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Is Bangladesh becoming a Russian proxy state?

I still fail to understand why oh why they aren't exploiting the coal reserves :hitwall:

@ Oow you donnot know it !!! It is due to Indian pressure. If we explore these then India will not be able to sell her coal to Bangladesh.

@ You have not heard !!! What Sk Hasina said is public gathering, " Ota amra rekhe dilam bhobishsat projonmer jonjo "(that we have kept for our future generation).

@ Of coure, there are other factor, Sk Hasina is getting commission from coal purchase from India.

@ If you want to see the real exploration you have to wait till if at all BNP comes to power.
@ Oow you donnot know it !!! It is due to Indian pressure. If we explore these then India will not be able to sell her coal to Bangladesh.

@ You have not heard !!! What Sk Hasina said is public gathering, " Ota amra rekhe dilam bhobishsat projonmer jonjo "(that we have kept for our future generation).

@ Of coure, there are other factor, Sk Hasina is getting commission from coal purchase from India.

@ If you want to see the real exploration you have to wait till if at all BNP comes to power.

India herself imports coal. PERIOD !!
hahaha..mad bangladeshis...from India to now Russia...lollll..
@ Oow you donnot know it !!! It is due to Indian pressure. If we explore these then India will not be able to sell her coal to Bangladesh.

@ You have not heard !!! What Sk Hasina said is public gathering, " Ota amra rekhe dilam bhobishsat projonmer jonjo "(that we have kept for our future generation).

@ Of coure, there are other factor, Sk Hasina is getting commission from coal purchase from India.

@ If you want to see the real exploration you have to wait till if at all BNP comes to power.

Bangladesh imports coal from Meghalaya.
Coal import from Meghalaya resumes | The Kushtia Times

I still do not really understand why BNP hardly worked on the power issue during its tenure.

@ My dear friend, wait and see and then comment.

@ I still remember in 1996, once for the first time Awami Leaque came to power after long time, in that very year during the arms display at old airport on the eve of 21th November, I saw a lone but big enough arms display stall of Russian govt. I was surprized to see why only the Russian ??? Moreso, that display for our own army not other foreign country !!! Soon we found that AL govt bought a squadron of Mig-29 from Russia.

@ During that tenure of AL, secretly India supplied many detonator fuzes for grenates. Soon once BNP came to popwer all these defective detonator were destroyed. Indian contractors even tried to supply gun powder in our lone ordinance factory but could not.

@ India and Russia are a long time good friend. Indian whole Defence was being organised mostly with Russian armament. India had also bought some armament from the European market. Indian friendship with USA is not yet tested. USA hardly trust India in this regards.

As far as the sole Russian arms stall is concerned, there may be other reasons for doing so.

America refused to offer the F-16 after repeated requests.

And China started testing 4th generation jets on the late 90's. They did however supply Bangladesh with F-7s and A-5s in the past.

So for 4th generation jets, Russia was the only viable source. During the time, the AL-led government also procured the Ulsan-class frigate from Korea.

The MiG-29 deal was filled with corruption though.
Bangladesh imports coal from Meghalaya.
Coal import from Meghalaya resumes | The Kushtia Times

I still do not really understand why BNP hardly worked on the power issue during its tenure.

As far as the sole Russian arms stall is concerned, there may be other reasons for doing so.

America refused to offer the F-16 after repeated requests.

And China started testing 4th generation jets on the late 90's. They did however supply Bangladesh with F-7s and A-5s in the past.

So for 4th generation jets, Russia was the only viable source. During the time, the AL-led government also procured the Ulsan-class frigate from Korea.

The MiG-29 deal was filled with corruption though.

Extracting those coals with the current technologies that we have will literally destroy the lands and environment. Thus saving the coal for the future when extraction is environmentally cleaner. Watch this documentary done by al jazeera on Indian coal, you'll understand what i am talking about.
Extracting those coals with the current technologies that we have will literally destroy the lands and environment. Thus saving the coal for the future when extraction is environmentally cleaner. Watch this documentary done by al jazeera on Indian coal, you'll understand what i am talking about.

@ Since long I know there are only two ways of extracting coal , one is open space extraction and then filled it again and another one is under ground extraction which is mostly found in India, Pakistan and China.

@ I have never heard this term, "Environmentally Cleaner".

