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'Irresponsible statements': Imran Khan warns against attacking Afghanistan

Yes it did - Pakistan at the end could not stop the strikes at the end - the US got the targets it needed to get and slowed down the Haqqanis eventually with Pakistan cooperating.

That is a myth. Pakistanis have had average or below average strategy in general throughout their military conflicts. There have always been a few pretty good tactical commanders and one or two good strategic thinkers but there were never “brilliant” strategic to thinkers otherwise 65 would not have happened, 71 would have fought India to a stalemate in a fort strategy, Siachen would not be lost, Kargil would not have happened and so on
Kargil was ok operation but lost due to political defeat in the white house. Rest 65 and 71, our Generals had lots of options, but all eggs in CENTO, Baghdad Pact and SETO etc etc etc ...
Yes , a known incident, don't remember the book. When Musharraf and his team presented the Kargil operation to the Benazir govt, that smart lady call in a foreign Minster and finance minister and asked them a few questions in front of military brass... Do we have enough money to fight this war and can we get enough International support to counter India in the UN or any other platform............................... rest you can guess.
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Kargil was ok operation but lost due to political defeat in the white house. Rest 65 and 71, our Generals had lost of option, but all eggs in CENTO, Baghdad Pact and SETO etc etc etc ...
No it wasnt - it was a tactical operation was poor strategy behind it. Benazir turned Musharraf hollow simply by asking “Then what?” and the commando could not see beyond 10ft of what would happen - even his peers in the army, PaF and Navy were aghast.

Some PN officers tried to get themselves declared sick once full fledged Indian attacks began knowing very well what the PN had then vs IN they would be mostly sunk in 72 hours.

So clearly, no strategy ever came into Pakistani calculus in general. Why? Because the system doesn’t like brilliant ones - mediocrity and sycophancy have ruled since the days of Ghulam Mohammad
No it wasnt - it was a tactical operation was poor strategy behind it. Benazir turned Musharraf hollow simply by asking “Then what?” and the commando could not see beyond 10ft of what would happen - even his peers in the army, PaF and Navy were aghast.

Some PN officers tried to get themselves declared sick once full fledged Indian attacks began knowing very well what the PN had then vs IN they would be mostly sunk in 72 hours.

So clearly, no strategy ever came into Pakistani calculus in general. Why? Because the system doesn’t like brilliant ones - mediocrity and sycophancy have ruled since the days of Ghulam Mohammad
I see many General's sons in US and many brilliant officers who took early retirement and doing excellent jobs in US corporate sector and have stories to tell....
But Gen Bajwa was one of kind, he beat even Ayub Khan, who one morning woke up and award himself Field Marshal ...lollll
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Markhoor right now :lol:

USA military is at no 3 , ours is lumber 1 , soon lumber 1 will conquer Afghanistan as per the wishes of few jack assess of PDF :lol:
Read the complete story of the Jalalabad operation. a sad and bitter truth. Secure the border and tighten up security that's all. Pakistan's economy will be improved. They suck Pakistan's staple crops and livestock.
Time to drop the idea of strategic depth and need a reality check.
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Yes it did - Pakistan at the end could not stop the strikes at the end - the US got the targets it needed to get and slowed down the Haqqanis eventually with Pakistan cooperating.
You have moved the goal post to validate your point.
Some strikes inside Pakistan didn't mean much when the overall campaign was a failure.
They had the option of running away from it that Pakistan doesn't have.
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I don't understand one thing, why so many people here want to continue fight??? They must be living in their safe heavens and are not effected by the terrorism the way we are getting effected.
I find it extremely shocking and unthinkable he said that. more shocking will be some PTI diehard actually justifying and defending something so absurd
He also said in same interview that all stack holders were present in the meeting and all were on same page , meetha hup aor karwa thu ? Hum koi boot rakshaks nhi hain bhai ap bhi chor do yeh kam
When that first PTI government was being “assembled” - IK should have been pushed as much as possible to the presidency. A very vocal and maybe empowered presidency, but with foreign policy and internal security not under his purview.
Let the man make his speeches, direct party politics and direct the PM - but just don’t give him the button.

And as much as that man is a jackal + shark - SMQ was the right man for PM.
I agree, Shah Mehmood Quereshi should be the PM. he is much better attuned in this role. yes he is ambitious and all that but these are the traits of the people that reach the top tier of leadership. Imran will be best as President with his speeches, inaugurations ,
foreign policy and relations kept at safe distance from him. he is impulsive which sadly for a country like Pakistan cant sustain or afford.
Did any of you actually watch his broadcast?

He mentioned that the decisions he made was done collectively with all actors in Pakistan onboard they were not done in isolation (PTI only). Also his main gripe is the war on terror was never Pakistan's war. His not pro military action but he was saying the federal government needs to help KPK as the police don't have heavy weapons to fight the terrorists. I dont recall him saying to re-locate 40k TTP terrorists in Pak that sounds like a lie.
He clearly mentioned that Baluchistan and Sindh did not agree to his plan and didn't share 3 to 4% from their NFC funds. The guy is an idiot and his backers were biggest idiots.

