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Is Biden Demanding Use of Pakistani Military Bases After Pullout From Afghanistan?

well USAF C-17s and C-130s are regular visitors of nur khan airbase . they already using our air bases .

they do bring supplies for Afghanistan, been doing for last 20 years, the base they were using was Shamsi base in the past.

I actually feel this is another Yemen (others thought it was an opportunity, not me). Call the base a UN base or whatever. Have soldiers from all the countries based there under PAKISTAN CONTROL. They are to conduct strikes against TTP, Al Qaida and ISIS. All missions to be carried out should be either approved by majority vote or just by Pakistan.

But before any of this is allowed, Pakistan should get the following:

1) All armed services get what ever equipment they desire
2) Pakistan gets off the FATF grey list
3) Pakistani Businesses get what they want

If the above can be possible and the base be referred to as UN or Anti terrorist force or whatever and it even houses Saudi or UAE or Turkey troops, I think this is an ideal opportunity to make the most of it and be neutral in world politics. I say neutral because CPEC will continue as usual, Russia can be asked to help us in the Project Azm or Aviation city by giving us ToT on some products and also take part in CPEC and we have the rest of the worlds soldiers based in our country on one single base.

And before anyone says "oh, it will be black water all over again roaming our cities", know that the base security will be provided by Pakistan and everyone leaving and entering will pass through gates manned by Pakistani soldiers, so even still if we cannot keep eye on them then shame on us.

Anyhow that's my thought, lets see what actually happens. But perfect time to have relations with the Worlds sole superpower and two upcoming powers as well as Europe and making sure our neighbor to the west is not used against us.

P.S: No Indians allowed on Base, if they did not send soldiers to Afghanistan they are not allowed now to send soldiers.
beggars dont dictate terms..... We better stay out of it!
yes 100 Billion Dollars , More trade, 100 F-35's , 100 F-16V's , 10 Ohio Class Submarine with Minuteman ICBM's , 1000 Apache, 50 Chinook's , 2000 Reaper Drones , 4 Satellites and there you go Biden, you have a Military base in Pakistan :D
Aare you forgot say make you POTUS
If us really demand they will get it....musharaf did the same....the way things are moving it seems quite possible once again
The US could very well end up demanding such a thing, which could serve two purposes. One, it would help keep US forces engaged in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and two, it would to some degree help the US regain some lost influence within Pakistan, and counter China's expanding footprint.

If Pakistan is serious about geopolitical neutrality, then allowing a US base could potentially be a good idea. HOWEVER, it is almost certainly going to back fire for Pakistan, as it could anger the hardliners within Pakistan, threaten Chinese investments, because Beijing is almost certainly going to protest the decision. Finally, it could lead to the Afghan Civil War spilling over into Pakistan, as Afghan militants will almost certainly start targeting Pakistan as a result of hosting US forces.
yes 100 Billion Dollars , More trade, 100 F-35's , 100 F-16V's , 10 Ohio Class Submarine with Minuteman ICBM's , 1000 Apache, 50 Chinook's , 2000 Reaper Drones , 4 Satellites and there you go Biden, you have a Military base in Pakistan :D
The best they can do is
- 12 F16s
- AH 1Zs
- 16 TPS MRR
"We will ask other countries in the region to support Afghanistan, especially Pakistan, as well as Russia, China, India and Turkey." Joseph Biden

This president of america is stupider (as are the monkeys in his administration) than the previous one. Sanctions on Russia, China and Turkey, as well as carrot/stick absurdity with Pakistan isn't gonna get anyone of these countries cooperate with america on Afghanistan.
yes 100 Billion Dollars , More trade, 100 F-35's , 100 F-16V's , 10 Ohio Class Submarine with Minuteman ICBM's , 1000 Apache, 50 Chinook's , 2000 Reaper Drones , 4 Satellites and there you go Biden, you have a Military base in Pakistan :D

Are you ok my friend!!

Bajwa would sell for far less compared to Musharaf, I bet on it.
This man is disgusting. His recent meeting with the Journalists confirmed that his hands are in all the current happenings in Pakistan. Including release of Nawaz to UK and other corrupt thug's bails etc.
Bajwa is turning out to be a bigger disaster than Kiyani for Pakistan.
I think the following Aesop’s fable sums it up well:

Once upon a time the TIGER had a bone stuck deep inside this throat while devouring a deer! He was fighting to take breath, and was about to die!!! At that time a CRANE was walking past him. The TIGER requested the CRANE to help him out, and in return a bucket of fishes was promised. The CRANE put his neck into the mouth of the TIGER and took out the bone using his long beaks...

Then, the CRANE gently reminded the TIGER of the bargain!!! The TIGER was like LOL! The TIGER was like: the CRANE should thank his fate for he had put his neck deep into the mouth of the TIGER, and still was alive......

Bottom-line: Avoid the TIGER by a hundred miles if you yourself aren’t a TIGER
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Turkey has been conducting an active diplomacy with all sides of Afghanistan's issue in recent days. However, these efforts may stall due to the US attitude towards Turkey and Pakistan.
The US could very well end up demanding such a thing, which could serve two purposes. One, it would help keep US forces engaged in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and two, it would to some degree help the US regain some lost influence within Pakistan, and counter China's expanding footprint.

If Pakistan is serious about geopolitical neutrality, then allowing a US base could potentially be a good idea. HOWEVER, it is almost certainly going to back fire for Pakistan, as it could anger the hardliners within Pakistan, threaten Chinese investments, because Beijing is almost certainly going to protest the decision. Finally, it could lead to the Afghan Civil War spilling over into Pakistan, as Afghan militants will almost certainly start targeting Pakistan as a result of hosting US forces.
So we are hardliners if we oppose a US base...At least choose your words wisely.
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