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Is a Taiwan war conceivable?

Is a Taiwan war conceivable?

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I think China has been on the right track for a long time as their main strategy of PATIENCE is working in its favour. Time is on China's side and as it becomes more and more prosperous, Taiwan would be attracted to join China for Economic reasons. China should stay the course and concentrate on its Economy. China will be wise to use its Economic power instead of Military power to resolve differences with other nations.

China will not attack Taiwan as they all are in the same ancestor. If china want Taiwan, US will have to step aside and close it eyes for sure. China will have to destroy the Taiwan within half hour and wiped out them from map. But China will not do like that because they all are from same ancestor.
The KMT needs time to foster better understanding and ties between the people of both countires, this can't be done overnight. Taking Taiwan is not an imperative, Chinese nuclear subs can break the first island chain and have done so on many occassions, There's no containment theory around this. China's tactics should be to keep Taiwan militarily growth stunted and will use economic leverage should there be a move towards independence first before any war. Any foreign instigation on this issue comes mainly from the Americans, but if not pushed too far like calling for international recognition of Taiwan, signing strategic military or economic pacts with Taiwan, should not be a cause for intervention. Ma has a tough time when in comes to balancing public opinions against reunification, and the abject anti-chinese brainwashing the Taiwanese people have subjected themselves to over the years. What's important is not to flame the fan of war, as it is not necessary yet, the only time a war should be fought is if a third party get's itself involve in China's internal affair, or should a party like the DPP makes a move to push for independence again, economic war first, make the people feel the pinch, no need to threaten a hot war right away.
It is not fading, just some normal setbacks on the path of "peaceful reunification". Both sides need more time to figure out the way out.
Recall later Qing Dynasty: From Empress Dowager Cixi to her bureaucrats, everyone was so patriot and so jingoists.

You know what were the results?

Boxing rebellion.
8 nation-alliance invasion.
Burning down of Yuanming Palace.
Opium wars.
Starvation of the Chinese.
Uprising of the Chinese people.
Formation of east Asian sickman.
Downfall of Qing Dynasty.

Are the new generations of the Chinese to be like the old Dowager Cixi and her bureaucrats: extremely patriot in blood but deeply corrupted, myopic and inane in brain?

We will see.
Boxing rebellion was a rebellion of weakness. if you still think chinese are going to bring sword to a gun fight, the only one who is going to be their arse kick will be you. thinking that you bully them before and therefore you can bully them again is exactly how the "great" british empire lost to USA. countries rise and fall all the time, the inability to understand and read that is either the mark of dishonesty or denial.

does US really believe PRC needs 1000 missiles to destroy all military installation in taiwan? of course not, it is meant for US forces, American will die in large numbers before their planes even get off the ground. and US can't resort to strategic warfare, as a nuclear exchange will wipe everyone out. US already recognise the one china policy, they were never determine to fight PRC over it. it they were they would have put US troop in Taiwan, the fact that they don't already reveal where they stand.
WE in pakistan i mean the people and armed forces of pakistan are with china in every situtation we can go to war with anyone for china we will help china in any war or peaceful solution with any country even US

Will you send some troops there and prove to your masters that you are loyal to them?
Recall later Qing Dynasty: From Empress Dowager Cixi to her bureaucrats, everyone was so patriot and so jingoists.

You know what were the results?

Boxing rebellion.
8 nation-alliance invasion.
Burning down of Yuanming Palace.
Opium wars.
Starvation of the Chinese.
Uprising of the Chinese people.
Formation of east Asian sickman.
Downfall of Qing Dynasty.

Are the new generations of the Chinese to be like the old Dowager Cixi and her bureaucrats: extremely patriot in blood but deeply corrupted, myopic and inane in brain?

We will see.
If Qing Empire had Qing-class submarines, the British would have been clobbered.


China now has the military technology to back up fighting spirit. Heck, even when we had a rifle and millet army we clobbered the UN forces in Korea because of our superior morale.
WE in pakistan i mean the people and armed forces of pakistan are with china in every situtation we can go to war with anyone for china we will help china in any war or peaceful solution with any country even US

LoL, you are really close to the bend over position. However, still to ask you, who will you support when Turkey goes against China for the East Turkmenistan? Will that present the better man problem?
The hope of a peaceful reunification is fading.

- Ma Ying-Jeou said that he does not anticipate a summit with CCP leader even if he wins a second term

- Ma Ying-Jeou also said that any peace deal with the mainland must be subject to referendum

- Despite the above, Ma Ying-Jeou is barely leading in Taiwan polls against the hardcore Taiwan independence party

- When Ma Ying-Jeou said that he would be willing to make a peace deal in his second term, he immediately fell a few points in the polls

I believe China has no choice but to reunify by force. Peaceful reunification is a pipe dream. The vast majority of people in Taiwan have negative views of China.

By taking action to reunify, China immediately breaks through the first island chain with major strategic consequences:

- China gains the ability to project power to Diaoyu Islands, East China Sea and threaten US / Japanese bases in Okinawa

- China gains the ability to project power to the Philippines and also threaten Guam

- China gains Taiping Island, the biggest island in the South China Sea and the only one with fresh water

- China can access deep Pacific waters from naval bases on Taiwan's east coast, perfect for submarine warfare

In other words, reunification immediately gives China the ability to settle all of our maritime disputes by force and project power all over maritime Asia. This is absolutely vital today when the US has already declared cold war on us.

Peace across the Taiwan straits must be sacrificed. Taiwan has dragged its feet for too long. China's strategic imperatives dictate that we must take Taiwan!

LoL, I know some friends in Taipei who will make you crap in your pants with just their jokes. Specially one bartender at the Far Eastern Plaza hotel will be very happy to oblige. He is an independence supporter and he has a lot of jokes to justify why ROC is better independent.

All this war stuff is damaging your second brain. You need both the think. Take it easy. China will lose total initiative and the advantage that it has today the moment it crosses the strait. What do you think, the other nations involved will just let you follow your bullet points? :cheesy:
like in your country ur people getting butchered and karzai giving US permenant bases?lol man

Sometimes Pakistanis raise the 30,000 dead number when asking aid and then they make fun of the dead in other countries when trying to score brownie points. What exactly is it :what:
Like I've said before now no war with Chinese Taipei we are already have good relations with them and now since China is getting more powerful pretty much we will reunify but it will take time 10-15 years also Nationalism will play a key factor in it no more blood should be spilled when we reunify with Chinese Taipei peacefully then that will be the day.
Taiwan will automatically chose to be with China.

China is an emerging global superpower.

Look at Puerto Rico. It begged to be part of the superpower (USA).

Taiwan is part of China. We Pakistanis will always support China :china: :pakistan:

LoL, you got the economics mixed up. Taiwan is already a Trillion USD economy. It does not need aid or arms and hence it does not need to suck up to China as you may be thinking as being obvious.

The only way for the unification is to give it time and give the people the time to make a choice and also assurance that the choice will be accepted by China peacefully. It is better to live with them as friendly neighbour rather than an unfriendly province.
If Qing Empire had Qing-class submarines, the British would have been clobbered.

Well they didn't so deal with it. Plus it is just a ridiculous comparison. China was nowhere as advanced as the British.

Fighting spirit alone will not land your troops on Taiwanese beaches. The Americans can just sit well back out of missile range and still sink all the Chinese troop transports.

Also, have you though that even the US has problems pacifying a couple of very militarily outdated countries, what do you think China's chances are of occupying a country with a very advanced military?
There are many ways to get this troublesome province back to track other than military operation.

With a GDP 15 times bigger and ever expanding (two Taiwan per year), time is definitely on our side.
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