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Death to the corrupt mullah regime that has no shame and doesnt mind embaressing Iran and Iranians on the gobal stage on a daily basis.
Death to Lukashenko that has been make untermenschen slavic belarussian suffer in the street you must be payed troll by Lukashenko himself
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Death to Lukashenko that has been make untermenschen slavic belarussian suffer in the street you must be payed troll by Lukashenko himself

News alert, you're Slavic. Nice neo nazi flag you got there by the way, the irony is Poland was conquered by nazi with many poles slaughtered. Moron. The Slavic untermenschen were also credited for some of the largest contributions to science, mathematics, medicine, engineering and art. Almost every modern invention has its orgin from Slavs.
News alert, you're Slavic. Nice neo nazi flag you got there by the way, the irony is Poland was conquered by nazi with many poles slaughtered. Moron. The Slavic untermenschen were also credited for some of the largest contributions to science, mathematics, medicine, engineering and art. Almost every modern invention has its orgin from Slavs.
I'm not Slavic but Asians, i actually respect slavic people i say him untermenschen just because of he trolling at this forum ok
Yes F-4's and Su-24's are much better than F-5's!

In Kaman 99 operation Iran had to use over +40 F-5's flown from Dezful to just hit Al Nasiriyah Airbase in Iraq where by comparison 12 F-4 were doing the same job against other bases as +40 F-5's!

An F-5 in the best of conditions would be able to fly no more than 4 Mk.82's to a target 400km away where as an F-4 could carry 18 Mk.82 with far greater survivability

So no in an all out war F-5's or Kowsars or Saegheh or Q-313.... will be useless to Iran unless deployed in the 1000's and if deployed in the 1000's the fuel cost alone will bankrupt Iran's defense budget!
And for Iran to spend 100's of millions and decades of R&D and research to build a CAS fighter just to combat terrorist while the U.S. has been threatening us for the past 3 decades sound a bit absurd to me!

And as for boarder operation for the price of only 12 Kowsars (~$200 Million USD) placed at 3 current bases (4 Aircrafts per base) near Iran's eastern boarders Omediah, Dezful and Tabriz we could instead build 200 armed Sh-129's + pay the cost to building 50 small bases each equipped with an airstrip that's sufficient for the Sh-129 all across Iran's eastern boarder area.

So you see for the operations you have in mind where you don't really need 500lb bombs it would be cheaper and far more effective to maintain a fleet of 200 Sh-129's with 50 of them in the Air 24/7 365 days a year housed at 50 small Airstrips within 100km of Iran's eastern boarders
And that's not including the cost of the maintenance, fuel, spare parts, training, housing, arming..... for you CAS Kowsars

And the only reason you wouldn't put a refueling pod on the Kowsar in a country the size of Iran with the Air Force that it has would ONLY be because the engines or other parts of the aircraft wouldn't be able to handle the extended flight hours to a point where it would be worth the cost.

As for the F-5's ability to run yes the main brilliance behind the platform is it's ability to run at almost Mach 1 (Mach 0.98) without the use of it's afterburners and other 3rd and 4th gen fighters would need to use large amounts of fuel and blast their afterburners to try to catch it which will limit their range!
But standard F-5E wouldn't know when to run due to a lack of sensor capability and without Air refueling pod blasting their afterburners after hitting a target 400km away would be as dangerous as getting intercepted.
And at the end of the day your fighter jet is only as good as the weapons is can carry and the F-5's limited payload capacity and range makes the Kowsar not worth the cost.
When it comes to the Air Force the best way to save money, increase capability & increase survivability is with force multipliers
With a smaller more capable force you can place them deeper inside your territory, you can build better more fortified bunkers for them, you can spend more money on more advanced Air Defense equipment per aircraft, you can spend more money on more advanced sensors per aircraft, you can have them ready to scramble at a moments notice, you can put a wider array of weapons systems on them,....