I wish i had the liberty to share the information about the privileges that we are showering to Kabul Regime who continue to harbor killers of our children.
To the experts here who's spouting nothing but nonsense. You people are just as delusional as those babas on top of this ruling class.
The thing you'll never understand is that, Imran khan did not guide the masses. Rather the masses voice resonated with him.
Kashmir issue
Relations with KSA, China and US.
Those uncles bitchinng about his 180 in foreign policy should understand that they resonated with the people.
The people never want to be lackeys of foreign powers. Jernals, politicians, Judiciary enjoy the benefits of such master+servant relationships. They might enjoy kissing their boots.
The people never did, after half a century did some leader actually demanded respect for his country.
And there's these so called experts/ analysts "people with insider" information. Spouting the same bullshit. Their intolerance to Change is the reason why this country will burn.
Mr. Khan should focus on politics and leave foreign affairs out. In hindsight his foreign policy was perhaps the worst in pakistans history. Not a single 1 of Pak major allies were not angered by him at one point or another.

China- Completely ruined CPEC by questioning it in public and passing immature remarks on the uiygar issue
Saudis- Pissed them off by attempting to create a OIC counterpart with Turkey/Malaysia only to backtrack later
Turkey/Malaysia- Promise them to join their alliance but then backtracked pissing them off and leaving pak isolated
USA- Crying at the top of his lungs every single day of a none-existent regime change operation

Mr. Khan during your time as PM every one of your speeches seemed to focus on Afghanistan. When at the UN rather than speak of Paks interest you speak of Talibans interest. When on any foreign policy trip rather than look after the interest of pakistani people you look after the interest of afghani people. If I was an advisor to Khan id tell him to shut it for a few years when it comes to afghanistan, because he simply does not no what he is talking about.

On top of that YOUR PTI party has been in charge of KP since last 8 years. Of which every single year has gotten worse for law and order situation yet you have the audaucity to lecture us when you seem to care more about terrorist than your own army.

Right now nationalist pakistanis are supporting you, but the minute the economy improve and terrorism decreases YOU WILL LOSE A LOT OF VOTES. So best advice is let the military deal with afghanistan you focus on 2 provinces that you seem to not be interested in governing.

Mr Khan you talk of your army as if they are foreign invaders. Im sorry but please lay off the heroin and cocaine for a bit. We are not foreign invaders. This is our land for thousands of years and artificial country know as Afghanistan is a walk away. Furthermore it wont be a never ending war for us. 1 nuke on your cohorts in Kandahar and 90% of Pakistan terrorism problem is resolved. We wont be as merciful as the Soviets nor NATO forces.

All Pakistani politicians are incompetent...IK is not much different.
he was and still is an ambassador of Afghan Taliban .whether abroad or in the country he has had a notion that the chaos called Afghanistan will be persuaded by his personality and and play peace as he wishes. he is so deep in his universe that he is openly declaring that he was going to rehabilitate tens of thousands of TTP back into tribal areas the same areas where the TTP spilled the blood of tribal people and the Pakistani military.

the Afghan Taliban on their part used the political support of Pakistan to their advantage both politically and from Pakistani establishment in the shape of General Faiz and when they found it appropriate they started questioning the fence, the Deurand line and opened fire of Pakistani public and the soldiers. they haven't refused to take action against TTP but they have refused to accept or acknowledge the existence of TTP in Afghanistan, so according to them taking action against their ideological brothers is out of question. they insist that TTP is inside Pakistan. well thanks to them and our previous leadership (political + establishment) they are indeed inside Pakistan.

Imran's latest statement is more hurtful where he seems to be justifying the serge of TTP terrorism because his government was toppled and this so called "settlement" was stopped. I don't know if he is in the end going to repeat the TTP demands for FATA control and implementation of their Takfiri ideology there. he has a great power of influence and public opinion making which can have dire consequences if deep inside Pakistan people start sheltering TTP terrorists and help them escape after conducting terror operations as a punishment to the establishment for "disrupting" peace talks with TTP.

To the experts here who's spouting nothing but nonsense. You people are just as delusional as those babas on top of this ruling class.
The thing you'll never understand is that, Imran khan did not guide the masses. Rather the masses voice resonated with him.
Kashmir issue
Relations with KSA, China and US.
Those uncles bitchinng about his 180 in foreign policy should understand that they resonated with the people.
The people never want to be lackeys of foreign powers. Jernals, politicians, Judiciary enjoy the benefits of such master+servant relationships. They might enjoy kissing their boots.
The people never did, after half a century did some leader actually demanded respect for his country.
he is a populist. he said what people wanted to hear. just like Modi and Donald Trump

when it comes to Pakistan. there is a great disparity between what people want and what they can have from the rest of the international community.
resonating rants
And there's these so called experts/ analysts "people with insider" information. Spouting the same bullshit. Their intolerance to Change is the reason why this country will burn.
Inshallah the only thing that will burn is the behind of all those who wish ill of my country.
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