upon what you think my definition of a hardliner is, instead of what I've defined it as.

Anyway, I've humored your trolling for a whole now, but now it bores me. Consider this my last reply.
This man is disgusting. His recent meeting with the Journalists confirmed that his hands are in all the current happenings in Pakistan. Including release of Nawaz to UK and other corrupt thug's bails etc.
Bajwa is turning out to be a bigger disaster than Kiyani for Pakistan.

People are not able to see this or they are turning a blind eye but that's exactly what's happening. This man single handedly destroyed the gains achieved during Raheel Sharif's tenure. If not worst, he is at the same level as Kiyani.

But who is to blame. None other than our very own Khan Sahib. He would have long gone by now but IK due to his insecurities made sure that he keeps making a mess till Nov 2022.

Rest assured, if an official request is received from US for base in Pakistan, this man will be the first to oblige without even asking for anything in return.
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