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Iron Dome defense system gets new backer: Barack Obama

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Iron Dome defense system gets new backer: Barack Obama

The budgetary difficulty that has been delaying Israel's armament with the anti-missile defense system Iron Dome has apparently been resolved. The Pentagon has issued a message to Israel's Defense Ministry that U.S. President Barack Obama has approved the transfer of special assistance totaling $205 million (just under NIS 800 million) for the purchase of more than ten Iron Dome batteries.

The Iron Dome missile defense system aced a test run in January, and event that convinced senior defense officials that the defense system was on its way to becoming operational and that it will be able to effectively protect against short-range missiles, such as Katyushas and Qassams, which often hit Israeli towns.

The project's first phase, which included development, test runs and the manufacture of two batteries, required a budget of NIS 800 million. The Israel Air Force has also trained a special new unit to operate the defense system.

ASIAN DEFENCE: Iron Dome defense system gets new backer: Barack Obama
And then apparently israelis come and say they are completly independent of the US and dont need their aid at all. Wonder how long they would last without daddy america :coffee:
many countries would have gone bankrupt if there was no american support..

BTW IRON DOME is just not for india...no one is going to fire rockets at us like israel...and if rockets are coming then i dont think IRON DOME would be able to stop them because this can happen only in war time....
however they can be used for some big cities but we will have much better systems to do the job..
"many countries would have gone bankrupt if there was no american support.."

Of course they would, not arguing on that but its just that the level of cockiness that israelis have is just beyond me.
"many countries would have gone bankrupt if there was no american support.."

Of course they would, not arguing on that but its just that the level of cockiness that israelis have is just beyond me.

What cockiness?

Israel, unlike Pakistan, pays the United States in spades with new technology, valuable intelligence (Sunni triangle, etc...).

US sold more weapons to the Arabs than to Israeli until 1970, and it wasn't until after 67 did the USA seriously consider a meaningful relationship with Israel.

Israel has a lot of security needs. It has Hezbollah in the north. Hamas-terrorist in Gaza. Unreliable "moderates" in the West Bank.

Israel could say **** it and just bomb the crap out of the terrorists as Obama does in Afghanistan...but no, it negotiates, it agrees to "proximity talks.." blah blah.

In exchange, USA gives Israel the protection it needs, but at a cost of course.

If Israel was truly cocky it would adopt the military policies of its enemies and stop playing nice. Hezbollah is the most powerful terrorist group on the planet. It makes the Taliban look like green peace.

100,000+ rockets, including scuds, pointed at Israel's cities.

And yet, it does nothing. It sits there and buys lazers that shoot rockets coming out of the sky!

You think Pakistan or USA would tolerate a Hezbollah-like entity on their border, with thousands of rockets armed and ready pointing at their cities? Hell no!

USA invaded 2 nations and killed 35,000+ in response to 9/11. Pakistan bulldozes Afghanistan in response to terrorism.

What does Israel do?

Builds a fence. A few Iron Dome systems to defend themselves from mortars and kassams.

Yeah, and we're the arrogant ones.

We're the ones killing thousands of civilians a year...

oh wait that's Pakistan my bad. :disagree:
^ if israel is not there then US will suffer a lot than what they give now. . It childish to say they survive from us aid. . They also have tons of benifit from israeli technology . . Just google what are the drones used by NATO no war on terror
What cockiness?

Israel, unlike Pakistan, pays the United States in spades with new technology, valuable intelligence (Sunni triangle, etc...).

US sold more weapons to the Arabs than to Israeli until 1970, and it wasn't until after 67 did the USA seriously consider a meaningful relationship with Israel.

Israel has a lot of security needs. It has Hezbollah in the north. Hamas-terrorist in Gaza. Unreliable "moderates" in the West Bank.

Israel could say **** it and just bomb the crap out of the terrorists as Obama does in Afghanistan...but no, it negotiates, it agrees to "proximity talks.." blah blah.

In exchange, USA gives Israel the protection it needs, but at a cost of course.

If Israel was truly cocky it would adopt the military policies of its enemies and stop playing nice. Hezbollah is the most powerful terrorist group on the planet. It makes the Taliban look like green peace.

100,000+ rockets, including scuds, pointed at Israel's cities.

