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YES ! ......http://news.mrud.ir/news/85884/بازدید-وزیر-راه-و-شهرسازی-از-شرکت-صنایع-هواپیماسازی-ایران-هسا

I used an automatic translator :
" During this visit, the Minister of Roads and Urban Development visited Iran 140 Tactical Transport Aircraft, T-90 and Kowsar ,Helicopter, Production Line, Action and Aircraft Design and Testing Center, Iran 140 Aircraft, and Firefighting and Flight Simulator at Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Company (HESA). "

I ask the users who speak the language if the translation can be considered exact

Iran 140 Tactical Transport Aircraft certainly it would be a great milestone, a very important starting point for future larger projects for the Iranian aviation industry
its the exact translation, but you seem surprised Iran announced that almost 5 years ago





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This new Turkish drone, Akinci, has the ability to launch cruise missiles, air to air missiles and carries a serious payload.

However these are some questions that come to mind.

Considering how many drones the Turks have lost in various theaters and the expense involved in building such a weapon, is it then prudent for a UAV to loiter in enemy airspace for such a long enough period of time to drop 6 or more bombs on various targets ?

The UAV can launch air to air missiles but when coming face to face with a fighter jet with similar capabilities, the fighter jet is so much more maneuverable and has counter measures built in.

Does such a UAV really stand a chance against a modern fighter jet ? I highly doubt it.
Honestly, I don't understand why people and even Pakistani praise Iran. Yes, we do have a history; but Iran has a weak airforce with old antique aircrafts, it doesn't even have a proper Navy, and its land forces are no match for U.S or any Western forces or there airforce. Isreal would annihilate Iran in Air supremacy.

The country has been declining since sanctions have been put in place. Iran has no loyal allies; it has a terrible relationship with the Middle East. It is barking at a superpower, who has powerful allies with advanced militaries.

It has a rocky relationship with Pakistan, and its people are living in misery. The so called Russian ally has not even helped Iran set up and improve the countries defence and nor real humanitarian aid provided by Russia.

Iran will become the next Syria if it does not behave.

You do realize Iran supplies Pakistan power via it’s electric grid and in future will supply natural gas which will power many things in Pakistan.

You shouldn’t talk so negatively about a neighbor that helps your struggling economy and energy problem.
If the Government in Islamabad ever lost their minds and tried to "annhilate" Iran, Pakistan would be popped like a dirty zit between Iran and India.

Iran will be turned into a fried kebab the moment it casts its evil eye over Pakistan.

The Iranian airforce is a joke right now. 2 Squadrons of JF17s are enough to shoot down the entire IIRAF on their own.

The less that can be said about your tank force, armoured divisions, training of your people(ergo shoot down of civilian airliner), then the better...

To top it off, in the case of Iran, and Pakistan, one of these countries is a confirmed nuclear power. The other is not.. take a guess which one..

Please don't such silly things on this forum, you are starting to sound like an Indian,.
Iran will be turned into a fried kebab the moment it casts its evil eye over Pakistan.

The Iranian airforce is a joke right now. 2 Squadrons of JF17s are enough to shoot down the entire IIRAF on their own.

The less that can be said about your tank force, armoured divisions, training of your people(ergo shoot down of civilian airliner), then the better...

To top it off, in the case of Iran, and Pakistan, one of these countries is a confirmed nuclear power. The other is not.. take a guess which one..

Please don't such silly things on this forum, you are starting to sound like an Indian,.

Keep dreaming!
it seems Iran has reversed engineered J79 engine and plans to unveil it as Owj - 2 engine they showed it side by side of Owj - 1 engine

View attachment 680231

Iran has secretly unveiled Fakour - 2 medium range semi active air to air missile

View attachment 680234

View attachment 680235
i hope it's true and we are producing j-79 but you should consider it that might be it's an overhauled preexisting engine and they are testing it's function. however it's definitely a j-79:

i hope it's true and we are producing j-79 but you should consider it that might be it's an overhauled preexisting engine and they are testing it's function. however it's definitely a j-79:

View attachment 680244

it is true Iran never showed overhaul of its engines why would they show this 3 times ?


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