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Irreparable damage!


Apr 30, 2009
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United Kingdom

ISPR official page post yesterday- must read comments - thank you bajwa and Pak Mil Establishment… you’re done… irreparable damage…
I have an uncle who was always anti establishment and I used to have long heated arguments with him. Now, I can't face him lol.
Issue was lesser evil.
I wasn't naive enough not to know that army corps were very corrupt after all everyone can see there life style and BMW

But I never thought they will completely sell off the country but I guess I was wrong

I am pretty much sure we don't have nukes I think that's why uncle Sam is so happy with Pakistan otherwise we would have been under sanctions

The chiefs sat at the very top have lost all credibility and respect.
Doesn't matter..
All they need is major saad rizvi
He will come to rescue

Ironically I have two cousins in FC and they were more anti establishment..they told me I should visit corps commanders head quarter in Peshawar and I will become anti establishment overnight.

They thought FC and lower tier people are killed or let be killed on purpose to keep good military sentiment

Well the nearest I have seen a military place is the golf court in muree...

Kinda make sense if you see that..
I have an uncle who was always anti establishment and I used to have long heated arguments with him. Now, I can't face him lol.
The misinformed youth and the bloody civilians were all in the same boat.

The DHAs, golf courses were being built in our midst and the Generals making decisions that damaged the country with no accountability, yet we were all blind.

Shukar karo aankhein khul gai.
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ISPR official page post yesterday- must read comments - thank you bajwa and Pak Mil Establishment… you’re done… irreparable damage…

The comments shows that its not 70s or 80s anymore. This is age of awareness.

As far as video is concerned, its absurd that military establishment shamelessly try to hide behind the sacrifices of poor man's child. Nobody ever criticize those jawans doing their duty they are supposed to do. Everyone condemn the General's lifestyles, their interference in civil depts, their interference in politics and all law less activities. Still establishment shamelessly hide behind jawans or continous martyrdooms of poor jawans or citizens because of their ill strategy against adversaries.

Second aspect of that video is that its only less than 1% of military that do what those jawans are doing at borders. 99% of the military is sitting inside cities (cantonments). They only get deployed when there is war OR if high tensions like Kargil etc. Rest of the time the entire military machine share the same cities as civilians but ironically law only applies to civilians and not at the military. If a brigadier kidnaps a traffic police warden, is there any morality in Pakistan that police will raid inside cantonment and arrest the brigadier ? If the police cannot do so that exactly means we are not free. We are under military occupation.

Edit: Forget arresting the brigadier in that hypothetical scenario, no one would even file an FIR. That's the sorry state of an occupied nation.
I have an uncle who was always anti establishment and I used to have long heated arguments with him. Now, I can't face him lol.

When I first joined the forum back in 2000s I loved the armed forces but disagreed with their alliance with Usa, kidnapping Pakistanis for Usa jails, Nawaz and Zardari are the corrupt but not the pure establishment, kashmir is sold etc but PDF members convinced me otherwise. Now I am speechless. Its like wasting 20 years of your life. So many people told me they're all the same and sit together for coffe and tea but I didn't listen due to PDF knowledge.
I have an uncle who was always anti establishment and I used to have long heated arguments with him. Now, I can't face him lol.

Honestly - you should man up and say you were wrong and he was right .... I have turned my views and everyone in my family is shocked that i have changed my views ... i have admitted i was wrong.

We live- we learn - we are human. No shame in that.

ISPR official page post yesterday- must read comments - thank you bajwa and Pak Mil Establishment… you’re done… irreparable damage…
Pendu boot fouji damagh psuedo-intellectual brown sahb wannabe gora sahb Uncles have ruined the last remaining institution.

Their best recourse they could come up with is get minions to open threads based on ethnicity. Pure pendu production. This is what happens when tarsey hue pendus come into power.
The Pakistani army is only respected by PDM and it's supporters.

The Pakistani army is questioned and criticised by everyone else in Pakistan.
Issue was lesser evil.
I wasn't naive enough not to know that army corps were very corrupt after all everyone can see there life style and BMW

But I never thought they will completely sell off the country but I guess I was wrong

I am pretty much sure we don't have nukes I think that's why uncle Sam is so happy with Pakistan otherwise we would have been under sanctions

Doesn't matter..
All they need is major saad rizvi
He will come to rescue

Ironically I have two cousins in FC and they were more anti establishment..they told me I should visit corps commanders head quarter in Peshawar and I will become anti establishment overnight.

They thought FC and lower tier people are killed or let be killed on purpose to keep good military sentiment

Well the nearest I have seen a military place is the golf court in muree...

Kinda make sense if you see that..
I agree with you, the level of mental slavery shown by the military since the 2000s has raised my suspicious that they gave up the nukes at the behalf of the Goras. If true, then I hope patriotic Pakistanis will deal with this organization top to bottom. There should be mass graves across the country.

Read this long time ago. They’re thoroughly compromised.

I’ve also tracked the casualties and it’s clear the top brass doesn’t care about the FCs..likely because they are expendable being Balouchis or Pathans. At this point, the establishment is weakening troublesome population by making them engage in low tier civil war. I’m aware soldiers from other province are dying too, but look at the lack of equipment.
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