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>And your post is based on what? Your dad work in Iranian intelligence?

What are you even talking about ?

>No it’s based on your opinion with nothing to be able to back it up.

Do I really need to show you hard evidence to prove that most of Iran's weapons shipments are getting into the hands of PMU in Iraq, Hezbollah in Lebanon, SAA in Syria and the Houthis in Yemen ?

>Laughable for you to assume what makes it through or doesn’t it make it through.

Show me evidence to prove that the majority of Iran's weapons transfers are foiled by Israeli airstrikes

>And TELS, F-110s, buildings, bunkers, storage facility,Etc do not cost “pennies on the dollar”. Iran’s cost of arms >production is certainly lower than Western countries, but some delusional members of this board make it seem a >F-110 cost less than a Toyota to make in Iran. Absurd.

Yeah weapons made in Iran, compared to western equivalents do cost pennies on the dollar. Less than half but sometimes a quarter, sometimes less.

How many airstrikes do the Israeli's even conduct ? 1 or 2 every month or 2 ? Is this supposed to be enough to destroy most of Iran's shipments ?

Are you telling me that Iran isn't taking larger items apart and sending them in components through various transport methods ?

You really believe that Iran doesn't have any decoy sites or that Iran doesn't feed the Israeli intelligence false information ?

You really believe that none of the Israeli missiles miss their targets, hit decoy sites or are shot down ?

Do I really need to show you pictures of Tomahawks which the Russians were able to collect from Syria ? I'm pretty sure that you're already well aware of all this.

War is never just one sided and for the most part Israeli strikes on Syria are just a show of force and a common method for Israeli politicians to garner support among their voter base.

A picture is worth more than a thousand words.
The badass Zionist troll @TheImmortal can't understand Persian.
Any news about a new iranian fighter jet?

General Mohammad Zalbeigi stated a new fighter jet will be revealed in the near future:

“God willing, we will witness the designing and production of aircraft built at the IRIAF in the near future, he said, vowing that the new aircraft will be unveiled soon.


No further information has been given till today. There are many candidates, such the next version of the F-5 platform, Shafaq and perhaps something new all-together.
So far the Israeli's, Americans and allies have been trying for years to force Iran to leave Syria without much success.
No lie detected. I hate to say this but i will say this again- I am very sure that the SYrian conflict and Yemen conflict are Iran's "preferred" type of warfare. Syria has been hard for Iran,but Yemen was like the typical type of warfare Iran loves- Big stakes, Top enemies available to be hit, cheap investment, low risk of backfire....it was too good to ignore. Iran has always dreamed about being at Israel's doorstep. I am 100% sure Iranian is not leaving Syria anymore. As a matter of fact, this might be Iran's BIGGEST expeditionary investment ever. Its not hard to understand why Iran hasnt left Syria though - the investment has been huge, and its an opportunity Iran didnt envision having this fast- A direct Iranian governmental face-to-face with Israel. This supports Iranian goal of push for Quds. These are just my observations by the way. I'm not supporting Israel, or Iran, or US or Canada or even India. I dont give a fuk who did what for who at the end of the day, my IQ isnt that low to waste my energy on that.

I don't know about Iran losing "billions" ?

Iran produces weapons for pennies on the dollar and despite Israel's best efforts during the past 7 years, the vast majority of the equipment is safely making it into the hands of the intended recipients in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq.

Some of the Israeli missiles do get intercepted, while others hit decoy sites, while others still hit sites that are inconsequential in the long run. Of course, every so often the Israeli's hit a jackpot but their success rate is not as high as they would like you to believe.

Again looking at the big picture, they're just scratching the surface paint. I wouldn't even call it a dent.
GOod points. To top it off, Israel doesnt hit IRGC personnel most of the time. Even when ISrael did, they probably killed 10s of IRGC personnel MAX. Just like the Turks who say Assad killed a millions "SUnnis in Idlib" cant show us stats to support this, the people who said Iran lost "100s" of soldiers, well that is possible, but at most, its low 100s, MAX. Israel knows that if it kills IRGC more and more, IDF people will have to start dying soon. Thats why they are so paranoid on the border with hezbollah now,because they know payback is probably around the corner..
According to Wikipedia Iran has sustained the following casualties in the Syrian conflict.

Iran: 558 [28]
Liwa Fatemiyoun:
2,000+ killed
8,000+ wounded[29]
Lebanese Hezbollah 1,800+ fighters killed[30]
Iraqi Shia Militia:
1,308+ militiamen killed[31]

Keep in mind, the very first source you click on (28) takes you to "The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington" and the article is called "Fractured Iraqi Shia militias in Syria"

The second (29) is ANF news, a pro PKK/YPG/SDF outlet

The third (30) is the Jerusalem post

The fourth (31) is from the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, some guy sitting in an apartment in London with Mi6 protection, probably James Bond himself watching over him.

Judging by the fact that most of these sources are extremely biased and prejudiced against Iran, I would say that it's very unlikely that the casualties could be higher than what you see here.