@ Fact is India does not want that we should extract these coal with what ever method available. Her hands are very big. " Bharat ke hat bohat lambe hote hai " specially for the natural resources of Bangladesh. Have a look below -----------


1. The vital role played by mineral resources of a country in its economic development needs no explanation. Experts believe that Bangladesh has been endowed with rich mineral resources. However, unfortunately due to Indian manipulations with the help of RAW’s paid agents in Bangladeshi bureaucracy, Bangladesh has been unable to fully reap the benefits of the hidden treasures and put an end to its’ economic dilemma. ‘RAW’s impediments in Bangladesh’s efforts for exploration of minerals are for two reasons. Firstly, they fear that Bangladesh may drain oil from India’s wells in Assam and secondly Bangladesh’s self sufficiency in its mineral resources would enhance its economic stability resulting into the demise of India’s long awaited desire of amalgamating Bangladesh and formation of ‘Akhand Bharat”.

2. “After emergence of Bangladesh, Prime Minister Sheikh Mujibur Rahman divided the coastal region into six sectors and leased them to foreign companies for exploration of oil and gas. The respective companies took on the job but just after a short span of time for reasons unknown shut downthe projects and left Bangladesh. No inquiry was made and no reason was offered by the Government for this closure.It is said that these companies closed their operations at the urging of KGB and RAW. Professor Abu Sayed in his book ‘Facts and Documents’ writes that the company which was carrying out exploration at the sea coast adjacent to Barisal was attacked by Indian gun boats in broad day light, dismantling the erected infrastructure”(Daily Rupali, March 2, 1992).

3. “Another example of RAW’s influence in abating Bangladesh’s efforts of exploring mineral resources is of Feni Gas Field. The gas field was discovered during the regime of late President Ziaur Rahman. But soon after the- death of President Zia the project was abandoned for being ‘economically unviable’.However, the experts did not believe the official explanation. The project was re-opened after ten years and is now running profitably thus contributing a lot to the country’s economy. Many more examples can be quoted of projects which started with pomp and show but were later stopped or discontinued for reasons unknown”(Daily AI Mujadded : June 2, 1995).

4. “During president Ershad’s regime foreign companies were once again given contracts for exploration of oil. Scimitar, one of the companies, was given oil exploration rights in Sylhet. Soon RAW orchestrated allegations through some political parties in Bangladesh that the country’s interests were being bartered away to Scimitar. Ultimately the company abandoned the project and left. Thus RAW achieved objective of protecting their vital economic interests beside scaring away other companies from undertaking on such ventures in Bangladesh.

5. Similarly a French Company, B Fistal that had almost struck oil reserves at Shalbahan in Dinajpur, abandoned its project in Bangladesh. Later it was revealed that India had laid a bait for purchase of billions of dollars worth weaponry including Mirage 2000 fighter aircrafts from France beside awarding B Fistal company a big oil exploration project just 5 Kms opposite Shalbahan at Jamidarpara, West Bengal, India”(Dainik BangIa: August 23, 1994).

6. RAW uses terrorists of Shantibahini not to allow any oil exploration in the Chittagong Hill Tracts region including Samutang. Understandably no foreign firm will risk an exploration work in the region as long as violence persists in the area.

7. There are reports that oil reserves had been struck at Patbaria, Sylhet (then part of Assam) in 1908. However,further work was not pursued at the site because the British authorities of that time did not feel the need for additional oil as they had already discovered oil in Dibrugarb and Digboy in Assam. In 1947 Sylhet was separated from Assam and became a part of Pakistan.Presently it is a part of Bangladesh. In November 1987 the Government of Bangladesh, with the help of Saudi Development Fund, started exploration for oil at Patharia. But after considerable digging and investment of 40 crore takas it was belatedly realised by the concerned authorities that there were some procedural complexities.Thus on the said plea this project was also shelved. Observers believe that RAW manipulated and’ arranged abandoning of this promising project. Similarly the exploration of oil fields at Haripur (reported to be the biggest oil field in Asia) and Kailash Tila (Sylhet) were stopped under mysterious circumstances. All the above examples bring out the fact that RAW is determined to prevent any exploration venture in Bangladesh particularly the exploration of oil in Sylhet area as they fear that underground oil reserves of Assam may drain to Sylhet due to proximity. Indians have been using some corrupt Bangladeshi bureaucrats and technical experts for furthering their designs. According to a press report published in the ‘Daily Inqilab’ during January 1993, Deputy Director Habibur Rahman of Geological Survey Directorate Bangladesh was paid cash money, expenses for travel to India and a phd. degree in exchange for secret survey reports regarding mineral resources of Bangladesh.

