First of all , Thanks to all of you for replying to my message & your advice

. Thank you so much
Second, I can't go for any diagnosis, I am a college student in my teens & live in India; my parents are typical South Asian conservative parents! They & my family members believe that introversion is a mental problem! & a normal human is naturally an extrovert.
They also believe that ADHD is just a reason for bahana to not get good marks in their studies & it only applies to the West. They stay study & get good marks & this problem will go away.
So I can't go for a diagnosis right now. Only after I leave college & get my first paycheck can I afford to pay & visit one
Third, my friends were discussing Percy Jackson(some fiction book in which the hero has ADHD), & I was in a parallel discussion with another friend about my problems in life. Then someone suddenly says--just like ADHD dude & everyody laughs.... after some time(1 week), I decide to do some research on ADHD in my spare time, & when I do.
I realise that some of those symptoms & problems do apply to me.(lack of concentration,fidgeting with my legs frequently even when I am tired,restlessness,procrastination,zoning out during conversations etc).
I am spending some time on quora & other forums & finding out if I do have ADHD or some other related disorder with similar symptoms. & how I can tackle it, I am doing meditation which has helped improved my concentration.
I also want to know what it is like having ADHD & other such disorders & see if it resembles what I feel
& yes , this is hurting my studies! I feel i can do much much better than I am doing right now if I knew how to tackle my problems.
@Shamain Yes i was the one who asked the speaking to self question. Thanks for your advice, it's come down quite a bit. But it is still there