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Do you think if you use your "FATEH" missiles they will not use their forces. Think again if you have fateh then their armed forces will do nothing?? And you should know that UAE have alot of USAF movements in their airbases

And Also Iran cannot go to war with only UAE it will be with USA and all the gulf allies

By the time the UAE figures out what's going on and attempts to react their Air Force will be long gone! It will take Iranian missiles 5-10 minutes to reach most targets in the UAE so no they won't have time to react

And how the UAE or the U.S. or Saudi Arabia choose to respond will by the most part depend on how large, potent and effective Iran's original attack was, what Iran's target parameters were and what Iran would accept to discontinue the attacks and what they perceive Iran's capabilities to be in going after Saudi, U.S. & other UAE targets... if the were to respond

Will the U.S. risk a greater war with Iran over the UAE and risk Iran shutting down the Persian Gulf, dropping missiles on all US bases and stopping 1/4 of worlds Oil output! Oil that is mainly traded in US currency and a US economy that's already $22 Trillion USD in debt! All over the UAE?
Will the Saudi's risk Iranian attacks on their Oil facilities and fresh water facilities in a country that's mainly dependent on Oil incomes? Oil revenue that is the main reason the Saudi Government has any allies to speak of because without it people really don't like the Al Saud family or Wahhabi ideology.....
Will the UAE risk not capitulating to Iranian demands and risk Iran widening it's target parameters to it's cities, ports, vital infrastructure & government officials & buildings....
By the time the UAE figures out what's going on and attempts to react their Air Force will be long gone! It will take Iranian missiles 5-10 minutes to reach most targets in the UAE so no they won't have time to react

And how the UAE or the U.S. or Saudi Arabia choose to respond will by the most part depend on how large, potent and effective Iran's original attack was, what Iran's target parameters were and what Iran would accept to discontinue the attacks and what they perceive Iran's capabilities to be in going after Saudi, U.S. & other UAE targets... if the were to respond

Will the U.S. risk a greater war with Iran over the UAE and risk Iran shutting down the Persian Gulf, dropping missiles on all US bases and stopping 1/4 of worlds Oil output! Oil that is mainly traded in US currency and a US economy that's already $22 Trillion USD in debt! All over the UAE?
Will the Saudi's risk Iranian attacks on their Oil facilities and fresh water facilities in a country that's mainly dependent on Oil incomes? Oil revenue that is the main reason the Saudi Government has any allies to speak of because without it people really don't like the Al Saud family or Wahhabi ideology.....
Will the UAE risk not capitulating to Iranian demands and risk Iran widening it's target parameters to it's cities, ports, vital infrastructure & government officials & buildings....
Do you think that you will do all this and they will stay quiet and do thing quietly then you're wrong. US will start a high war with you and the whole Gulf countries will gain sympathy of whole world. Iran is not safe of all sides. Afghanistan have most US military presence.

guys what would happen if one of our f-4 squadrons with this load take of and enter UAE?? however you should imagine we loaded them with yasin GPS guided glide bombs with 60 km range.
I hope they got the production costs sufficiently down. The low destructive power of such SDBs often require several to be fired. Excluding the collateral damage issue, I would favor a larger Yasin like ammunition. It has the benefit that counter measures to degrade its precision are meet with a larger kill radius.

