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Is an Independent Kurdish State a Threat to Turkey?

Is an Independent Kurdish State a Threat to Turkey?

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why? my opinion:

we see what PKK like ppl do we see how they think how they live and what they want..

a kurdish state means parts or Iran, Syria, Irak and Turkey.. this is where they want to end it.. give them a finger they will rip your arm off..

I say this because I am living in Germany I see 90 % pkk supporter who PAY money to PKK or only buy their stuff by PKK members who pay PKK.. I see their mentality their way of thinking and I have a kurdish neighboor who is PKK supporter and PKK TV type man.. so I know what they are and how they mainly think

you see how they do it in Irak or Turkiye specially in Turkiye we have seen their mentality.. from stone kids to suicide bomber from voilent peace talks to pseudo partys.. there is no good in kurdish state for all bordering countries.. they will give us no freedom no peace..

they will see a kurdish state in this way: "In Irak we had been successfull! We must be successfull in XYZ too!" tha ti the only way it will go
It is. Kurds are nationalists. The war going on in the Middle East, might make Kurd more prominent. The state of Iraq unfortunately is dissolving. So the ethnic and sectarian groups will have a significant role to play in future.

Kurds have been seeking independence from Iraq and Turkey for a long time.
Voted no. As long as Turkey has a big impact on their economy, thus politically as well, such Kurdish state cant do much (even if it wants to), like krg. If that state is going to be set up by pkk/ypg and show hostilities towards Turkey, Turkey can easily bomb the crap out of their infrastructures and set them back a few years/decade. However, such pkk/ypg state would be 100% lapdog of the west as a tool against Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria, so things might get tricky.
Depends, if it's a KRG style in Northern Iraq and Northern Syria then Turkey can use it as an extended Semi-Independent Autonomous KRG of Turkey, then it's not a threat.

If it's pkk/ypg then it would collapse anyways, still wouldn't be a threat unless supported by the West which as idiotic they are would be more than likely which could make it a threat.

That looks suspicious :undecided:... Hmmmm... you drink first :enjoy:
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