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Although I think if we pour enough money and resource for this project we can hear good news soon.

Yes,but the key word here,as always is "IF".Because without the money and resources you probably arent going to get very far.Also the past history of the airforce when it comes to programmes like these has not been all that great,tho how much of that was due to a simple lack of resources versus a failure of project management is hard to say,but it is interesting to compare the airforces failed attempts to reactivate the su22 force with the irgcs successful reactivation program and the development of both pgms and a targeting pod for these aircraft as well.
Yes,but the key word here,as always is "IF".Because without the money and resources you probably arent going to get very far.Also the past history of the airforce when it comes to programmes like these has not been all that great,tho how much of that was due to a simple lack of resources versus a failure of project management is hard to say,but it is interesting to compare the airforces failed attempts to reactivate the su22 force with the irgcs successful reactivation program and the development of both pgms and a targeting pod for these aircraft as well.

Air Force is getting a major focus. Over the years we have been getting steady indications, now the latest news is Iran plans to acquire “next gen fighters”. This reiteration by iran’s establishment is key. They made similar claims about air defense 10 years ago and then rahbar ordered the separation of Iran’s Air defense into its own military wing.

All the way up to rahbar, it has become clear they are going to focus on airforce now.

I think it means some airforce projects have finally shown promise for Iran to move forward with them.

BTW a next gen airforce program is not cheap. Japan estimated that a 5th gen domestic fighter program would cost it 40 BILLION DOLLARS in r&d alone (not taking production into account).

Those costs are for a country like Japan that is highly advanced in electronics and engines. Furthermore, they would likely incorporate technologies and parts from other countries in order to keep r&d/production costs lower.

Unfortunately Iran doesn’t have that luxury and would likely have to build almost all the parts and technologies itself.

I think in next 15 years there will be some
important accomplishments for Iran for its Air Force.
Yes,but the key word here,as always is "IF".Because without the money and resources you probably arent going to get very far.Also the past history of the airforce when it comes to programmes like these has not been all that great,tho how much of that was due to a simple lack of resources versus a failure of project management is hard to say,but it is interesting to compare the airforces failed attempts to reactivate the su22 force with the irgcs successful reactivation program and the development of both pgms and a targeting pod for these aircraft as well.

supposition reactivation of the SU-22:
Triangulating spare parts
Syria Air Force after 8 years of war still uses its SU-22 (& SU-24 Mig-21, Mig-23, L-39 ) so to do so, get assistance for spare parts, from whom?
certainly from Russia, its ally in the war .

Who is another ally of Syria who came to the field with men and weapons? certainly Iran,

Iran in turn had in stock SU-22 planes that were not operational, as a thank you for Iranian aid, Syria today does not have much to send as a gift to Iran, but both countries use aircraft of Soviet origin and Syria has spare parts available.
So it is plausible that some of these spare parts arrived in the Iranian repair workshop where they were used to bring the SU-22s in flight conditions, aircraft further modernized by Iranian technicians who developed new systems.
Updates that could then be implemented also on the Syrian SU-22s.
The same situation could be activated for the IRIAF SU-24s.

note well, it's just my hypothesis
@AmirPatriot btw i read about World air forces 2018 and it says that Iran has about 24 F-14s and 20 MiG-29s and you claim about 40 F-14s so which one is more convincing?
This is probably the most retarded video about IRIAF vs USAF
What do you think?

Is he referring to turbine blades at 15:20 ?

Thanks to @yavar for video

If it was something hard to produce and the Air Force had already developed it then yes it would be Turbine blades..... but how much stress and what temperature your blades can handle.....

Take a look at Turbine inlet temperature for J-79(1750F) vs TF-30's(2100F) vs F-100(2500F) vs F110(2750) there is a gradual increase in turbine inlet temp so it's vital and it's something Iran's Air Force should have worked on and put considerable effort in improving in the past 20 years
This is probably the most retarded video about IRIAF vs USAF
What do you think?