The Balaban is hence hopefully not a imitation of U.S financially driven military industrial complex strategy. It makes sense as an UCAV weapon system, where payload or weapon bay size (S-171) is a important constrain.
Do you think that you will do all this and they will stay quiet and do thing quietly then you're wrong. US will start a high war with you and the whole Gulf countries will gain sympathy of whole world. Iran is not safe of all sides. Afghanistan have most US military presence.
That is why that is last option, Iran has deep territory and it is natural bunker literary... From military perspective (trust me I know what I'm talking about),Iran position is ideal,thanks to structure of P.Gulf they can keep any Navy way out of P.Gulf even from shore....keeping navy close in range of their AD,Air force and covered with shore batteries...There is good reason why if look any serious military ranking PGGC countries can't be find anywhere ...It is because fact that their almost all installation are in P.Gulf....and very vulnerable to first strike...that is literary colapse economically and military...Iran has assets that it can destroy all PGCC assets in first wave and than...yes. US would form allies to respond but they would need long time to redeploy assets in such situation and it is also time for Iran and we know Russia,China would not be neutral...Iran to accomplish this just have to react on time,US and alliance needed more 6 month to deploy force for Iraq war in 2003,because of short shore and no navy or any other assets, Saddam had no choice than to look this deployment but Iran is different animal.They will not wait till US deploy force... Now with new dynamic strategy US is able to deploy force faster but these are not large force...in Iran case, rapid deployment of one strike group mean nothing,even people should know that this strike group is on schedule for deployment in red sea from early April,also this amphibious ship,bombers..all regular deployment.. Bolton made PR of not so big event...they are deploying ONE patriot battery and every western news outlet write about...but they withdrew 4 battery just recently.. 4 to 1...I looked US deployment in region and they are maybe lowest in decades... To attack Iran US need so much fire power and troops that they would have to risk to be exposed elsewhere..First they will be alone,no one or few countries would accept to be part of that... Only direction for attack would be P.Gulf...Pakistan already said it will not be part of any attack on Iran,and all other countries around would refuse to allow usage of their land or airspace for attacks..some would allow probably emergency landing and some operations not directly related to attack but no one would make self target...Turkey,Iraq,Pakistan and I Believe even weak Afghanistan would reject...So Iran would have pretty deep cover from all sides which leave P.Gulf,Oman sea ,Indian ocean and PGCC countries as battlefield, it is dream for any strategist, who ever don't believe me,ask any western expert...it is public secret in Pentagon ,but no one want tell it laud,that US could do nothing if Iran close straight, it doesn't even have to close it...if it attack PGCC oil installation their 90% oil production is done...straight closed for everyone except Iran..This is hypothetical... This would be option only in war but people don't understand how PGCC and US bases are vulnerable... Israel is far and they would dare to join or attack alone only in 2 cases,if they find themselfs without other choice or if they are sure they could take out most Iranian assets in surprise attack...everything else for them mean they are gone,now they are exposed like ever...Israel have 3 fronts opened where 2 fronts are connected with Iran by land ,that is why they want to force US to attack Iran,at first sign of Iranian weakness in that hypothetical war,they would attack Lebanon and maybe Syria also..Right now we have escalation but there is no big military build up ..well Iran wouldn't wait that,since they are well positioned but deployment of large force would make Iran vulnerable also.This strike group is in red sea,if they decide attack this group will wait till at least 2 more arrive ...than they would start repositioned force in Iraq,Afghanistan ...to try to minimize losses and that moment would be very hard for Iran leaders...military advisers would tell them ,this is last moment if you want take them out without many loses...while you have to consider political implications of first strike...If would Iran take them all out in surprise attack it would give it time...because they don't have much assets around Iran,and considered many would be out because of attack...so they would need some time to redeploy enough force but after attack on PGCC,situation I predict where they would be alone would be completly different...since Iran,to maximize first strike impact and to even more disable response capability and space for US redeploy, would have to follow that attack with others..I don't like even to think about this situation because I don't see end..just escalation..lets hope it will never happen,but Iran leaders right now have to consider very hard choices, even military already have many different strategies for different situation, leaders are one who will select best in that time...military will advise,explain what in every of those mean..what they recommend..very hard choices for Supreme leader and government... But I'm still optimistic.Even idiots Bolton and Pompeo war hangers..they seems in panic last days even very limited movements are seen in Lebanon,Syria Iraq and also red sea...I think they completely wrongly interpreted Iranian patience and strategy to make divisions even larger between US and Europe..they probably thought Iran is impressed with force..this was motivated for them,but now Trump is very in hard position.. Documents pop ups where people see he is one of biggest losers in economy and not payed taxes for 8 years,he won on premises of been master negotiator and businessman.. Now both sunk...N.Korea fire missiles, even short range,media outlets challenge negotiation skills of someone who didn't negotiate anything. He just push same...that is why He said "I would like to see Iranians call me".. They even give phone number to SUI embassy.I think He prey god to receive that call...while Bolton ,Pompeo probably do opposite
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guys what would happen if one of our f-4 squadrons with this load take of and enter UAE?? however you should imagine we loaded them with yasin GPS guided glide bombs with 60 km range.

What would happen is this enters IRAN territory.
Simple answer is DESTRUCTION.
You should know its 4++ Generation Aircraft.Far more lethal and destructive from an American F16.

What would happen is this enters IRAN territory.
Simple answer is DESTRUCTION.
You should know its 4++ Generation Aircraft.Far more lethal and destructive from an American F16.

Iranians easily downed stealth UAV's never mind the likes of F-16. These planes won't get anywhere near Iran. Iran's air defence would swallow them with ease.
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Low IQ ape, Iranians easily down stealth UAV's never mind the likes of F-16. These planes won't get anywhere near Iran. Iran's air defence would swallow them with ease.
Im sorry but which "STEALTH UAV" ??
And I know that Air defences of IRAN are quite potent but these are the most lethal F16 also..

Low IQ ape, Iranians easily down stealth UAV's never mind the likes of F-16. These planes won't get anywhere near Iran. Iran's air defence would swallow them with ease.
What would your air defences do when there will a package consisting of RAFALES , F-16 ,MIRAGE 2000 with ERIEYE and A MRT TANKER??
Im sorry but which "STEALTH UAV" ??
And I know that Air defences of IRAN are quite potent but these are the most lethal F16 also..

RQ-170 was downed with ease and it is vastly more difficult to intercept compared to anything these Persian gulf arabs have. Also, Iran downed many other UAV's.

What would your air defences do when there will a package consisting of RAFALES , F-16 ,MIRAGE 2000 with ERIEYE and A MRT TANKER??

You're greatly overestimating the capability of the likes of UAE. Iran's airdefence has been designed to withstand an attack from the US, now tell me, do you seriously think UAE could penetrate it? Iran has many long range air defence systems that would make it extremely difficult for anyone to penetrate it's air defence. You'd have to greatly oversaturate the Iranian air defence, something which is far beyond the capability of the likes of UAE.

Also, don't forget the moment a conflict arises between Iran and these Gulf states, their airports will be decimated, rendering their airpower near useless in medium to long term.
RQ-170 was downed with ease and it is vastly more difficult to intercept compared to anything these Persian gulf arabs have.
No, it was not difficult.

Iran's airdefence has been designed to withstand an attack from the US,...
Currently, there are only three countries that have experienced -- not withstand -- attack from US airpower: Viet Nam, Yugoslavia, and Iraq. And none of their air defenses survived.
Im sorry but which "STEALTH UAV" ??
And I know that Air defences of IRAN are quite potent but these are the most lethal F16 also..

What would your air defences do when there will a package consisting of RAFALES , F-16 ,MIRAGE 2000 with ERIEYE and A MRT TANKER??

im sure one of them will get it


















Very difficult to know the effectiveness of some of these SAMS systems, but at least Iran is trying very hard. Lack of progress in this space, from Pakistan is rather shocking, esp in radar technology. Pakistan has some v.short range ground based systems and that is it. Nothing of any significance. Pakistan needs to take a leaf out of Irans books !!!

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