There's a good chance that the real casualty count is much lower although it should also be noted that most these numbers are from 2018. Regardless Iranian involvement seems to have slowed down significantly since the US sanctions were re-imposed in 2018 and since the situation for Assad has stabilized in recent years.

Therefore even if we were to assume that the numbers above are actually accurate then it's unlikely that they have fluctuated very much since 2018.

No lie detected. I hate to say this but i will say this again- I am very sure that the SYrian conflict and Yemen conflict are Iran's "preferred" type of warfare. Syria has been hard for Iran,but Yemen was like the typical type of warfare Iran loves- Big stakes, Top enemies available to be hit, cheap investment, low risk of backfire....it was too good to ignore. Iran has always dreamed about being at Israel's doorstep. I am 100% sure Iranian is not leaving Syria anymore. As a matter of fact, this might be Iran's BIGGEST expeditionary investment ever. Its not hard to understand why Iran hasnt left Syria though - the investment has been huge, and its an opportunity Iran didnt envision having this fast- A direct Iranian governmental face-to-face with Israel. This supports Iranian goal of push for Quds. These are just my observations by the way. I'm not supporting Israel, or Iran, or US or Canada or even India. I dont give a fuk who did what for who at the end of the day, my IQ isnt that low to waste my energy on that.

GOod points. To top it off, Israel doesnt hit IRGC personnel most of the time. Even when ISrael did, they probably killed 10s of IRGC personnel MAX. Just like the Turks who say Assad killed a millions "SUnnis in Idlib" cant show us stats to support this, the people who said Iran lost "100s" of soldiers, well that is possible, but at most, its low 100s, MAX. Israel knows that if it kills IRGC more and more, IDF people will have to start dying soon. Thats why they are so paranoid on the border with hezbollah now,because they know payback is probably around the corner..
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Iran to mass produce Saba helicopter: official

TEHRAN, Jun. 07 (MNA) – Second Brigadier General Afshin Khajeh Fard, head of Iran Aviation Industries Organization (IAIO), said that the Islamic Republic seeks to mass-produce Saba helicopter in 2020.

He made the remarks on Sunday, noting that Iran Aviation Industries is making great progress by relying on its experts and the capacity of the Armed Forces and the knowledge-based companies.

“Iran’s Helicopter Support and Renovation Company is capable to upgrade and equip all helicopters of the Armed Forces along with those utilized for firefighting and rescue operations with advance systems,” he emphasized.

He further noted that due to taking necessary measures, manufacturing spare parts for the helicopter fleet of the country currently takes less time.

Referring to the knowledge of Iranian experts on designing and upgrading aviation systems, he said, “Experts in the Iran Aviation Industries Organization are working around the clock to mass-produce Saba helicopter in the near future.”

FA/ FNA13990318000910

Iran to mass produce Saba helicopter: official

TEHRAN, Jun. 07 (MNA) – Second Brigadier General Afshin Khajeh Fard, head of Iran Aviation Industries Organization (IAIO), said that the Islamic Republic seeks to mass-produce Saba helicopter in 2020.

He made the remarks on Sunday, noting that Iran Aviation Industries is making great progress by relying on its experts and the capacity of the Armed Forces and the knowledge-based companies.

“Iran’s Helicopter Support and Renovation Company is capable to upgrade and equip all helicopters of the Armed Forces along with those utilized for firefighting and rescue operations with advance systems,” he emphasized.

He further noted that due to taking necessary measures, manufacturing spare parts for the helicopter fleet of the country currently takes less time.

Referring to the knowledge of Iranian experts on designing and upgrading aviation systems, he said, “Experts in the Iran Aviation Industries Organization are working around the clock to mass-produce Saba helicopter in the near future.”

FA/ FNA13990318000910

That's some great news. I think iran needs to improve its attacking and front line support capabilities by upgrading it's current helicopters and producing more lighter and heavier support helicopters.
He further noted that due to taking necessary measures, manufacturing spare parts for the helicopter fleet of the country currently takes less time.
i used to say Iran produces f-5 replicas to boost it's industrial sector, AF commander also said kowsar production line is better equipped than euro fighter production line and now this. obviously after establishing industries needed for aviation production, we will see more success.
IRGC ordering shaheed-285 production for PANHA, IRGC ordering fotrus from MoD now this. seems like we are producing our own turbo prop/shaft engines now. owj might be a weak engine for fighter jets but it will enable us to bake some bad *** engines for helicopter and transport planes/drones.
...a deal would go something like this. 60 x SU-27/30/35 variants are sent to Iran as soon as they're ready with technology transfers. Another 60-120 can be built in Iran, perhaps with 20 being built every year. Aside .... SU-27/30/34/35, Iran could also sign a deal for atleast 20-40 SU-57's. Some MIG-35s would also be a good option ...
It is not an insult friend, but in my view, U seem to be somehow naive.
Didn't you realize that the existence of Israel is not only due to the help of Western countries to the Jewish state, but mostly thanks to Russia, and China. I remember during the 90's and 2000's Israelis and US high responsibles rushing to Moscow to implore Russian leaders to not sell not only S-300, Pantsir, Mig-31, and SU-30 to Iran and Syria but they had been imploring Russian leaders to not equip Iran and Syria with just AK's ammunitions because Russia produces some of them able to penetrate any bulletproof, and Hummers. No use to talk you about ammunitions able to down AH-64, and F-16 like SA-14, SA-24, just as the redoubtable SSN-X-26 in order allow US fleets, to swagger along Iranian, and syrian coasts, and to allow US armored divisions to swagger across Iraqi, Lebanon, Palestinian 's streets. Do not forget that Russia, as China agreed, complied.