Besides creating strong impediments in the way of exploring oil reservers, RAW has been creating hindrances in exploratory work of other mineral resurces as well. One glaring example is the hurdles created by India in the exploration of Madhyapara hard rock for simple reason that Bangladesh should remain dependent on India for its hard rock imports. Similarly hurdles were created to prevent exploration of coal at Barapukuria.RAW’s agents, instigated the land owners of Barapukuria to resist exploratory work on the plea of inadequate compensations paid for their agricultural lands. Yet another example of nation’s mineral wealth lying unexplored is the case of Uranium and Potassium ores at Joypurhat-Sylhet. Despite confirmed reoprts of huge deposits, no further work has been undertaken for the development of the said mines.

Dr. G.W. Gableman (a Geologist involved in the exploration of oil and gas) in an article published in Internatiopal Atomic Energy Journal had stated as’early as 1970 that,there are vIsible signs of presence of high grade Uraniu’m in B;;ingladesh. Based on said report an exploration venture was started by the Bangladesh Government in the area’ of Fultala, Maulvibazar, Sylhet during 1976. The explorations confirmed the presence of high grade Ur;;inium btit the project was suddenly stopped in 1986 owing to RAW’s conspiracies. On the contrary,India is extracting Uranium in Meghalaya, only a few kilometres away from Sylhet border.

According to ‘The Daily AI Mujadded’, February 27,1995, Bangladesh has huge lime stone deposits’ i.e. 17 million tons in Bolgi Bazar;’1.8 million tons in Takerhat, 2 million tons at Bhanger Ghat, and 40 thousand tons at Balapunji. All these are lying unexplored. The newspaper further reported that experienced observers believe that RAW is involved in preventing exploitation of ‘ the said mineral resou:r:ces. RAW has bribed high officials of Bangladesh concerned with mineral exploration who do not permit any progress to take place in this sector.

The same newspaper in a later review (AI Mujadded, May 16, 1995) wrote that on, account of indecision by the ministry of Science and Technology, 50 lakh tons of Bhlck Gold (Zircon, Rutail, Liukuxin, kayanite, Magnetite, Garnet and Manazite mixed with sand are termed as Black Gold) present in the south-eastern coastal region and adjoining islands is lying unexplored. Needless to mention that the bi-products of Black Gold can be utilized in industries such as paper, electrode welding, aircrafts, space technology and nuclear fission etc. . .

Due to lack of financial resources and adequate indigenous facilities, Bangladesh has to depend on foreign investors for exploration projects. But RAW is continuously discouraging foreign investors, sometimes by using political pressure tactics and sometimes by bribing the concerned officials.RAW’s modus operandi in’ this regard is summarized as below :

a. RAW has been propagating that there are no mineral deposits in Bangladesh, thus discouraging foreign companies form investment in the sector.

b . RAW offers huge amounts as bribe to foreign as well as local engineers and staff employed on preparation o( feasibility reports of new projects, to’ get ‘tailored’ reports suggesting that exploration will not be viable and productive.

c. Different Directorates and Ministry officials in Bangladesh concerned with processing of new projects in some cases are bribed to hinder br delay the proposals for exploration. The foreign companies thus get disgruntled due to bureacratic hassles and delays and eventually decide to abandon the project.

d. Even if some foreign company manages to overcome all the hurdles and starts’ a project, its work and functioning are made difficult by local agents of RAW. Since 1972 many companies who had started projects, left midway due to harassment by RAW agents. Obviously seeing their plight no other company will dare to come forward.The ingress of RAW in various ministries, directorates and organisations of Bangladesh is so paramount that it has successfully sabotaged many projects. Large number of abortive projects are clear proof of this treachery. It is believed that until the patriotic people of Bangladesh root out RAW agents from departments and ministries concerned with exploration of mineral resources, no worthwhile progress can be ‘made in this field. Consequently, Bangladesh will continue to remain poor and subservient to India. The question, however, remains when will the rooting out of firmly saddled RAW agents begin?

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/bangladesh-defence/131899-raw-bangladesh.html#ixzz2G84W1Csj
@ Since long I know there are only two ways of extracting coal , one is open space extraction and then filled it again and another one is under ground extraction which is mostly found in India, Pakistan and China.

@ I have never heard this term, "Environmentally Cleaner".

