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TAB-2 Shahih Fakoori

10 x MIG-29 9.12
4 x Kowsar-I or F-5E/F
6 x Saegheh-I/II
30 Mohajer-6 ISTAR/UCAV (Estimate???)


Are Saeghes operationalized? TAB-2 is a critical AB, I assume they would not just put radarless props there.

And why not simply the Su-35 go for IRGCAF? Wasn't the eagle base made by IRGC or IRIAF?

Even if the peak budget of IRGC touches ~5 Billion USD, some 80-90 % of it will go to the missile forces. Its their favorite weapon, they would not sit idle even if they test fire a Midcourse datalinked- MIRVed ICBM tomorrow.

IRGCAF aviation unit currently is operating a single squadron of 10-12 x fairly modernized SU-22M4/UM/UM3K (Cockpit, Tactical DL, ECM, Jammers, Tracking pods etc) and fleet may expand to ~40. These aircrafts can fire Long ranged AL-CM and Ghader-Havapayeh AShCM with ARH seekers bearing a +300 KM range. There is a plan of using a pod based PESA radar for search+detect+track targets like dragon eye or some old ELTA system for IAF F-16


Btw the budget of IRGCASF's aviation unit is ~600-800 Million compared to IRIAF's 200-400 Million USD so they can afford things IRIAF cant.






Latest from BT

The Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (Bagheri) or his clique has conveyed proper opposition to SU-35S deal now because of the following reasons:

- IRIAF's need is for 68 x SU-35S + 12 x SU-30SME2 (total 80) while Russia is only offering initial 25 x SU-35 and no SU-30SME2.

- Russia is refusing to transfer key armaments, I guess IRIAF was asking for R-37.

- Iran was asking for some sort of deeper TOT to ensure local spare parts supply for decades but Russia is not offering that (Russia does not allow this to anyone)

- IRIAF had asked for SU-35S simulators, but Russia not offering that either.

- Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces (Bagheri) is scared of Armenia like fiasco where the required no. of SU-30SM was not supplied to Armenian AF and whatever small fleet existed was not allowed by Russia to be used against Azerbaijan during the Karabakh war.
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Latest from BT

The Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (Bagheri) or his clique has conveyed proper opposition to SU-35S deal now because of the following reasons:

- IRIAF's need is for 68 x SU-35S + 12 x SU-30SME2 (total 80) while Russia is only offering initial 25 x SU-35 and no SU-30SME2.

- Iran was asking for some sort of deeper TOT to ensure local spare parts supply for decades but Russia is not offering that (Russia does not allow this to anyone)

- IRIAF had asked for SU-35S simulators, but Russia not offering that either.

- Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces (Bagheri) is scared of Armenia like fiasco where the required no. of SU-30SM were not supplied to Armenian AF and whatever small fleet existed was not allowed by Russia to be used against Azerbaijan during the Karabakh war.
Bagheri's grievances are legitimate here. This makes me want to scream even more "Khob madar jendehaa, khavar margeton raanesh boomie khoob besaaz, pool kharj kon va natijeh bebin!!!!" Pour resources into a good domestic turbofan and it would have happened by now. There is so much corruption in IRIAF in various projects you mentioned earlier that only IRGCAF will be operational in the future...
Bagheri's grievances are legitimate here.

Interestingly it was Bagheri himself who initiated the SU-35S talk in October 2021 as per BT now he is against the deal because of Russian political maneuvering to use the deal as a bargaining chip. Atleast it tells us Bagheri is serious for IRIAF.

This makes me want to scream even more "Khob madar jendehaa, khavar margeton raanesh boomie khoob besaaz, pool kharj kon va natijeh bebin!!!!" Pour resources into a good domestic turbofan and it would have happened by now.

I have a feeling that IRIAF will rise from its ashes because

- Force is weakest among others in Iran and is often humiliated for lagging behind
- S-300 refusal from Russia resulted in Iran putting up a national drive to develop state-of-the-art layered IADS that we have today. No Bavar-373, no Sevom Khordad, no dozens of 3D PESA/AESA radars would have been made had Russia delivered S-300 on its time. It did not and we went our own way. Same way IRIAF can be rebuilt in vengeance because of the vendor's treachery.
- Ingredients are there or slowly they are being made

Local operationalized capabilities
Largest and most diverse UCAV fleets in the world
Heavy BVR (150+ KM)
WVR (CCD, All aspects)
Land attack/AntiShipping Air launched CM (Nasr, Ghader, Noor, Ya-Ali)
Range of local PGMs
Two types of Local PESA Radars (Bayyenat-I on Dowran and Bayyenat-II on Kowsar)
FBW (Kowsar)
RWR, MAWS, Jammers, ECM pods
Tactical Datalink in operation (Kowsar, SU-22M3/M4)
Aviation Computers (Flight, Air, Weapons) in operation
Ballistic Computers for targetting of Iron Bombs
Entire New Cockpit layouts with multiple MFDs
Local Turbojets in operation (Owj)
Local Turbofan Single Crystal (Mid-tier thrust) demonstrated (Jahesh-700)
Proven capability to build an entire airframe of F-5E/F from Scratch (Some Kowsars)
Sarir Ejection Seats

Local In-development capabilities
Light BVR in development (AIM-7-based ARH Arash)
HMD in development or deployed
Heavy Turbofan ambitions shown (AL-31)

If IRIAF plays its cards right, we are on verge of having a breakthrough.

There is so much corruption in IRIAF in various projects you mentioned earlier that only IRGCAF will be operational in the future...

