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Zero threat to F-35 or F-22.

F-5 is not an air superiority fighter and it’s light weight means it’s armament is not suited for air to air combat in current environment. A F-5 could potentially take on F-16 and then it depends on both pilots skills.

But that’s all speculation as F-22’s would be flying with all squadrons and would tear apart F-5’s before they even knew what hit them. Hence why I been saying that Iran needs an air superiority fighter.

The SU-27 if given full TOT by Russia would be a formidable threat and a plane Iran could build in the 100’s.

Now while an SU-27 in neutral terroritory would likely lose to an F-22, on Iranian soil it would have the benefit of Iranian AD systems to defend it and provide ongoing information/data.

This would make the job of the F-22 much harder as it would have to both defend from SU-27 and F-14 squadrons and AD systems.

If I was Iran I would do two things:

1) Completely saturate all cities, bases, key areas with radar coverage and AD systems. Order a large amount S-500 and Bavar-373 while also deploying short range and medium range systems against cruise missile attacks.

2) Have 300+ Air superiority fighters such as SU-27.

This would make any air invasion of Iran a living hell for anyone besides the US military. Also the US would have to accept significant losses in the air for any long sustained incursion.

Again how realistic it is to secure TOT of SU-27, I am not sure. It all depends on after the embargo how Russia reacts, which historically has not been favorable to iran.

Interesting analysis. Thanks for your insight.

On the last point, I think Iran had a bigger chance to get its hand on the SU-27 when the USSR fell than it does now. That was the time to go shopping :big_boss:
Frankly ! Sorry to say it but TheImmortal is the most stupid of this forum and does not control his subjects. Iran does not need S-400s or S-500s that are not yet active in Russia. Bavar 373 will soon be officially released and Iran is already working on Bavar 373 II.
Bavar 373 will surprise the world, you will see

I yet ask serious people here on the forum to make efforts to find clues on the famous F-4 super modified. Iran's strategy is the best with the allocated budget. improved day by day the aciennes plaformes to better arrive at the new platform that is already running .... There would be other recent modification on the Mig-29 but Iran seems to remain discreet on that ..

With the cocktail and saturation effect, the strategy of mountains and the strategy of tunnels, Iran is a colossal power and NATO planes will have a lot of trouble in Iran. Iran is working a lot on drones jamming signals and confusion as well. Iran is in the 4 major powers in the air defense system of the world. It's not the f-22 and f-35 that scare the Iranian army ..

Iran will announce big surprise that will make some people's mouths shut up here. Iran is more advanced than people think. Iran is the most experienced army of the modern era with an extraordinary strategic intelligence. The USA will never win against Iran!

And for the new, more powerful combat aircraft engine, you're all wrong. Let Iran surprise us:pop:
Frankly ! Sorry to say it but TheImmortal is the most stupid of this forum and does not control his subjects. Iran does not need S-400s or S-500s that are not yet active in Russia. Bavar 373 will soon be officially released and Iran is already working on Bavar 373 II.
Bavar 373 will surprise the world, you will see

I yet ask serious people here on the forum to make efforts to find clues on the famous F-4 super modified. Iran's strategy is the best with the allocated budget. improved day by day the aciennes plaformes to better arrive at the new platform that is already running .... There would be other recent modification on the Mig-29 but Iran seems to remain discreet on that ..

With the cocktail and saturation effect, the strategy of mountains and the strategy of tunnels, Iran is a colossal power and NATO planes will have a lot of trouble in Iran. Iran is working a lot on drones jamming signals and confusion as well. Iran is in the 4 major powers in the air defense system of the world. It's not the f-22 and f-35 that scare the Iranian army ..

Iran will announce big surprise that will make some people's mouths shut up here. Iran is more advanced than people think. Iran is the most experienced army of the modern era with an extraordinary strategic intelligence. The USA will never win against Iran!

And for the new, more powerful combat aircraft engine, you're all wrong. Let Iran surprise us:pop:
I don't know why but why you still bringing some subject about that F-4SM again? It's just modified F-4 with some modern avionics it will be make into flying shrapnel once US attack
and There is no such thing as B-373II let alone about original B-373 which is i already lost patient to wait for it's unveiling and i itill doubtful wether it exist or not you must be read some rumor or something but we must wait till the B-373 original unveiling which is probably needed about a year for it to be unveil
As far as the engine go...