@ Fact is India does not want that we should extract these coal with what ever method available. Her hands are very big. " Bharat ke hat bohat lambe hote hai " specially for the natural resources of Bangladesh. Have a look below -----------


1. The vital role played by mineral resources of a country in its economic development needs no explanation. Experts believe that Bangladesh has been endowed with rich mineral resources. However, unfortunately due to Indian manipulations with the help of RAW’s paid agents in Bangladeshi bureaucracy, Bangladesh has been unable to fully reap the benefits of the hidden treasures and put an end to its’ economic dilemma. ‘RAW’s impediments in Bangladesh’s efforts for exploration of minerals are for two reasons. Firstly, they fear that Bangladesh may drain oil from India’s wells in Assam and secondly Bangladesh’s self sufficiency in its mineral resources would enhance its economic stability resulting into the demise of India’s long awaited desire of amalgamating Bangladesh and formation of ‘Akhand Bharat”.

2. “After emergence of Bangladesh, Prime Minister Sheikh Mujibur Rahman divided the coastal region into six sectors and leased them to foreign companies for exploration of oil and gas. The respective companies took on the job but just after a short span of time for reasons unknown shut downthe projects and left Bangladesh. No inquiry was made and no reason was offered by the Government for this closure.It is said that these companies closed their operations at the urging of KGB and RAW. Professor Abu Sayed in his book ‘Facts and Documents’ writes that the company which was carrying out exploration at the sea coast adjacent to Barisal was attacked by Indian gun boats in broad day light, dismantling the erected infrastructure”(Daily Rupali, March 2, 1992).

3. “Another example of RAW’s influence in abating Bangladesh’s efforts of exploring mineral resources is of Feni Gas Field. The gas field was discovered during the regime of late President Ziaur Rahman. But soon after the- death of President Zia the project was abandoned for being ‘economically unviable’.However, the experts did not believe the official explanation. The project was re-opened after ten years and is now running profitably thus contributing a lot to the country’s economy. Many more examples can be quoted of projects which started with pomp and show but were later stopped or discontinued for reasons unknown”(Daily AI Mujadded : June 2, 1995).

4. “During president Ershad’s regime foreign companies were once again given contracts for exploration of oil. Scimitar, one of the companies, was given oil exploration rights in Sylhet. Soon RAW orchestrated allegations through some political parties in Bangladesh that the country’s interests were being bartered away to Scimitar. Ultimately the company abandoned the project and left. Thus RAW achieved objective of protecting their vital economic interests beside scaring away other companies from undertaking on such ventures in Bangladesh.

5. Similarly a French Company, B Fistal that had almost struck oil reserves at Shalbahan in Dinajpur, abandoned its project in Bangladesh. Later it was revealed that India had laid a bait for purchase of billions of dollars worth weaponry including Mirage 2000 fighter aircrafts from France beside awarding B Fistal company a big oil exploration project just 5 Kms opposite Shalbahan at Jamidarpara, West Bengal, India”(Dainik BangIa: August 23, 1994).

6. RAW uses terrorists of Shantibahini not to allow any oil exploration in the Chittagong Hill Tracts region including Samutang. Understandably no foreign firm will risk an exploration work in the region as long as violence persists in the area.

7. There are reports that oil reserves had been struck at Patbaria, Sylhet (then part of Assam) in 1908. However,further work was not pursued at the site because the British authorities of that time did not feel the need for additional oil as they had already discovered oil in Dibrugarb and Digboy in Assam. In 1947 Sylhet was separated from Assam and became a part of Pakistan.Presently it is a part of Bangladesh. In November 1987 the Government of Bangladesh, with the help of Saudi Development Fund, started exploration for oil at Patharia. But after considerable digging and investment of 40 crore takas it was belatedly realised by the concerned authorities that there were some procedural complexities.Thus on the said plea this project was also shelved. Observers believe that RAW manipulated and’ arranged abandoning of this promising project. Similarly the exploration of oil fields at Haripur (reported to be the biggest oil field in Asia) and Kailash Tila (Sylhet) were stopped under mysterious circumstances. All the above examples bring out the fact that RAW is determined to prevent any exploration venture in Bangladesh particularly the exploration of oil in Sylhet area as they fear that underground oil reserves of Assam may drain to Sylhet due to proximity. Indians have been using some corrupt Bangladeshi bureaucrats and technical experts for furthering their designs. According to a press report published in the ‘Daily Inqilab’ during January 1993, Deputy Director Habibur Rahman of Geological Survey Directorate Bangladesh was paid cash money, expenses for travel to India and a phd. degree in exchange for secret survey reports regarding mineral resources of Bangladesh.

