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So stop taking credit for what the Germans did decades before you
Even the railguns that USN has been boasting about for years also turned out to be a German invention. Even B-2 is based on the German designs. Americans have had no useful invention so far, but only global terrorism.
Completely wrong. Reimar Horten himself always argued that Horten ho 229 was indeed intended to be a stealth aircraft.
Bring it. I want to see the full quote.

just the fact that Northrop just happened to sit on all ho 229 IPR further strengthens that!
many American wonder technologies are essentially copies of German ones-> rockets, jet propulsion, stealth, flying wing etc. Deal with it!
Deal with facts instead.

If US 'stealth' designs are based upon the Ho-229, then why did the F-117 came BEFORE the B-2? The F-117 is NOT a flying wing design. Or are you looking at alternative Iranian history somewhere?

Further, the word 'stealth' is meaningless. It is too broad with too many contexts open for interpretations. A sniper is 'stealthy'. When I was active duty, my first assignment was the F-111. Heyford's and Lakenheath's F-111s routinely trained to fly low altitude and navigate around radar nets. We were technically 'stealth'.

The correct phrasing is 'low radar observable'. It is more accurate in describing the design and effects. My F-111E was 'stealthy' but was not low radar observable. In fact, England's F-111s were so lethal that thanks to Soviet EE Adolph Tolkachev we knew that the Soviets had no credible defense against the F-111.

The only conceptual DNA the Ho-229 shares with the B-2 is that both are flying wing designs. Other than that, everything else on the B-2 is all American. That is the fact.
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Iran Head of Civil Aviation Organization Touraj Dehghani Zanganeh: Builds passenger jets (Plane ) with 70 to 100 seats in contract with Ministry of Defense / Iran-140 cargo plane / ongoing Construction of passenger jet engine
Americans have had no useful invention so far, but only global terrorism.

Let’s not be one dimensional like this gambit character. Of course Americans have had great inventions. Even today they have the best engineering and science in the world. That’s a fact. But it doesn’t mean that they invented everything in 21 century. Far from it. Most engineering marvels in the 21st century should be credited to Germans. Gambit is a one dimensional nationalist so he hates to admit fhat
Bring it. I want to see the full quote.
here, eat you heart out. I’m looking forward to you dismissing this fact!

Further, the word 'stealth' is meaningless. It is too broad with too many contexts open for interpretations. A sniper is 'stealthy'. When I was active duty, my first assignment was the F-111. Heyford's and Lakenheath's F-111s routinely trained to fly low altitude and navigate around radar nets. We were technically 'stealth'.

The correct phrasing is 'low radar observable'. It is more accurate in describing the design and effects. My F-111E was 'stealthy' but was not low radar observable. In fact, England's F-111s were so lethal that thanks to Soviet EE Adolph Tolkachev we knew that the Soviets had no credible defense against the F-111.
Fact of the matter is that you’re a douche! Plain and simple! Stop acting so superior

If US 'stealth' designs are based upon the Ho-229, then why did the F-117 came BEFORE the B-2? The F-117 is NOT a flying wing design. Or are you looking at alternative Iranian history somewhere?
concept of stealth (in terms of radars) is much older than both the crafts! As I have proven above, Germans were already experimenting on it!
Also why do you bring in Iranian here? Is me arguing that you thievery of German technology of any benefit for Iran?

The only conceptual DNA the Ho-229 shares with the B-2 is that both are flying wing designs. Other than that, everything else on the B-2 is all American. That is the fact.
Keep telling yourself that!
Let’s not be one dimensional like this gambit character. Of course Americans have had great inventions. Even today they have the best engineering and science in the world. That’s a fact. But it doesn’t mean that they invented everything in 21 century. Far from it. Most engineering marvels in the 21st century should be credited to Germans. Gambit is a one dimensional nationalist so he hates to admit fhat

here, eat you heart out. I’m looking forward to you dismissing this fact!