The GE F34 engine is over 20 yrs old by the time we lost that RQ-170. So either that 'military official' exaggerated the technological significance of the aircraft in order to equally exaggerate Iranian's capabilities of 'hacking' or whatever else, or truly Iran's jet engine technology is really behind.
Well the question is does RQ-170 have the space for that engine ?
I doubt it . the engine I believe is something else .
by the way I believe nor Iran neither USA actually said what engine the UAV use.
Well the question is does RQ-170 have the space for that engine ?
I doubt it . the engine I believe is something else .
by the way I believe nor Iran neither USA actually said what engine the UAV use.
Look at this...



The core of a jet engine is much smaller than the fan structure diameter.

The top image is that of a civilian version of a jet engine.

The bottom image is that of a common military jet engine.

But as the man for size reference indicate, their cores are quite the same.

Even if the RQ-170's engine is not specified, there are no indicators that its engine is anything spectacular. Why bother to design a new engine when its mission requirements do not call for a new engine? Why not take an existing engine and modify it? We have more engines than we know what to do with them.

Am willing to go out on a limb and say that Iran did not learn from the RQ-170 -- technology wise -- as much as the Iranian government exaggerated.
Look at this...



The core of a jet engine is much smaller than the fan structure diameter.

The top image is that of a civilian version of a jet engine.

The bottom image is that of a common military jet engine.

But as the man for size reference indicate, their cores are quite the same.

Even if the RQ-170's engine is not specified, there are no indicators that its engine is anything spectacular. Why bother to design a new engine when its mission requirements do not call for a new engine? Why not take an existing engine and modify it? We have more engines than we know what to do with them.

Am willing to go out on a limb and say that Iran did not learn from the RQ-170 -- technology wise -- as much as the Iranian government exaggerated.
My question is for RQ-170 an engine with half power of TF-34 but more efficient is far more logical .
Well to be honest if it was me who designed the airplane I would have used something more in line of This one.

Its smaller , it weight half . it consume a lot less fuel and produce more than enough power for the UAV. And my guess is the maintenance would be a lot cheaper .
If I was Iran I would do two things:

1) Completely saturate all cities, bases, key areas with radar coverage and AD systems. Order a large amount S-500 and Bavar-373 while also deploying short range and medium range systems against cruise missile attacks.

2) Have 300+ Air superiority fighters such as SU-27.

This would make any air invasion of Iran a living hell for anyone besides the US military. Also the US would have to accept significant losses in the air for any long sustained incursion.

Again how realistic it is to secure TOT of SU-27, I am not sure. It all depends on after the embargo how Russia reacts, which historically has not been favorable to iran.
And you would still lose. When I got orders to deploy to Desert Storm, all we knew was that a radar gap would be available for the main air force. How that gap created was -- 'classified'. It was only after the collapse of Iraqi radar net that we in the main air force found out the Army was the cause of the initial gap.

The point here is that we are not as static as you think we are. Iran's air defense is not Iraqi's, we know that. But US airpower today is also not the same as the airpower of Desert Storm. Right now, my (retired) generation would not want to go up against the crew of today. They are more flexible, precise, accurate, skilled, better trained, faster, and all factors combined -- more lethal. Today, the timing of Desert Storm would not happened. They would have planned it differently with the better tools and intelligence gathering methods of today. It would have required less ordnance but still achieved the same results.

How US airpower of today plan for Iran is anybody's guess, but the outcome would be the same as Iraq's of Desert Storm.
The RQ-170 engine is the world first known electrofan engine.

The core, the turbine engine was almost certainly something existing but the whole system, the electrofan is something new and it's capture by Iran not easy to digest.

Endurance, heat signature and altitude are significantly increased by this technology (for subsonic platforms).

As General Hajizadeh said: It is 35 ahead of what Iran had back then (the highest tech. being the RD-33).
Lets think outside of the box for a second...
- Who is the enemy:

1- if you are talking about US and USAF then no matter how good an aircraft and how many Iran has in her inventory US will achieve to own the sky . The only question is what is the cost to them...increase the cost and they think twice about it.. what is the optimum strategy to increase the cost....answer AD.

