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Is an Independent Kurdish State a Threat to Turkey?

Is an Independent Kurdish State a Threat to Turkey?

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This sums it up..to add a Kurdistan in Iran will be a threat to Turkey as well... those areas will be extensively used by PKK as the region is mountainous.
I don't want Kurds to take a part of Iran but if they do, it is not a threat to us. The only threat for us is when the Kurds manage to get a corridor to the med sea. How can they do this? If they create PKK/YPG state in North-Syria, the KRG can create pipeline from Erbil to the Med sea. If they do that they can by-pass us and create their own pipeline to sell to Europe (and not be reliant on us anymore) The Kurds in Syria are very weak so they will never accomplish this. They will need to take Arab lands in North-Syria which would be suicide for PKK/YPG. The FSA is much stronger than them.
The only thing we can do is looking ahead and keeping busy with our own business.

We need to quickly get the rid of Gulen Movement, and then adopt presidential system asap.

And I am dead sure that our armed forces/intelligence agency/police forces have not been picking pears all this time...

Our armed forces are about to be ready getting done with the new state-of-the-art military 'Forts'. We acquired thousands of the new state-of-the-art armed vehicles for armed forces and police forces.

Thousands of people have been listed (fişlendi) while they surrendered to the armed forces.

We could have gathered so much new intel about the organization so far. Our armed forces must be ready to blow things up whenever that 'peace process' might go to shit. They cannot even wait to use their new cool tools, I assume.

Our intelligence agency has improved a lot, and right now can track all the phone calls etc.

They must already have made a name-tree of the organization in detail.

The other thing we gotta do is getting the security law passed ASAP. Then, finally, our police can start shooting terrorists down one by one with the slightest sight of offense in public..
I don't want Kurds to take a part of Iran but if they do, it is not a threat to us. The only threat for us is when the Kurds manage to get a corridor to the med sea. How can they do this? If they create PKK/YPG state in North-Syria, the KRG can create pipeline from Erbil to the Med sea. If they do that they can by-pass us and create their own pipeline to sell to Europe (and not be reliant on us anymore) The Kurds in Syria are very weak so they will never accomplish this. They will need to take Arab lands in North-Syria which would be suicide for PKK/YPG. The FSA is much stronger than them.
I think thats what some people want them to do. Bypass Turkey by sending a pipeline through northern Iraq and northern syria. It would pass through areas controlled by PKK & Assad. Iran would have good relations with these guys and wouldn't care either because they get their access to the mediterranean back.
No it is not. Even if part of it to be established and governed by PKK/YPG, they cannot be a threat since from there on they would have something to lose and something stationary for Turkey to target like the state's infrastructure and their regular army. If they want to remain as a threat, they should stick to their guerilla tactics.

Forming a state and using its lands and infrastructure to wage a war against a country like Turkey would be plain retarded and suicide. Not even worth discussing.

Besides, it would be highly dependent on Turkey and cannot survive without Turkey's economical cooperation, hence it cannot survive without Turkey's consent.

However, it might create some cultural and social problems. We'll see...
Exactly what i think. :tup:

I think thats what some people want them to do. Bypass Turkey by sending a pipeline through northern Iraq and northern syria. It would pass through areas controlled by PKK & Assad. Iran would have good relations with these guys and wouldn't care either because they get their access to the mediterranean back.
Isnt there a mistake in your theory? Iran doesnt need Kurds to build a pipeline to Mediterranian at all, all they need are Iraq and Syria, two Iran friendly countrys.

I think thats what some people want them to do. Bypass Turkey by sending a pipeline through northern Iraq and northern syria. It would pass through areas controlled by PKK & Assad. Iran would have good relations with these guys and wouldn't care either because they get their access to the mediterranean back.
That is why it will be a good development when Assad will be gone and fair democratic elections be held in Syria. The FSA can be stabilizing force in Syria to keep unity and national integrity of Syria. We Turks allowed Iraq to fragment although we didn't want to see that. The US did that with 2003 invasion. We can't allow Syria to fragment too.

Exactly what i think. :tup:

Isnt there a mistake in your theory? Iran doesnt need Kurds to build a pipeline to Mediterranian at all, all they need are Iraq and Syria, two Iran friendly countrys.

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The US won't give permission to Iraqi government to do that. And Assad's time in Syria is limited because he doesn't have hardware and manpower to subdue the Syrian uprising. So I don't see that project going to be a reality.
The US won't give permission to Iraqi government to do that. And Assad's time in Syria is limited because he doesn't have hardware and manpower to subdue the Syrian uprising. So I don't see that project going to be a reality.
Well US wouldnt allow it thought Kurdish regions either, not to mention that Kurdish regions dont even reach Mediterranian in the first place.
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I am flabbergasted about this discussion of saprate Kurdistan. Why muslims donot like to live together and benefit from all that is benificial for cooperating with each other. Why can't we as muslims live in peace and fairness following sunna of our great prophet SAAS.
I am flabbergasted about this discussion of saprate Kurdistan. Why muslims donot like to live together and benefit from all that is benificial for cooperating with each other. Why can't we as muslims live in peace and fairness following g sunny of our great prophet SAAS.
This question would be more relevant in Syria and Iraq dont you think?
So true. About Syria and Iraq. So it should be same as what I said above. And it is the duty of all Danishwars such as those anchors sitting on TV, s or writers who write book about who is looting Pakistan.
I don't want Kurds to take a part of Iran but if they do, it is not a threat to us.
well , iranian kurds are mostly shia muslims which makes them both nationalistically and religiously-attached to their homeland (considering the fact that they are iranian people racially speaking and have a history longer than turks - search for "medes" ) . so don't worry about iranian kurds mate ;) i would worry about my own eastern provinces if i were you .

It would pass through areas controlled by PKK
This just in : iraqi kurdistan is not controlled by PKK :D
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