Fact of the matter is that you’re a douche! Plain and simple! Stop acting so superior

concept of stealth (in terms of radars) is much older than both the crafts! As I have proven above, Germans were already experimenting on it!
Also why do you bring in Iranian here? Is me arguing that you thievery of German technology of any benefit for Iran?

Keep telling yourself that!
You are treating that American bigot fair mindedly. Something trolls like that fail to understand. 😁👍
here, eat you heart out. I’m looking forward to you dismissing this fact!
Like I said before -- you brought on old news.

The Ho-229 had only ONE flight in 1944 and that flight was as a GLIDER. So explain to us all how can that make the aircraft a true low radar observable platform? What Reimar wanted is not the same thing as what the aircraft could do. I want to fly, but does that mean I can simply flap my arms and fly?

In order to be low radar observable, you need a radar to VERIFY that your design is actually low radar observable. The US did not need the Horten Brothers to tell them that. When Northrop FIRST flew his flying wing in 1942, there was nothing 'stealthy' about the N-9MB, especially with the propellers. So how did the Horten Brothers proved that with ONLY ONE FLIGHT?

The F-117 looks nothing like the Ho-229. So explain to us all how does the F-117 relates to the Ho-229?

If you argued that the B-2 came from the Ho-229, then provide the TECHNICAL details. Flight controls? I doubt the Nazis had fly-by-wire back in WW II. The Ho-229 had vertical stabs but the B-2 has none, so how does that make the B-2 came from the Ho-229? The Ho-229 was made out of wood, so are you going to tell US the B-2 was constructed out of the same?

What Reimar Horten said back in WW ii cannot be the basis for what was done today, especially when there is a chasm of technical superiority between then and now. Are you going to credit Jules Verne as being the inventor of the submarine because he wrote 10,000 Leagues Under The Sea? Or Verne being the 'father' of rocketry because he wrote From The Earth To The Moon? We gave the Chinese credit for gunpowder because they actually made the mixture go 'Boom'.

Like it or not, true credit belongs to those who make the TECHNICAL successes.

Keep telling yourself that!
Really? So explain to us -- other than the flying wing -- how does the B-2 have similarities to the Ho-229?

You are a zealot for Iran. I am a zealot for the US. I was on the F-111 (Cold War) then F-16 (Desert Storm). How about you? I know what hard terrain following (TF) in the F-111 and 9g in the F-16 feels like. And you? The silent readers out there are not interested in how much you want to discredit US. They want to see who has the better arguments supported by hard evidence and sound logic. You failed on both counts.
This discussion is dedicated to the IRIAF, or to historical diatribes on who did first, related to off topic issues?
Doesn't it seem to you that it is difficult to verify the real tasks performed by each of us, since we write using a fancy nick name secreting our real name and that even if it were used, it would not be verifiable anyway?
Don't you think it's more reasonable to return to the IRIAF discussion?
History is written by the "victors"...All I said was to tell a bit of "real history" as it happened...Germans are the father of many military technologies. Americans stole these technologies and improved upon them... Chinese also invented many European technologies related to the war (crossbow, machine gun ..the famous gun powder..etc)..

The True inventor nations of these technologies will eventually re-write the history and humanity will finally have a "history" written not by the victors but by the original inventors...I am sorry that our American member was upset about his mindset getting disturbed,,it happen when our core belief turn out not to be true.
Bring it. I want to see the full quote.

Deal with facts instead.

If US 'stealth' designs are based upon the Ho-229, then why did the F-117 came BEFORE the B-2? The F-117 is NOT a flying wing design. Or are you looking at alternative Iranian history somewhere?

Further, the word 'stealth' is meaningless. It is too broad with too many contexts open for interpretations. A sniper is 'stealthy'. When I was active duty, my first assignment was the F-111. Heyford's and Lakenheath's F-111s routinely trained to fly low altitude and navigate around radar nets. We were technically 'stealth'.

