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“Most Iranian members here being barely functioning, drooling autists, they don't realize the significance of these opportunities.”

He has gone into multiple threads and insulted members now. This is something personal for him at this point.


The user is clearly disturbing Iranian threads with their intrusive, patronizing attitude as well as constant attempts to lecture Iranians on their own country's armed forces, despite lacking the required knowledge (latest illustration: claim that is Iran operating "Chinese" anti-ship missiles).
I honestly didn't knew that Chinese export antiship missiles had a range of 300-1000km for anyone for export /s

Or that China was doing a charity coop with IRGCN to boost their own missile range!
I honestly didn't knew that Chinese export antiship missiles had a range of 300-1000km for anyone for export /s

Or that China was doing a charity coop with IRGCN to boost their own missile range!

A condescending, trolling Turkish person said so, therefore "it must be true". :lol:
I'm not sure about that, Iran already operates some chinese anti-ship missiles which, there might be more availability. Especially considering with how depleted Russian ALCM stocks are, they might not be willing to sell.

That's not how it works, though. If the IRIAF has ordered -- let's say 24 Su-35s -- they'll obviously be ordering a compliment of weapons to go with those aircraft which will either come out of existing stock (depending on availability and if Iran agrees to that because it would depend on how old they are and their shelf life etc.) or they'll be manufactured specifically for that export order. Iran could also request they all be brand spanking new as well. Russian factories will have to get busy and produce all the missiles within a certain time frame as per contract. That's how it works.
Some published updates by BT

- F-14AM upgradation has been stopped due to $$$ cuts and there are just a few QRA ones left. This is the reason behind their absence in the parade this year. The fleet will probably be grounded by mid-2024 and replaced by an incoming batch of initial 24 x SU-35S and then a further 40 (64 Total). F-14AM conversion and arming them with Fakour-90 takes up something like 4-5 Million USD so keeping them airworthy is not viable when a large fleet of SU-35S will take up the long-range interceptor role.

- Fakour-90 with ARH seekers is called Maghsood and has a range of 180 KM. 100 x SARH Fakour-90 had already been delivered by Babaei Missile Industries to IRIAF. If F-14 fleet is replaced by SU-35S then the utility of Fakour-90 and Maghsood will be gone too since no other aircraft can carry such heavy missiles. The F-4E/D Dowran can technically track and launch these missiles but they can barely pull ~3 G's with Fakour-90.

- MIG-29 SMT and SU-24MK2 upgradation will happen as well. The deal was signed in late 2021 by MODAFL and Russian Companies in Moscow. Some ~23 x MIG-29 SMT strong fleet of Zhuk-ME + R-77ER + HMD slaved R-73M/R-74 armed interceptor force will be prepared.

- One F-5F is being used for tesing local e-warfare packages. This ECM pod is completely new and not related to previously shown An/APQ-95 ECM.

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Recognizing that new EW developments, more likely the tech thereof, will inevitably be read over to all manner of Iranian kit such as Land, Sea & Air. To this end I have seen the following post:

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1:32 PM · Aug 25, 2023

Does anyone know to what @nasir_military was referring to when he wrote "which was related to the anti-static radar jammer"



This young man is getting much better with his videos. Not only is the news very good, the film footage is stuff I haven't seen before and the footage of the AM tomcat in flight at the end indicates that the stalling problem with the TF-30 seems to have been resolved.

This young man is getting much better with his videos. Not only is the news very good, the film footage is stuff I haven't seen before and the footage of the AM tomcat in flight at the end indicates that the stalling problem with the TF-30 seems to have been resolved.
I agree. He’s struggling with branding himself though. He keeps changing the opening music and b reel.
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I agree. He’s struggling with branding himself though. He keeps changing the opening music and b reel.
Reminded me of Hashiyeh news and their outro music; I have to standby every time to close the video before his outro blasts through my speakers.
Hashtag nezami has been quiet for the past year, as has Persianboy, Yavar, and a few others. Much less footage of military things and parades overall. Even the big things like Fattah did not get the kind of attention or fanfare it deserved.
"Iraq attacked Iran with extensive use of chemical weapons by Iraq"

i thought i was dreaming for a second

Anyway finally an interesting and neutral video about IRIAF
so despite the mullah propaganda iran and israel are alliences, israel gave f14 parts (probably with many other hardware)
so despite the mullah propaganda iran and israel are alliences, israel gave f14 parts (probably with many other hardware)

No such thing happened.

And Iranian-backed HezbAllah was shooting at and eliminating zionist occupiers in south Lebanon during those years.

Your notion of "alliance" is rather strange to say the least.
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