It's an absurd comparison and even a more ridicules conclusion and as a response to such an absurd conclusion I would say their Air Force wasn't able to stop Iran from sinking various U.S. ships and killing over 20,000 U.S. solders in a matter of day's in their 2002 $1/4 Billion USD simulated war against Iran

And in 2002 Iran didn't have the Sub's it has today, Iran didn't have the UAV's & UCAV's it has today, or the Air Defense it has today, Iran's most accurate Ballistic Missile had a CEP of 150 meters at 150km vs today's 20 meters at 700km and Iran's yearly Ballistic Missile production rate today is greater than it's entire Iranian built BM stockpile in 2002, the longest ranged cruise missile Iran had in 2002 was the 450km Raad vs 1500km today and they are deployed in far greater numbers, the number of deployed Iranian sensors were a fraction of what they are today,.....

And since WW2 U.S. has not gone to war against a country capable of producing so many of it's own weapons so without a large scale use of Nuclear weapons the outcome of such a war can not be so easily predicted
This is probably the most retarded video about IRIAF vs USAF
What do you think?
Well in order to use their air force to bring war inside of Iran first they need to protect those AC and also all air bases they would use in the region ... it's not as easy as it portrays ... plus Iran BVR capabilities put Iranian fighter jet in a better position to engage with American fighter jet and as far as presence of Iran air defense system it won't be a piece of cake though I admire American air force and its birds capabilities ...


Is he referring to turbine blades at 15:20 ?

Thanks to @yavar for video
You know, I watched this video, I came away with 2 thoughts...first one is this video looks like a strategy meeting and it should not have been public. The second thought, the leader, is neither a diplomat nor a strategist. I hope no one really let's him dictate Iran's strategic direction because he's old and not very worldly. He should just be a spiritual leader like the Pope...not a governmental leader. I'm sorry I don't mean to offend my fellow countrymen but I just realized this just a nice likeable old man.
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You know, I watched this video, I came away with 2 thoughts...first one is this video looks like a strategy meeting and it should not have been public. The second thought, the leader, is neither a diplomat nor a strategist. I hope no one really let's him dictate Iran's strategic direction because he's old and not very worldly. He should just be a spiritual leader like the Pope...not a governmental leader. I'm sorry I don't offend my fellow countrymen but I just realized this just a nice likeable old man.

dear kastor ,Mr Khamenei might be old but he knows what he is doing :rolleyes: . other part that was about "turbine blades" and I checked the story timing it goes back to 1376-1384 (Mr khatami's minister 1997-2005 ) so nothing classified or extra ordinary . long before this clip MAPNA group and Air Force had this capability to produce turbine blades and they shown their products to us for me revealing timing was interesting.
You know, I watched this video, I came away with 2 thoughts...first one is this video looks like a strategy meeting and it should not have been public. The second thought, the leader, is neither a diplomat nor a strategist. I hope no one really let's him dictate Iran's strategic direction because he's old and not very worldly. He should just be a spiritual leader like the Pope...not a governmental leader. I'm sorry I don't offend my fellow countrymen but I just realized this just a nice likeable old man.
It was a private speech for government authorities, what he said are clear and constant policies (of IRI) or guide lines which he has stated publicly in the past, they don't publish the actual meetings and discussions.

Also if he don't publicize these frameworks, Reformists wouldn't hesitate to publish their own policies (which some times are 100% against his) as his orders to avoid taking responsibility.

He is spiritual leader, but the main policies are defined/approved by him, he is the reason that Iran wont get the fate of soviet union or Libya.

نظرسیاستمداران جهان درباره مقام معظم رهبری
It was a private speech for government authorities, what he said are clear and constant policies (of IRI) or guide lines which he has stated publicly in the past, they don't publish the actual meetings and discussions.

Also if he don't publicize these frameworks, Reformists wouldn't hesitate to publish their own policies (which some times are 100% against his) as his orders to avoid taking responsibility.

He is spiritual leader, but the main policies are defined/approved by him, he is the reason that Iran wont get the fate of soviet union or Libya.

نظرسیاستمداران جهان درباره مقام معظم رهبری
Well all I can say is put the koolaide down, This is a clergyman, educated in the ways of Islam. He's no Henry Kissinger, if he's setting the course for the country...we're screwed.
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