If it was up to me I would have forced the Air Force to shift it's focus towards trying to build a low RCS delta winged supersonic platform about the size of the Mirage IV because building even 2 of them per year to me would be far more valuable than producing 40 Kowsars a year!
Also building a larger version of the RQ-170 (At least 50% larger) should have also been a top priority for Iran's Air Force (Not just the IRGC)

I was looking at an F-5, F-4, F-14, Mig-29 in person today. Amongst many other aircraft. People still don't seem to get it. Both F-4 and F-14, etc are far superior to the F-5 but very complicated to copy and obviously more expensive. the F-5 will never have an advantage in radar, payload or range over any of its competitors. It takes less F-4s to do the job of more F-5s. Range, payload, radar and survivability is all inferior in the F-5. Its a very simple and cheap aircraft, much easier to copy but not as effective.
For Iran powerplant is actually the easy part compared to a viable Airframe! At worst you can import them.... Iran's obsession with the F-5 is strictly due to Ti and raw martial requirements

I think nano-composite could do the job and we are good at it or at least with little investment and efforts we could fill the gap...

F-35 Features Nanocomposite Structures
There are rumors that the Kowsar fighter jet was not ready in time and instead to save face, the avionics were put into the F-5.

As everyone knows Kowsar is a trainer jet with a somewhat unique design not a full fledged F-5.

Iran should have merely announced the “avionics package” and gave it a name and then say it can be applied to F-4, F-5, etc.

Physically the F-5 hasn’t changed at all. The two seat, 1 seat configuration has existed on other projects as well.

A few months after the 1st Kowsar jet trainer came out Iran had announced that it was coming out with a new platform by that name aside from the Kowsar trainer they had already shown!!! Also the very 1st day Iran announced the testing of a new fighter jet Iran's defense minister made it clear that it wasn't going to be the Kowsar Jet trainer.

Unlike most fighter jets the F-5 Airframe uses cheaper raw materials (Aluminum Ti Composites) that Iranian aluminum companies were able to manufacture using relatively small amounts of imported Titanium.... Also, unlike most fighter jets building the various parts of the Airframe do NOT require massive presses and massive vacuum ovens so building F-5 Airframes has been within Iran's capabilities for well over a decade now! So I would say the people that keep on doubting it are delusional!

As for the Kowsar trainer, the fact is it didn't make any sense for a trainer to be equipped with multiple MFD's and advanced avionics when your pilots were going to get into fighters that didn't have them after training so the fact that they plan on training pilots with them only makes sense if you plan on or have already upgrading the cockpits of other fighters as well....

A fighter pilots needs to be trained on and has to know exactly where each button on his aircraft is, 1st with his eyes closed before he ever takes off on that aircraft then with his eyes closed while pulling G's in a sim.... So you don't train pilots on advanced trainers that have their own digitalized mapping and then stick them into more expensive aircraft that don't!
I was looking at an F-5, F-4, F-14, Mig-29 in person today. Amongst many other aircraft. People still don't seem to get it. Both F-4 and F-14, etc are far superior to the F-5 but very complicated to copy and obviously more expensive. the F-5 will never have an advantage in radar, payload or range over any of its competitors. It takes less F-4s to do the job of more F-5s. Range, payload, radar and survivability is all inferior in the F-5. Its a very simple and cheap aircraft, much easier to copy but not as effective.

F-5's most of all are great advanced trainers and aside from that they are good for providing Air Support in and around your own border and coastal areas where you can provide cover for them and they are also good cheap platform for R&D purposes but most of all they are an Aircraft you would mostly use during peace time mostly for training pilots and they would have little use in an all out war even against Saudi Arabia let alone the U.S.! And even for standard peace time operation Iran would not need any more than ~60 CAS fighter + ~24 Advanced twin seat Supersonic Trainers and since Iran already has more than that many CAS fighter & Trainers it is utterly absurd for Iran to continue to invest in them.
But most of all it is absolute stupidity for Iran to waist it's human resources towards the development of any CAS fighter whether it be the Q-313 or the Saegheh or Shafaq or Kowsar or any other Close Air Support fighter!

