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Is Afghanistan impossible to conquer?

If the progenies of Timur Shah had not been involved in a permanent Badshahgardi, that eventually destroyed everything what Ahmed Shah had achieved, no one could take away the Peshawar valley from Afghans - not even the British. I extol the courage of the Pashtun tribesmen who formed lashkars and fought bravely against all odds.
Dalits with height of 5.1 feet at best and skinny legs helped RS capture Peshawar? 40% sikh army was dalits with Indian like phisic. If it was not for punjabi warrior caste muslims Afghans would have beaten sikhs to death as usual. This recent phenomena of sikhs bravery is myth, we all have recent exemples of sikh so called bravery. I dont need to remind you again and again ;) With retards like you around now, it would have been better for punjabi muslims tp stay back let Afghans butcher sikhs as usual.

Do you seriouslu think people in Punjab considered themselves similar to people of African heritage of India? Your religion was born in Punjab, and we all know how rig vedic people described your kind. And whatever pashtun land Pakistan have today is thanks to pashtuns themselves.

First prove RS captured FATA? You cant.

Punjabi musalmaans have been beaten to pulp by every tom, dick and harry through the centuries arriving from the west and here we have this moron telling fake bravado stories of his types to make himself feel better. :lol:

There were only handful of useless punjabi musalmaan in Ranjeet Singh's army else he would have also got the same fate as these useless fags have been getting since centuries .Thank Ranjeet Singh that he saved your sorry @ss from being whopped by afghans and gifted you half of Afghanistan.

Most recent act of bravery by punjabi musalmaans was seen somewhere near the eastern border of India , i dont need to remind you again ;)

Real punjabis (sikhs,hindus) were always Indian , do you serioulsly think we consider those cowards with identity crisis issues as Punjabis ?

FATA was overrun by Ranjit Singh , can you disprove it ? You cant.
You are going to use a typo of a digit to win an argument now ? How pitiably laughable is that.

I am not trying anything. Just pointing out that a minute ago you were telling me stories about Madrassas. Shame, Shame
Inspite of the Maratha's defeat in 1761 they were still ruling most of India when the British started battling them in the long process of conquest of India.

Defeating the defeated.
Like I told you before after Panipat the Marhatas were a spent force.
You are a Pakistani ? That makes your comments understandable and funny at the same time.

Whatever dude.
The bottom line remains that Indians were subjugated and humiliated for centuries by British, Moguls and Afghans. And you want to tell us that how Afghanistan has been defeated in this battle and that.
Dalits with height of 5.1 feet at best and skinny legs helped RS capture Peshawar? 40% sikh army was dalits with Indian like phisic. If it was not for punjabi warrior caste muslims Afghans would have beaten sikhs to death as usual. This recent phenomena of sikhs bravery is myth, we all have recent exemples of sikh so called bravery. I dont need to remind you again and again ;) With retards like you around now, it would have been better for punjabi muslims tp stay back let Afghans butcher sikhs as usual.

Do you seriouslu think people in Punjab considered themselves similar to people of African heritage of India? Your religion was born in Punjab, and we all know how rig vedic people described your kind. And whatever pashtun land Pakistan have today is thanks to pashtuns themselves.

First prove RS captured FATA? You cant.
Not just FATA, sikhs didnt conquer
1-Malakand division (swat, buner, dir, shangla etc)
2- Yousafzai portion of hazara division (batagram, torghar)
3- Yousafzai portion of peshawer division (swabi, mardan)
4- Southren districts of KPK (bannu, tank, lakki marwat, karak, hangu etc)
5- Pashtun belt of balochistan (quetta, ziarat, zhob, Qila abdullah, loralai, barkhan etc)
On the other hand british conquered all the above mentioned territories. For this reason you only see any influence/presence of sikhs only in peshawer and hazara. And these two regions were ruled by sikhs only for 12 years (1835-47)

Not without the help of Indian Rohillas and Oudh kingdom, as has been the case many times in Indian history when an Indian empire was defeated by foreigners with the help of traitor Indians.

BTW Ranjeet Singh payed back the Afghans in style, you should thank him that half of Afghanistan is part of Pakistan due to Ranjeet Singh.
Rohillas were not exactly "indians", they were yousafzais who had recently conquered rohailkhand and settled there. Its funny you are calling them traitors for supporting their ethnic kinsmen from afghanistan. Did you watched that stupid "great marataha" tv series by sanjay khan.
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Not just FATA, sikhs didnt conquer
1-Malakand division (swat, buner, dir, shangla etc)
2- Yousafzai portion of hazara division (batagram, torghar)
3- Yousafzai portion of peshawer division (swabi, mardan)
4- Southren districts of KPK (bannu, tank, lakki marwat, karak, hangu etc)
5- Pashtun belt of balochistan (quetta, ziarat, zhob, Qila abdullah, loralai, barkhan etc)
On the other hand british conquered all the above mentioned territories. For this reason you only see any influence/presence of sikhs only in peshawer and hazara. And these two regions were ruled by sikhs only for 12 years (1835-47)

Look how now days sikh show this map all the time. They basically have included whole FATA also.


At this point can we even get real map of RS kingdom? Basically they are taking credit of hard work done by British Empire.
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Look how now days sikh show this map all the time. They basically have included whole FATA also.


