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I’m happy

Unfortunately, while Artesh leaders may want to boost the IRIAF, the political and military establishment does not favour this. The establishment is firmly supportive of the IRGC's doctrine of war. Hatami being appointed in the first place is a boost but for now there is not enough indication that the revitalisation of the IRIAF is in motion.
Unfortunately, while Artesh leaders may want to boost the IRIAF, the political and military establishment does not favour this. The establishment is firmly supportive of the IRGC's doctrine of war. Hatami being appointed in the first place is a boost but for now there is not enough indication that the revitalisation of the IRIAF is in motion.

Maybe after the IRGC’s first-hand experience in the Syrian Civil War, and witnessing the importance of air power/dominance, the establishment will reconsider?

Why are they so against the IRIAF’s revival anyway? Is it the whole thing about Khomenei saying: “The Artesh has the Shah in its blood”
Unfortunately, while Artesh leaders may want to boost the IRIAF, the political and military establishment does not favour this. The establishment is firmly supportive of the IRGC's doctrine of war. Hatami being appointed in the first place is a boost but for now there is not enough indication that the revitalisation of the IRIAF is in motion.

If this was correct....then IRGC would not start an airforce wing. The Syrian civil war taught the IRGC....actually FORCED the IRGC to realize the importance of close air support. IRGC wants a close air support fighter for its own forces.

Second Iran's army airforce is in the hands of morons or losers or actually both. Incompetence is ripe. Iran is not going to throw money at the airforce so it can build more reverse engineered f-5's with an added tail or whatever baloney they think makes them look good.

Why are they so against the IRIAF’s revival anyway? Is it the whole thing about Khomenei saying: “The Artesh has the Shah in its blood”

Its actually pretty simple, to build a modern day fighter with the necessary supply chain and amount of industries involved is a tremendous undertaking both financially and logistically.

Could Iran coordinate to build a 5th gen or 4++ fighter? They proved with the nuclear program they can if the benefits out the costs. But the nuclear program was started decades ago....where as a true modern fighter development project is yet to be seen.

The next option is buying from aboard and hoping for ToT to help advance Iran's domestic technology. With an arms embargo on and a big uncertainty wether it will actually come off or expire under the Nuclear deal....Iran is not left with a lot of options.

The main countries that build their own fighter jets today are Russia, China, and US. Now other countries have/had their own programs and have demonstrated the capability to build their own fighters (France and Britain to name a couple). But as fighter jets become more and more technologically advanced the main players in the field are few.

So again the part of the Military that Iran wants to develop (Air Force) is more difficult to modernize than modernizing a Navy or Air defense or missile force. On top of that, Iran doesn't have a lot of options to choose from.
If this was correct....then IRGC would not start an airforce wing. The Syrian civil war taught the IRGC....actually FORCED the IRGC to realize the importance of close air support. IRGC wants a close air support fighter for its own forces.

Having a COIN aircraft is one thing, a powerful air force that can face off against regional powers, quite another.

Iran is not going to throw money at the airforce so it can build more reverse engineered f-5's with an added tail or whatever baloney they think makes them look good.

I thought the IRIAF was against that project.
Having a COIN aircraft is one thing, a powerful air force that can face off against regional powers, quite another.

I thought the IRIAF was against that project.

Well the IRGC doesn't want a full force airforce for itself as that goes against its overall stratergy. A COIN aircraft fits within its military framework.

Back to the IRIAF...

The IRIAF doesn't know what it wants, it's leadership is incompetent. If you look at its accomplishments over the last 20 years what do you see? Disappointment.

They make bold statements such as we inspected Chinese military fighters and they don't meet our standards. Like are you serious? Well what can you build? Nothing! You have 1960's aircraft flying!

Then they say they want Russian fighters. Then they say we got our own projects.

The airforce leadership is a joke. All they do is roll out 30 year aircraft that have been overhauled and expect everyone to praise them.

If it wasn't for the F-14, Iran would be competing with North Korea for most antique and useless airforce.
Maybe after the IRGC’s first-hand experiences in the Syrian Civil War, and witnessing the importance of air power/dominance, the establishment will reconsider?

Why are they so against the IRIAF’s revival anyway? Is it the whole thing about Khomenei saying: “The Artesh h as the Shah in its blood”
Unfortunately, while Artesh leaders may want to boost the IRIAF, the political and military establishment does not favour this. The establishment is firmly supportive of the IRGC's doctrine of war. Hatami being appointed in the first place is a boost but for now there is not enough indication that the revitalisation of the IRIAF is in motion.

Iran is under weapons embargo's and the U.S. has been prohibiting Iran from even buying passenger aircraft let alone fighter jets! So it's not about Iran's leadership!

As for Iran producing it's own fighter, until Iran can get it's own Titanium industry going by producing various Ti composites any dream of producing a capable supersonic fighter at home is only that a dream!

One of the main reason Iran picked the F-5 to reverse engineer is due to the Aircrafts LOW titanium requirement and one of the reason the Aircraft cost Iran so much to build was because they didn't have a Ti industry at home!
And sanctions prohibit the sale of high grade or military grade titanium alloy to Iran.


As for buying Fighter Jets I don't think Iran would have any problem affording to pay $1.5Billion per year to rebuild it's Air Force and I truly don't see the military or the civilian leadership having a problem with that if they could! But until those sanctions are lifted Iran needs to spend it's money in a way that would make them regret ever putting sanctions on Iran in the 1st place!

Iran's Air Force has known for decades that they need a domestic Ti industry to be able to produce a viable fighter at home and they should have lobbied the government to allow them to use ~$200 Million USD a year of their own funding towards getting the countries Titanium industry going a decade ago BUT people in the Air Force think that shouldn't be their responsibility and so we are where we are today because no one wanted to take on that responsibility! And that's something that would have NEVER happened if the Air Force had someone like Tehrani Moghadam leading it or leading it's R&D program!

So I would say the Air Force is more to blame when it comes to a domestic fighter then the civilian or military leadership

Not only does it specify an export version for Iran, but also mentions how many units Iran has or will probably order.

Maybe this is part of the $10 billion military package between Iran and Russia that was on the news a year ago.
View attachment 439059

Not only does it specify an export version for Iran, but also mentions how many units Iran has or will probably order.

Maybe this is part of the $10 billion military package between Iran and Russia that was on the news a year ago.

That poster is made by Russian military enthusiasts.
Do you think Iran will acquire them anyway at some point?

It seems very unlikely to me. Iran has a bad history with purchasing Russian weaponry - more often than not, the deal goes sour because the Russians give in to American pressure. Even now that Iran is pursuing Russian aircraft, it is the cheaper and less sensitive Su-30. And we don't know how serious Iran is going to be... would it be a full modernisation, replacing most aircraft in the IRIAF? Or a small purchase, maybe just a squadron or two. We don't know how keen either side is.

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