And yet, it does nothing. It sits there and buys lazers that shoot rockets coming out of the sky!

You think Pakistan or USA would tolerate a Hezbollah-like entity on their border, with thousands of rockets armed and ready pointing at their cities? Hell no!

USA invaded 2 nations and killed 35,000+ in response to 9/11. Pakistan bulldozes Afghanistan in response to terrorism.

What does Israel do?

Builds a fence. A few Iron Dome systems to defend themselves from mortars and kassams.

Yeah, and we're the arrogant ones.

We're the ones killing thousands of civilians a year...

oh wait that's Pakistan my bad. :disagree:

Be rational when you are speaking, Hezbullah is a very weak terrorist organisation compared to the Taliban which is very strong as it has defeated a superpower once before and is seriously challenging the only superpower left on the planet.

Hezbullah maybe strong for Israel but it sure is not a taliban like militant organisation that can seriously affect a region. We would love to exchange any day, only then you would realise ho weak the Taliban really are.
Be rational when you are speaking, Hezbullah is a very weak terrorist organisation compared to the Taliban which is very strong as it has defeated a superpower once before and is seriously challenging the only superpower left on the planet.

Hezbullah maybe strong for Israel but it sure is not a taliban like militant organisation that can seriously affect a region. We would love to exchange any day, only then you would realise ho weak the Taliban really are.

The Taliban is ambigious. It is a collection of foreign fighters not under a supreme leader or command center.

Similar to Al-Qaeda.

Hezbollah on the other hand is more comparable to an actual conventional military. Israel could destroy Hezbollah in 6 seconds, but at what cost?

5,000 dead Lebanese?

Same with USA. USAF killed over 9,000 in operation crescent wind in a matter of weeks....that's what it takes.

US Aid to Israel and the Palestinians

US Aid to Israel

Did you know that by law the US guarantees israel's oil supply - no matter what? | Wake Up From Your Slumber

Enjoy your american tax payers money!

Israel doesn't receive tax payers money.

"Aid" to Israel is in the form of load-based guarantees.

Let's compare Israel to other allies:

Under the 2010 U.S. budget, about $75 billion, $65 billion and $3.25 billion will be spent on military operations and aid in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan during this fiscal year, respectively. Israel will receive $3 billion, in military aid only. There is no economic aid to Israel, other than loan guarantees that continue to be repaid in full and on time.

*70% of all "aid" to Israel is used to purchase American-equipment. In other words, it provides Americans with jobs.

Whereas other nations, such as Pakistan and Iraq, receive essentially brief-cases of money.

Pakistan has wasted over 2/3 of the money it has received from USA:


The aid to Israel enables many companies to work with US military industry to re-design and develop even better weapons, which are used by the USA on a regular basis.

A sample of equipment Israel made used by the US:

ADM-141 TALD - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

AGM-142 Have Nap - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Used by Turkey and India also)

Hermes UAV and the predecessor to the modern predator UAV, which is used extensively by the USA in Afghanistan

M120 mortar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Used by Iraq and the US)

Python (missile) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shoulder-launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cardom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Used by NATO)

The US/Israeli manufacture pact has provided the United States with over 80 billion in technology, including 60+ billion in captured soviet tech that proved vital in the Gulf War.

Israel's strategy in the destruction of Syria's AA systems in Lebanon
was adopted by the USA and completely annihilated Saddam's defensive positions in 1991 and 2003.

And you probably know by now that Israel is the most pro-American, pro-Western country on the planet? It is the largest forward moving base for Americans.

Considering the Middle East is such a vital region for US foreign policy, having a loyal state like Israel in the pocket is crucial. Soviet Union saw Israel as a potential ally against the West which is why it recognized the country in 1948.

Israel also stores stockpiles of fuel and arms for US army that the Arab "allies" won't.

And do I really need to tell you about the real-time, minute-to-minute intelligence Israel provides to the US military?

And then there's the fact that no US soldiers are stationed in Israel. US soldiers have never gone to war on behalf of Israel, unlike the thousands that have died for the Muslim tribes.

In addition, aid to Israel is used for extortion. Obama and Bush have used the aid to force unilateral concessions to appease the Arab states.

Whereas aid to Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, etc...do not have preconditions.