At this point can we even get real map of RS kingdom?
There was some article by a sikh that U.S/ NATO should learn from sikhs as they had conquered entire afghanistan.... It reflcts their habit of exaggeration and tall claims...when you read their history it feels like a fictional fairy tale.....
Rohillas were not exactly "indians", they were yousafzais who had recently conquered rohailkhand and settled there. Its funny you are calling them traitors for supporting their ethnic kinsmen from afghanistan. Did you watched that stupid "great marataha" tv series by sanjay khan.

Stupid current day hindutvas calling all these people traitors, when they never considered themselves Indians which is recent phenomena.

There was some article by a sikh that U.S/ NATO should learn from sikhs as they had conquered entire afghanistan.... It reflcts their habit of exaggeration and tall claims...when you read their history it feels like a fictional fairy tale.....

Especially when its only few hundred years old, unlike ancient history. It only make them sound stupid, sikhs have learned this trait of exageration from hindutvas.
Being a Pashtun your allegiance with Pakistan remains doubtful unless you have fulfilled few prerequisites;

a) You hate Afghanistan.
b) Time and again vocally express how much you detest Afghan Pashtuns and would like to throw Afghan refugees out of Pakistan at your earliest convenience.
b) You forget Pashto and speak Urdu in a refined Lahori accent. (lol!!!)

I don't need to go further into detail here, you seem to be already aware of many things.
Spot on

Stupid current day hindutvas calling all these people traitors, when they never considered themselves Indians which is recent phenomena.

Especially when its only few hundred years old, unlike ancient history. It only make them sound stupid, sikhs have learned this trait of exageration from hindutvas.
Sikhs should also create tv shows like mahabarat , hanuman etc...a flying ranjeet singh, maha-shakti hari singh who could crush mountains with single punch.
Punjabi musalmaans have been beaten to pulp by every tom, dick and harry through the centuries arriving from the west and here we have this moron telling fake bravado stories of his types to make himself feel better. :lol:

There were only handful of useless punjabi musalmaan in Ranjeet Singh's army else he would have also got the same fate as these useless fags have been getting since centuries .Thank Ranjeet Singh that he saved your sorry @ss from being whopped by afghans and gifted you half of Afghanistan.

Most recent act of bravery by punjabi musalmaans was seen somewhere near the eastern border of India , i dont need to remind you again ;)

Real punjabis (sikhs,hindus) were always Indian , do you serioulsly think we consider those cowards with identity crisis issues as Punjabis ?

FATA was overrun by Ranjit Singh , can you disprove it ? You cant.

As its been proven by @Pak-one sikhs faggots are taking credit of British Empire hard work, no wonder every faggot goes around in forums claiming how they conquered Afghanistan. Sikhs couldnt even conquer whole KPK let alone FATA.

And if it wasnt for punjabi muslims warrior caste who made majority of army, sikhsm would have died horrible death in hand of Afghans. Sikh churas were only good at cleaning other people shit. Many of them later on converted to christianity and now are sweepers in Pakistan. Because they learned being warrior isnt trait of dalit but cleaning shit is.
Stupid current day hindutvas calling all these people traitors, when they never considered themselves Indians which is recent phenomena.

Especially when its only few hundred years old, unlike ancient history. It only make them sound stupid, sikhs have learned this trait of exageration from hindutvas.

Foprking dalit chura 5 feet tall somehow become super human by converting to sikhsm :rofl:
Not just FATA, sikhs didnt conquer

Rohillas were not exactly "indians", they were yousafzais who had recently conquered rohailkhand and settled there. Its funny you are calling them traitors for supporting their ethnic kinsmen from afghanistan. Did you watched that stupid "great marataha" tv series by sanjay khan.

I'll call any ruler of an Indian province who colluded with foreigners against another Indian kingdom as a traitor. Moreover it was more about forming an army of Islam against infidel Marathas which led to alliance between these three muslim kingdoms . Marathas didn't help their case either, they were in constant wars against these states and plundered them every chance they got. Both Afghans and the Marathas wanted Oudh on their sides , Oudh provided much of the finance for Afghans' 3 stay in India and Marathas were encircled by alliance of these three states. Things could have been different had Oudh sided with Marathas.

I dont rely on TV soaps for history lessons.
As its been proven by @Pak-one sikhs faggots are taking credit of British Empire hard work, no wonder every faggot goes around in forums claiming how they conquered Afghanistan. Sikhs couldnt even conquer whole KPK let alone FATA.

And if it wasnt for punjabi muslims warrior caste who made majority of army, sikhsm would have died horrible death in hand of Afghans. Sikh churas were only good at cleaning other people shit. Many of them later on converted to christianity and now are sweepers in Pakistan. Because they learned being warrior isnt trait of dalit but cleaning shit is.

Sikhs marched upto Jamrud which is at the western border of Pakistan, as i said whatever part of Afghanistan is today with Pakistan is due to Sikhs, they gave you pathetic cowards something to boast in front of pashtuns :lol:
Sikhs marched upto Jamrud which is at the western border of Pakistan, as i said whatever part of Afghanistan is today with Pakistan is due to Sikhs, they gave you pathetic cowards something to boast in front of pashtuns :lol:
Sut up idiot hahaha
Sikhs marched upto Jamrud which is at the western border of Pakistan, as i said whatever part of Afghanistan is today with Pakistan is due to Sikhs, they gave you pathetic cowards something to boast in front of pashtuns :lol:

Actually as has been proven sikhs now days take credit of british empire. And punjabi muslim never boast about sikh empire, despite punjabi muslims being the main reason sikhs captured peshawar.

I found another map, maybe this is correct one?

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