In the last three decades of IRIAF history post-war, did we ever have a visionary chief who had real projects and had access to leadership directly? I can name Sattari (Azarakhsh, Saeqeh) and Shahsafi (Fattar, Fakour, IrAN-140, Kowsar, Dowran upgrades) but the rest were just doing their jobs or were promoted because of their loyalty and character. Vahedi is no different, a weak, yes-man character. I can write an entire essay on stupid decisions that were made from wasting money on F-7N, MF1, F-5 to botching up local projects like Saegheh/Kowsar.

Compare IRIAF clowns to IRGC or even IRIN. IRGC can massacre enemies on its own and force came into being some 4 decades ago out of students. IRIAF/IIAF exists for a century and is now run by clowns.
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Further BT update: IRIAF was specifically asking for R-37 (M ??) which Russia is not willing to supply. Probably out of fear that Iran is gonna copy the system the way we did with AIM-54 Phoenix to Fakour-90 or worst, leak it.

My own assumption: Khibiny-M ECM would not have been part of the deal either. For 85 Million USD, we were practically getting 80 x SU-27

روز به روز به انقراض نیروی هوایی ارتش نزدیک تر میشیم
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Further BT update: IRIAF was specifically asking for R-37 (M ??) which Russia is not willing to supply. Probably out of fear that Iran is gonna copy the system the way we did with AIM-54 Phoenix to Fakour-90 or worst, leak it.

My own assumption: Khibiny-M ECM would not have been part of the deal either. For 85 Million USD, we were practically getting 80 x SU-27

روز به روز به انقراض نیروی هوایی ارتش نزدیک تر میشیم
And what about helicopter deal? they don't need R37! and Krasukha-4 is already in Iran. I doubt it's a technical obstacle.

Considering our economy and ineffective role of heavy fighter jets in Ukraine war, indirect complaint from Vahedi (targeting Iranian side, not Russians), recent visit of HESA by Raeesi and finally Ashtiani's emphasis on domestic capabilities, I would say it's a government decision.
And what about helicopter deal? they don't need R37! and Krasukha-4 is already in Iran. I doubt it's a technical obstacle.

What could be the possible obstacle from the Russian side to not give Iran R-37 if Iran is paying them full money?

Considering our economy

IRGC budget is ~3-4 Bln
IRGCAF (Aviation unit) budget is 800 Mln
IRIAF budget is ~300 Mln

It's not the economy its the distribution of defense budget

and ineffective role of heavy fighter jets in Ukraine war

By that theory, every airforce on the planet should practically cease to exist but nobody, except Iran and DPRK, is doing that. Instead, countries are arming their conventional AF's to teeth. We are doing that for our UCAVs, Missiles, IADS, Navy but AF is ruined.

indirect complaint from Vahedi (targeting Iranian side, not Russians), recent visit of HESA by Raeesi and finally Ashtiani's emphasis on domestic capabilities, I would say it's a government decision.

Kowsar production rate is barely 4-6 per year due to $$$ cuts. By the time the project of producing ~70 airplanes will be complete the plane will already be useless. It's a light CAP generation airframe with 4.0 Generation avionics/electronic suite.
Wow joke of the year signed drMeson

- Kowsar production rate is barely 4-6 per year due to $$$ cuts -

It's completely false, hyper false, delirium. It's double that and even more and they are building the new version of the Kowsar with delta wings in several copies. In a few weeks we will have news. Change tape because you always come back with bogus arguments that don't pass the reality test. And you never say the F-5s get Kowsar upgrades. In fact, Iran is doing a lot more than you think and the money is very well invested in the fighter jet sector in amazing ways. This will be confirmed hands down.

And what they did with the F-7 is genius and you didn't understand the process of technological improvement in this sector. The Navy sector is bubbling with new powerful products, the combat aircraft sector is also making giant strides and as a general said a few weeks ago, we will have great news in this sector and there is no doubt about it. I now understand why the Iranian army does not stress with the arrival or not of the Su 35S.
What could be the possible obstacle from the Russian side to not give Iran R-37 if Iran is paying them full money?
First prove that Russians wont sell the missile, then ask for reason!

IRGC budget is ~3-4 Bln
IRGCAF (Aviation unit) budget is 800 Mln
IRIAF budget is ~300 Mln

It's not the economy its the distribution of defense budget
Money is distributed based on each division's role in country's security and deterrence.
What's the source of your numbers?

By that theory, every airforce on the planet should practically cease to exist but nobody, except Iran and DPRK, is doing that. Instead, countries are arming their conventional AF's to teeth. We are doing that for our UCAVs, Missiles, IADS, Navy but AF is ruined.
Practically, Russia is managing the Ukraine war without it's airforce. even the low use of their air assets has ended badly with costly looses. and this is Russia, the country which owns the production line and technology.

KSA/Yemen war was another example, when one side had one of greatest airforces against no airforce and almost no air defenses.

Kowsar production rate is barely 4-6 per year due to $$$ cuts. By the time the project of producing ~70 airplanes will be complete the plane will already be useless. It's a light CAP generation airframe with 4.0 Generation avionics/electronic suite.
Domestic Kowsar (CAS) is the only asset which I think can have a low role in war, and if we don't have the money to expand it's production, then why waste the money on foreign assets which their maintenance cost even in peacetime will swallow the whole budget?
Any info on this?

as what i read is that it is not canceled, but is not prio cause russia itself needs the whole production at the moment. It is said some of the iran SU-35 are already stand by, but have still to be modified for Iran needs. Maybe these are the Egypt SU-35 but not modified by now.


Ah, after reading your link it says the same. My source is that link

Edit 2:

Well, "Source: Babak Taghvaee" in your link.
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