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20 percents of houses are empty in Iran

The article you shared is saying 20% of empty housing units are located in Tehran province, not the same thing.

more than 51 percent of people in Tehran are renting home ...

Home ownership stood at 60,5% in Iran in 2017, 55,3% in Austria in 2020, 51,1% in Germany in 2019, 41,6% in Switzerland in 2019, 58,8% in Turkey in 2019, 56,8% in south Korea in 2015, 28% in the UAE in 2017.

Also what you seemed to suggest (that no engineer can ever afford a home anywhere in Tehran) would imply vacancy rates closer to 90% or so.

Ownership rate has diminished as of late, true, but what I'm saying is that Iranians are still better off in this regard than some of the world's wealthiest countries. Now you're free to assume no one's doing worse than Iran if you prefer to dismiss the mentioned facts.
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The article you shared is saying 20% of empty housing units are located in Tehran province, not the same thing.

Home ownership stood at 60,5% in Iran in 2017, 55,3% in Austria in 2020, 51,1% in Germany in 2019, 41,6% in Switzerland in 2019, 58,8% in Turkey in 2019, 56,8% in south Korea in 2015, 28% in the UAE in 2017.

Also what you seemed to suggest (that no engineer can ever afford a home anywhere in Tehran) would imply vacancy rates closer to 90% or so.

Ownership rate has diminished as of late, true, but what I'm saying is that Iranians are still better off in this regard than some of the world's wealthiest countries. Now you're free to assume no one's doing worse than Iran if you prefer to dismiss the mentioned facts.
I as an Iranian have to at least increase my rent payment for 50-60 % every year while my salary doesn't increase so much .... So say all bullshit you want and get your payment from ISI but it won't change the resentment toward ISI which growing every year ....

You are trained cyber warrior , while you compare Iran with Switzerland , you choose ignore to compare inflation between the 2 countries
I as an Iranian have to at least increase my rent payment for 50-60 % every year while my salary doesn't increase so much .... So say all bullshit you want and get your payment from ISI but it won't change the resentment toward ISI which growing every year ....

Apparently the delusion is growing as well. The fact that you label people who don't share your view as paid trolls is telling. If you seriously think any user on here is on Iranian government payroll, I'll have a bridge to sell you. As if Iran had the budget (in Euros at that) and resources to go about such an endeavour. And as if a forum with no more than 15 to 20 active Iranian members mattered to Iranian authorities. Get real.

You are trained cyber warrior , while you compare Iran with Switzerland , you choose ignore to compare inflation between the 2 countries

I shared home ownership stats, so this comment's off topic.
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Apparently the delusion is growing as well. The fact that you label people who don't share your opinion as paid trolls is telling. If you seriously think any user on here is on Iranian government payroll, you'll be disconnected from reality. As if Iran had the budget and expertise to go about these things. And as if a forum with no more than 15 or 20 active Iranian members mattered to Iranian authorities. Get real!

I shared home ownership statistics, this comment is off topic.
Ownership is subject to place of living .... For sure you can't compare ownership of a home in remote village of Iran desert to ownership of an house in Monaco or in north of Tehran ...

You are masterfully playing with words ....
Ownership is subject to place of living .... For sure you can't compare ownership of a home in remote village of Iran desert to ownership of an house in Monaco or in north of Tehran ...

You are masterfully playing with words ....

Why cannot we compare ownership between countries as a whole? Where's the wordplay? Also when it comes to remote villages, 76,34% of Iranians are living in towns and cities, only 23,66% in villages.
Why cannot we compare ownership between countries as a whole? Where's the wordplay? Also when it comes to remote villages, 76,34% of Iranians are living in towns and cities, only 23,66% in villages.
Compare economy as whole ...
Compare economy as whole ...

It wasn't me who brought up home ownership. Now that I addressed it, you're complaining why I didn't mention other topics.

We can compare other aspects of living conditions, then again overall production of wealth must be factored in. Can't expect countries which generates several times more to compare unfavorably - and yet in various aspects many of them do. This is what I'd recommend to take into account when passing judgement on the situation in Iran and on the Iranian government's record.

To conclude on home ownership, let's have a look at Los Angeles, California. You do realize California has the largest economy of all federate entities in the USA and ranks fifth among them in terms of median household income, right? In other terms, this is how many tens of thousands are living in the largest economy within the wealthiest country on Earth:

The Los Angeles County is putting the number of homeless at around 75.000 (out of a population of 10 million) but analysts have questioned this and estimate the real figure to be higher. Again, this is the actual picture of the largest economy within the wealthiest country on the planet.

We could mention the phenomenon of the working poor in the USA. Of working families and white collars, people whose incomes aren't low but they're homeless nonetheless:


Americans, including many white collar employees, living inside their cars:


Why aren't we hearing Americans complain as systematically as some Iranians who've thrown critical thinking overboard in favor of caricatural, out-of-touch demonization of Iranian authorities, even though the regime in Washington has no excuse whatsoever seeing how it's presiding over the world's leading economy?

Answer's obvious: the colossal volumes of propaganda and psy-ops Iranians are exposed to. I and others have no problem with legitimate grievances but with inaccurate comparative outlooks as well as with this irrational nihilistic tendency of said compatriots to endorse what would amount to a perfect non-solution and a recipe for disaster, all because of Iran's existential enemies blurring their views with the help of manipulative media.
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Prices in Iran are a wonder from my point of view.
The value of the Iranian rial has dropped to about 1/8 of the PPP rate based on prices, yet when I check the prices of food, cars and appliances, they seem to be the same as in other countries.
This is the same as the income dropping to 1/8th of the PPP rate.
Normally, that should be very difficult to live on...
Prices in Iran are a wonder from my point of view.
The value of the Iranian rial has dropped to about 1/8 of the PPP rate based on prices, yet when I check the prices of food, cars and appliances, they seem to be the same as in other countries.
This is the same as the income dropping to 1/8th of the PPP rate.
Normally, that should be very difficult to live on...

Prices are a lot cheaper in Iran.

Kabab steak is $2-5 in Iran
lower quality Kabob is $20-50 in Canada.
Can you provide this analysis?

It doesn’t make sense why Iran would make a mock up of a fighter it has never had in its inventory nor will face in combat situations (compared to the F-35 RCS drone during a recent war game).

There is 3rd option. Russia has lent Iran a flanker to test its air defense systems and tweak them against a 4++ Gen fighter.

But based on how many Iranian officials have gone on record, it would be a major embarrassment if this deal doesn’t happen.
Theirs no analysis, just guesswork based on the tunnels being too small to fit an Su-35.

SU-57 production line in Iran? Impossible. Even India that FINANCED the SU-57 R&D alongside Russia didn’t get anything worthwhile in terms of ToT let alone production line.

SU-30 production line may be possible but would represent a MASSIVE change in Russian-Iranian military relationships.

Still don’t think Russia would allow SU-35S to be built in Iran even under license and kits being delivered. It’s still one of their most potent fighters. Not even China got such a deal or India for that matter with SU-30.

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