But the development of the advanced 4th generation Avionics package shown on the Kowsar project would be a necessary step towards the development of a more capable Iranian fighter in the future

اقایون ایا این جنگنده بال متحرک اف 14 هست؟
I think nano-composite could do the job and we are good at it or at least with little investment and efforts we could fill the gap...

F-35 Features Nanocomposite Structures

Without the ability to build a large single peace Titanium bulkhead Iran's ability to produce a viable fighter jet with sufficient thrust, range & payload capacity and will remain in doubt!

F-35 7085 bulkhead

F-15 Ti bulkhead before and after press

And once you develop the capability to make large Ti blocks and the tools like massive vacuumed ovens presses needed to build the bulkheads then Ti Wing tips and other Ti parts shouldn't be a problem

FYI building the F-35 wings also require massive vacuum ovens

And due to Sanctions NO one will EVER sell Iran massive Ti or high grade aluminum composite blocks at an affordable price due to sanctions so 1st of all to produce a viable fighter a Ti industry would be a requirement!

Iran could potentially make large Magnesium alloy blocks and cover them with Nano coating and layers of composites to build a bulkhead but we would still need large vacuumed oven presses to build the bulkheads

Also having an internal weapons bay will reduce the requirement on the wings payload capacity.

But none of these are a necessity for an R&D program to build your 1st working prototype!

For now the main problem Iran currently has is a lack of will to build a more capable fighter prototype!
And an absolute miscalculation as to what Iranian fighter program should look like and what type of fighter program Iran needs to put it's human resources towards building!

In the past 2 decades every fighter program Iran has put Human Resources towards has been a Light Close Air support fighter from the Shafaq(M-ATF), Azarakhsh, Simorgh, Saegheh,Q-313, Kowsar, Bavar, FB-44...…
And without exception all of them are CAS fighter that would be useless in a country the size of Iran with the security concerns Iran has!
And when every fighter program in the past 2 decades has been of a CAS fighter then clearly this is a leadership problem!

The French built the Mirage IV in 1960 which is a Mach 2.2 Platform with a combat radius of +1200km and ability to carry up to 16x 1000lb bombs with engines that were less powerful and less sophisticated than the J79's

So clearly this is NOT a matter of technology and if Iran wanted to and if they had spent a sufficient amount of time, human resources and money on it they could have easily built something far superior than the Mirage IV by now!
By the most part the F-4 Airframe is a poorly designed Airframe and using the J-79 engines Iran could easily build a superior Delta wing design that would be sufficient until Iran could come up with a turbofan replacement and in the future an Airframe that can handle higher G's....

The problem we have today is miscalculation made by our leadership!

A single Mirage IV could easily do the job of 8 F-5's against targets beyond +300km of Iranian soil so if 8 Iranian Kowsars end up costing us $132 Million USD ($16.5 Million per Aircraft) rather than building 8 of them you would be far better off building a larger Iranian supersonic fighter bomber about the size of the Mirage IV with Iranian upgraded version of the J-79 at a production cost of $132 Million USD per Aircraft.

This obsession with CAS fighters is a total miss calculation from Iran's leadership and it seems that they just can't comprehend that just because an Aircraft initial purchasing prices is cheaper and just because the aircraft's operation costs, maintenance cost and fuel cost by comparison is cheaper it doesn't necessarily mean the aircraft is cost effective!

And with force multipliers you can afford to spend more money per Aircraft on building better fortified bunkers, more money per aircraft on SAM & other defensive equipment, more money on ground decoys, more money on sensor and targeting equipment, you can easily have a larger portion of your fleet ready to scramble to protect them against incoming missiles, you can afford to put laser countermeasures on each aircraft and IRST and IR missiles to take out any threat that gets within visible range of your fighter you can deploy a larger number of longer range missiles to take out enemy SAM & runways to protect your aircraft and the list goes on an on!
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