The correct phrasing is 'low radar observable'. It is more accurate in describing the design and effects. My F-111E was 'stealthy' but was not low radar observable. In fact, England's F-111s were so lethal that thanks to Soviet EE Adolph Tolkachev we knew that the Soviets had no credible defense against the F-111.

The only conceptual DNA the Ho-229 shares with the B-2 is that both are flying wing designs. Other than that, everything else on the B-2 is all American. That is the fact.

Sina-1 is correct about the comments that have been made, however, it's rather obvious that the low RCS outcome was more a byproduct and happy accident of the designers attempt to build a high glide, comparatively low drag aircraft with the goal of achieving higher cruise speeds to extend the range....
regardless it's German tech

And your forgetting all the design that came before both the F-117 & B-2.....
CAOI: Iran to Make 100-Seat Passenger Planes

“We have planned to build 70- and 100-seat aircrafts inside the country, and [in this regard] we signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Ministry of Defense to be able to use the country’s existing military capabilities for the construction of commercial aircrafts,” the official explained.

According to Dehqani Zanganeh, the mentioned MOU has been in fact a trilateral document signed among the Transport and Urban Development Ministry, the CAO, and the Defense Ministry for cooperation in the manufacturing of commercial aircrafts.

Another MOU will also be signed between the CAO and the country’s Advanced Aviation and Transportation Technology Development Headquarters in order to allow the two sides’ to use each other’s capabilities and capacities for realizing the construction of the airplanes, the official said.

Stating that the project for the production of the mentioned 100-seat aircraft is at the primary studies stage, the official said: “I recently visited the production center of these aircraft; significant progress has been achieved."

“There are a lot of knowledge-based companies established in the country that have great potentials; Mapna, and another company are currently building gas turbines, and we are helping them to build aircraft engines,” he further said.

Deehqani Zanganeh further noted that CAO is also pursuing a project for manufacturing flight simulators inside the country which would be constructed and installed in southern Kish Island.

CAOI: Iran to Make 100-Seat Passenger Planes

“We have planned to build 70- and 100-seat aircrafts inside the country, and [in this regard] we signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Ministry of Defense to be able to use the country’s existing military capabilities for the construction of commercial aircrafts,” the official explained.

According to Dehqani Zanganeh, the mentioned MOU has been in fact a trilateral document signed among the Transport and Urban Development Ministry, the CAO, and the Defense Ministry for cooperation in the manufacturing of commercial aircrafts.

Another MOU will also be signed between the CAO and the country’s Advanced Aviation and Transportation Technology Development Headquarters in order to allow the two sides’ to use each other’s capabilities and capacities for realizing the construction of the airplanes, the official said.

Stating that the project for the production of the mentioned 100-seat aircraft is at the primary studies stage, the official said: “I recently visited the production center of these aircraft; significant progress has been achieved."

“There are a lot of knowledge-based companies established in the country that have great potentials; Mapna, and another company are currently building gas turbines, and we are helping them to build aircraft engines,” he further said.

Deehqani Zanganeh further noted that CAO is also pursuing a project for manufacturing flight simulators inside the country which would be constructed and installed in southern Kish Island.

they mentioned MAPNA, i wonder after 10 years what MAPNA transform into.
CAOI: Iran to Make 100-Seat Passenger Planes

Good news thx for this precious information. As far as I see from Iran, since the early 2000s, in spite of this cruel blockade, Iran is still standing. In my view, I can be wrong, but I am absolutely sure and certain that in a few decades Iran will catch up with France, UK, even the US by doing its own Airbus A-340, or its own 737. The most problem that could hamper Iran's development in this area is the Iranian government or the Iranian elites' faith in Iranians.
If Iranian elites trust into Iranian youth, Iran will be able to produce what it wants. By contrast, notice the Arabs countries are still undeveloped -and they will stay undeveloped for a long time- because those who lead these countries have no confidence in their people.
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