Besides creating strong impediments in the way of exploring oil reservers, RAW has been creating hindrances in exploratory work of other mineral resurces as well. One glaring example is the hurdles created by India in the exploration of Madhyapara hard rock for simple reason that Bangladesh should remain dependent on India for its hard rock imports. Similarly hurdles were created to prevent exploration of coal at Barapukuria.RAW’s agents, instigated the land owners of Barapukuria to resist exploratory work on the plea of inadequate compensations paid for their agricultural lands. Yet another example of nation’s mineral wealth lying unexplored is the case of Uranium and Potassium ores at Joypurhat-Sylhet. Despite confirmed reoprts of huge deposits, no further work has been undertaken for the development of the said mines.

Dr. G.W. Gableman (a Geologist involved in the exploration of oil and gas) in an article published in Internatiopal Atomic Energy Journal had stated as’early as 1970 that,there are vIsible signs of presence of high grade Uraniu’m in B;;ingladesh. Based on said report an exploration venture was started by the Bangladesh Government in the area’ of Fultala, Maulvibazar, Sylhet during 1976. The explorations confirmed the presence of high grade Ur;;inium btit the project was suddenly stopped in 1986 owing to RAW’s conspiracies. On the contrary,India is extracting Uranium in Meghalaya, only a few kilometres away from Sylhet border.

According to ‘The Daily AI Mujadded’, February 27,1995, Bangladesh has huge lime stone deposits’ i.e. 17 million tons in Bolgi Bazar;’1.8 million tons in Takerhat, 2 million tons at Bhanger Ghat, and 40 thousand tons at Balapunji. All these are lying unexplored. The newspaper further reported that experienced observers believe that RAW is involved in preventing exploitation of ‘ the said mineral resou:r:ces. RAW has bribed high officials of Bangladesh concerned with mineral exploration who do not permit any progress to take place in this sector.

The same newspaper in a later review (AI Mujadded, May 16, 1995) wrote that on, account of indecision by the ministry of Science and Technology, 50 lakh tons of Bhlck Gold (Zircon, Rutail, Liukuxin, kayanite, Magnetite, Garnet and Manazite mixed with sand are termed as Black Gold) present in the south-eastern coastal region and adjoining islands is lying unexplored. Needless to mention that the bi-products of Black Gold can be utilized in industries such as paper, electrode welding, aircrafts, space technology and nuclear fission etc. . .

Due to lack of financial resources and adequate indigenous facilities, Bangladesh has to depend on foreign investors for exploration projects. But RAW is continuously discouraging foreign investors, sometimes by using political pressure tactics and sometimes by bribing the concerned officials.RAW’s modus operandi in’ this regard is summarized as below :

a. RAW has been propagating that there are no mineral deposits in Bangladesh, thus discouraging foreign companies form investment in the sector.

b . RAW offers huge amounts as bribe to foreign as well as local engineers and staff employed on preparation o( feasibility reports of new projects, to’ get ‘tailored’ reports suggesting that exploration will not be viable and productive.

c. Different Directorates and Ministry officials in Bangladesh concerned with processing of new projects in some cases are bribed to hinder br delay the proposals for exploration. The foreign companies thus get disgruntled due to bureacratic hassles and delays and eventually decide to abandon the project.

d. Even if some foreign company manages to overcome all the hurdles and starts’ a project, its work and functioning are made difficult by local agents of RAW. Since 1972 many companies who had started projects, left midway due to harassment by RAW agents. Obviously seeing their plight no other company will dare to come forward.The ingress of RAW in various ministries, directorates and organisations of Bangladesh is so paramount that it has successfully sabotaged many projects. Large number of abortive projects are clear proof of this treachery. It is believed that until the patriotic people of Bangladesh root out RAW agents from departments and ministries concerned with exploration of mineral resources, no worthwhile progress can be ‘made in this field. Consequently, Bangladesh will continue to remain poor and subservient to India. The question, however, remains when will the rooting out of firmly saddled RAW agents begin?

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/bangladesh-defence/131899-raw-bangladesh.html#ixzz2G84W1Csj

LMAO, the writer needs seems outright schizophrenic..

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