The deal U hopped is far to be obvious. Such technology's transfer means a political decision and a very hard choice for the Kremlin's leaders. If there were Brejnev, Kossygin, etc...It would not be a problem, but with this actual administration in Moscow, it would be doubtful.
If they go through this deal, what does it means? It means clearly the end of Israel. Neither IDF, nor US can sustain a such challenge. During Vietnam's war US lost more than 4.000 -fixed wings- aircraft, US's economy was at knees US were expelled out of Indochina, US's puppet regime called the government of South Vietnam disappeared and all against VPAF composed by Mig-21, Mig-17 and Mig-19, far to be the state of the art in that time. Moreover in that time, China provided North Vietnam's army, as FNL with bullets able to cripple any armored vehicles and helicopters. Hence US lost several thousands of helicopters.
Imagine the result now if Iran is equipped with these state of the arts Mig-35, SU-35? It does mean Russia and China will give up Israel, and West. In my view, it would be crazy.

I don't say a such deal is impossible, but in my views it would be doubtful. Nevertheless, North Korea can do it but has not yet the technology available at 100%. However, NK is fast progressing they are able to produce indigenous Mig-29 and its jet engines RD-33 around 80%. They are on the verge to succeed, once it will be done, undoubtedly Iran won't need absolutely Chinese or Russians' hardware.
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I said this once before and I am saying it again, iran shouldn't really import any aircrafts with the exception of very few heavy aircrafts in the class of the Su 35 to operate with the F 14s until iran has a heavy fighter ready for production.
What iran really needs to do and I think it has done some of the following is:
- To produce a turbofan version of the owj and upgrade all its F 5s to the kowsar standard and use the new engine with them.
- To design an engine in the class of the RD 33 and produce a medium fighter with the engine and mass produce it. Something in the class of the F 18 or the mig 29 with better range.
- Up scale its RD 33 design/use the knowledge to create a new engine, and also use any information it gets from the few heavy fighters it has bought to create the engine. Then it has to design and produce a heavy fighter aircraft.
- For support planes like tankers or AWACS, iran has shown it's own design of an airliner, it can convert that design for such use. Also for the engine, it can use one of the turbofan engines it has designed and convert them for the use on an airline aircraft.
Other than these additions, iran should also mass produce the bonanza and PC 7, as iran already has made local versions of them. These will be used for the turboprop training. And it can produce the Yasin for subsonic jet flight and the F 5 at the kowsar standard for supersonic training.
I said this once before and I am saying it again, iran shouldn't really import any aircrafts with the exception of very few heavy aircrafts in the class of the Su 35 to operate with the F 14s until iran has a heavy fighter ready for production.
What iran really needs to do and I think it has done some of the following is:
- To produce a turbofan version of the owj and upgrade all its F 5s to the kowsar standard and use the new engine with them.
- To design an engine in the class of the RD 33 and produce a medium fighter with the engine and mass produce it. Something in the class of the F 18 or the mig 29 with better range.
- Up scale its RD 33 design/use the knowledge to create a new engine, and also use any information it gets from the few heavy fighters it has bought to create the engine. Then it has to design and produce a heavy fighter aircraft.
- For support planes like tankers or AWACS, iran has shown it's own design of an airliner, it can convert that design for such use. Also for the engine, it can use one of the turbofan engines it has designed and convert them for the use on an airline aircraft.
Other than these additions, iran should also mass produce the bonanza and PC 7, as iran already has made local versions of them. These will be used for the turboprop training. And it can produce the Yasin for subsonic jet flight and the F 5 at the kowsar standard for supersonic training.

Even if Iran had blueprint for RD-33, it still couldn’t replicate it.

US, Russia, and in a distant 3rd China can mass produce fighter jet engines in varying classes (light to heavy). Other countries have the capability such as European countries who personally opt to rely on US engines due to cost of production lines.

It’s almost impossible to find a foreign jet aboard made in a country that is not US/Russia/China that does not USE PARTS from one of those countries above in their engines. Pakistan uses Chinese parts, European/Indian partners use US parts.

So for Iran to build RD-33 and have every part be built in Iran (not 70% not 90% but 100%) will be very very challenging.

It can be done if Iran is willing to throw billions at it and gets a ToT boost to kickstart its industry. After all Iran was caught trying to steal F-35 jet engine blueprints. It wouldn’t risk espionage of that sort if it didn’t have a plan to use it domestically.

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