Egypt used US-gifted cargo planes to ship foodstuffs to Al-shabaab in Somalia. It supports and protects the Arab islamists in Darfur that have killed 150,000+ since 2004. Saudi Arabia is the premier sponsor of terrorism. 45% of all foreign fighters in Iraq are Saudi. Pakistan's ISI was complicit in 9/11 and continues to play a double-game with the CIA and the Taliban by working with both.

Plus, Americans support Israel by a wide-margin. It reflects the constituent consensus.

Personally, I wouldn't have a problem with Israel told the USA to go **** itself. Then at least we could go after and destroy our enemies without worrying about forces cease-fires or anything.

You have any idea what would happen to Lebanon and Gaza if the USA had no authority over Israel?

What happens when 300 F-16s meet thousands of Hezbollah and hamas militants?
Personally, I wouldn't have a problem with Israel told the USA to go **** itself.

That is very nice but you are forgetting about the Russians, they have interests in the region.

You cannot expand your terroritory or do what you want even if you write off USA.

Israel is not a self sufficient nation. If you write off USA, rest of NATO will turn against you, it would be suicide for the nation of Israel.
Israel doesn't receive tax payers money.

"Aid" to Israel is in the form of load-based guarantees.

Let's compare Israel to other allies:

Under the 2010 U.S. budget, about $75 billion, $65 billion and $3.25 billion will be spent on military operations and aid in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan during this fiscal year, respectively. Israel will receive $3 billion, in military aid only. There is no economic aid to Israel, other than loan guarantees that continue to be repaid in full and on time.

That actually isn't all the story. Israel receives not just Loan Guarantees. But direct military aid as well. Congress also directly funds research on major Israeli Military programs. That is what made it such a slap in the face when Israel shipped a Lavi fighter prototype to China.

What cockiness?

Israel, unlike Pakistan, pays the United States in spades with new technology, valuable intelligence (Sunni triangle, etc...).

US sold more weapons to the Arabs than to Israeli until 1970, and it wasn't until after 67 did the USA seriously consider a meaningful relationship with Israel.

Israel has a lot of security needs. It has Hezbollah in the north. Hamas-terrorist in Gaza. Unreliable "moderates" in the West Bank.

Israel could say **** it and just bomb the crap out of the terrorists as Obama does in Afghanistan...but no, it negotiates, it agrees to "proximity talks.." blah blah.

In exchange, USA gives Israel the protection it needs, but at a cost of course.

If Israel was truly cocky it would adopt the military policies of its enemies and stop playing nice. Hezbollah is the most powerful terrorist group on the planet. It makes the Taliban look like green peace.

100,000+ rockets, including scuds, pointed at Israel's cities.

And yet, it does nothing. It sits there and buys lazers that shoot rockets coming out of the sky!

You think Pakistan or USA would tolerate a Hezbollah-like entity on their border, with thousands of rockets armed and ready pointing at their cities? Hell no!

USA invaded 2 nations and killed 35,000+ in response to 9/11. Pakistan bulldozes Afghanistan in response to terrorism.

What does Israel do?

Builds a fence. A few Iron Dome systems to defend themselves from mortars and kassams.

Yeah, and we're the arrogant ones.

We're the ones killing thousands of civilians a year...

oh wait that's Pakistan my bad. :disagree:

100,000 plus rockets?! I find it hard to believe that you can even believe what you're spewing. That number is nothing but a figment of your paranoid hasbara delusions. Oh, and what does Israel do? How about the 2006 war with Lebanon and Operation Cast Lead? Thousands of innocent civilians killed versus your handful.. You're not the calm and peace loving nation you claim, so don't bother with the propaganda. Cocky? Maybe not..but a blight on the region nonetheless.
100,000 plus rockets?! I find it hard to believe that you can even believe what you're spewing. That number is nothing but a figment of your paranoid hasbara delusions. Oh, and what does Israel do? How about the 2006 war with Lebanon and Operation Cast Lead? Thousands of innocent civilians killed versus your handful.. You're not the calm and peace loving nation you claim, so don't bother with the propaganda. Cocky? Maybe not..but a blight on the region nonetheless.
Considering Hamas and Hezbollah are not exactly indigenous organizations, we can say that the countries that supported them are not exactly 'calm and peace loving', right?

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