2- If the enemy is Saudi or any one of these baboon wahhabis air forces then.... relax..they may defect while flying towards Iran..or drop their bombs and declare the mission accomplished.

3- If the enemy is Israel..They may mange to penetrate with some success and drop few bombs and missiles but they know the price they have to pay for doing that comes in other forms and from other places...so they think twice also.

Do this analysis and you know the issue of AF upgrade is not life and death issue for Iran ....critical but not not so critical..so buy some good foreign aircraft if they sell them to you but keep the bulk of your funds for : Indigenous development via R&D and infrastructure build up.
And you would still lose. When I got orders to deploy to Desert Storm, all we knew was that a radar gap would be available for the main air force. How that gap created was -- 'classified'. It was only after the collapse of Iraqi radar net that we in the main air force found out the Army was the cause of the initial gap.

The point here is that we are not as static as you think we are. Iran's air defense is not Iraqi's, we know that. But US airpower today is also not the same as the airpower of Desert Storm. Right now, my (retired) generation would not want to go up against the crew of today. They are more flexible, precise, accurate, skilled, better trained, faster, and all factors combined -- more lethal. Today, the timing of Desert Storm would not happened. They would have planned it differently with the better tools and intelligence gathering methods of today. It would have required less ordnance but still achieved the same results.

How US airpower of today plan for Iran is anybody's guess, but the outcome would be the same as Iraq's of Desert Storm.

How many of your friends died for Israel? Lmao
The RQ-170 engine is the world first known electrofan engine.

The core, the turbine engine was almost certainly something existing but the whole system, the electrofan is something new and it's capture by Iran not easy to digest.

Endurance, heat signature and altitude are significantly increased by this technology (for subsonic platforms).

As General Hajizadeh said: It is 35 ahead of what Iran had back then (the highest tech. being the RD-33).
how they create heat in engines core?? hydrogen??

Interesting analysis. Thanks for your insight.

On the last point, I think Iran had a bigger chance to get its hand on the SU-27 when the USSR fell than it does now. That was the time to go shopping :big_boss:
they offered us mig-29 and mig-23 otherwise we wanted the su-27, the mig-31 and tu-22 alongside with su-27 offer is fairy tale. all the russian/soviet tech we get are from ex-soviet countries not the russia and they are not happy about it, recently they sell out our military attache in ukraine that was trying to buy and smuggle a kh-31 missile.

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At the end of the day the physics of the airframe dictate that has similar performance to its F-5 predecessor, but obviously improved in technological aspects that you mentioned.

Total Performance does not based on physics of the airframe alonly, there are some other factors.
The shape of Kowsar is similar to F5, but are you sure Kowsar`s wing span, fighter lenght, fighter weight and height, hydrolic system power, alloy of wings and fuseleg, surface of wing and stablizers`s movable part, thrust to weight ratio, fuel internal tanks volume,... all are similar?
And you would still lose. When I got orders to deploy to Desert Storm, all we knew was that a radar gap would be available for the main air force. How that gap created was -- 'classified'. It was only after the collapse of Iraqi radar net that we in the main air force found out the Army was the cause of the initial gap.

The point here is that we are not as static as you think we are. Iran's air defense is not Iraqi's, we know that. But US airpower today is also not the same as the airpower of Desert Storm. Right now, my (retired) generation would not want to go up against the crew of today. They are more flexible, precise, accurate, skilled, better trained, faster, and all factors combined -- more lethal. Today, the timing of Desert Storm would not happened. They would have planned it differently with the better tools and intelligence gathering methods of today. It would have required less ordnance but still achieved the same results.

How US airpower of today plan for Iran is anybody's guess, but the outcome would be the same as Iraq's of Desert Storm.
I hope you are 100% right, because this world has already changed.
how they create heat in engines core?? hydrogen??

Just a normal turbine with kerosene. Difference is that a much higher amount of the thrust is produced by the "cold" fan.
Electricfan offers this possibility, the hot core thrust is mixed with the high amount of cold fan thrust. The result is a reduced heat signature that made Americans think the RQ-170 could be survivable inside Irans (back then early) IADS.

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